How to Find Your Happiness According to Your Zodiac Sign

Good fortune in life can be indicated by our Fortuna sign. In traditional astrology, the method of calculating our Fortuna sign is by the intersecting lines of our three major placements in the natal chart: Sun, Moon, and Ascending Sign.

The term “Fortuna” refers to having success in the material world, and it is also associated with one's physical body and state of health. It can be an indication of a career or calling.

There is a connection between having good fortune and having success and prosperity. Both their sign and their house position are indicators of innate abilities and talents.

These days, every one of us could use a little bit of luck in our lives because we live life so fast. If we had any luck, we'd move through life at a slower pace.

When we have good fortune, we naturally experience joy, and time passes more slowly because we make the most of each and every moment of our lives.

When you think about happiness, don't just think about winning the lottery or being lucky in love. Instead, think about the luck that you have been blessed with and the great qualities that you have, such as being healthy, having good friends, and so on.

You can't just stay in your house and wait for happiness to come to you; you have to take action and go looking for it, because it's not going to appear out of thin air.

There is an astrological point in each of our natal charts that can help us discover where our happiness lies, and astrology can help us find that point so that we can be happy.

Because it takes into account whether you have a day or night horoscope, determining our Fortuna sign can be a very difficult and time-consuming process.

There are probably free calculators available on the internet that you can use. It is very likely to be different from your Sun, Moon, and Ascending sign.

Fortuna is at the same distance from the Ascendant as the Moon is from the Sun. For instance, in a natal chart, if the Sun is in conjunction with the Moon, Fortuna is near the Ascendant.

In a similar fashion, when the Sun and Moon are in opposition in the natal chart, then Fortuna is near the Descendant (opposite the Ascendant).

I want to wish you the best of luck and encourage you to follow your lucky star. However, rather than waiting for someone else, I encourage you to take control of your own destiny:




Aries 5

Your level of happiness is directly proportional to your capacity to express your uniqueness and your willingness to explore the unknown.

You have quick reflexes and your keen wit helps you present yourself with a certain charm. You should put yourself out there for opportunities that will allow you to sell your image.

However, before you do so, you should pause for a moment and ask yourself if doing so is really a smart idea.




Taurus 5

You have been given the gift of sharp senses, and your level of happiness will only rise as you sharpen these skills.

Focus on being able to tell the difference between quality and quantity, for instance by reading a book that teaches you to distinguish crystals and other natural materials by sight. Then you could start a shop where you sell crystals.




Gemini 5

You have been blessed with the gift of oratory. You should really thank the universe for this gift. In order to broaden your vocabulary, you should become familiar with new words and terminology.

Your inquisitiveness will lead you to experiences that are worth sharing with others and passing on to further generations. Just make sure that you don't get bogged down in too many different projects.

The energy of Gemini excels at initiating new endeavors but struggles to see them come to fruition.




Cancer 5

You have a strong intuitive capacity. When you put your faith in your instincts, good fortune will find you. You have the ability to analyze and understand other people's feelings thanks to your Fortuna sign being Cancer.

Being a “feeling person” is incredible but not always easy. You're probably good at the kitchen too.




Leo 5

Your radiance is, of course, the key to your happiness. Your innate creative capacity as well as your capacity to push yourself should be commended.

If you choose to make use of your gifts, you have the potential to become someone with a phenomenal presence.

You will also discover that the discipline and consistency you bring to your work will make it speak for itself.




Virgo 5

You have a natural ability to help those who are in need. You have saved the day on more than one occasion, making you something of a superhero.

Those who aren't the same Fortuna sign as you will find your ability remarkable. However, the only way for you to truly shine through and for doors of opportunity to open for you is by helping others.

Get involved in the community by becoming a volunteer; your efforts will be greatly appreciated.




Libra 5

Your talent is to put people at ease and restore the sense of calm and composure that had been missing in their lives. If your Fortuna sign falls under Libra, you are likely to inspire others to think positively of you.

It is to your advantage that you were blessed with a certain beauty. The way you present yourself visually makes it simple for those around you to feel at ease. You're attractive by nature.




Scorpio 5

You have a gift for putting other people at ease, just like Libra does. The distinction lies in the fact that your energy is intimidating and powerful.

The comfort you give people enables them to open up to you and makes you a keeper of secrets. Don't take it personally when people start acting in a strange or awkward manner, it's because they just trusted you with their deepest secret.




Sagittarius 5

Something about traveling makes you a genius. You have the ability to pick up new information very quickly, which puts you in an extremely advantageous position when it comes to teaching others.

Keep an open mind and don't be afraid to try something new; your spirit will grow stronger as a result of the adventures you experience.




Capricorn 5

You have the potential to become an entrepreneur or a manager. Your strong potential to achieve goals, if you are willing to make an effort to do so, is why your Fortuna sign is Capricorn.

You are not one of those people who work tirelessly for their objectives but are unable to bring them to fruition, you definitely make your dreams come true.

You have an advantage in pursuing success. Consistency, hard work, and discipline are your best qualities.




Aquarius 5

You are a natural innovator. You are gifted with the ability to see the world in both its current and potential states. You are a natural inventor and influencer.

It will be very easy for you to stay ahead of the curve once you have found your social circle and been exposed to a sufficient amount of information.




Pisces 5

You have been bestowed with the gift of being able to understand difficult emotions and challenging circumstances. This luck is amplified when you learn to prioritize; this is because you often take on more than you are capable of handling.

Put your efforts into something creative and artistic, and see what kind of results you get. Don't shy away from your ideas, even if it seems too fancy or magical.


How to Find Your Happiness According to Your Zodiac Sign Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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