How to Know if He’s Cheating on You and Why According to His Zodiac Sign

Is he happy enough? Will he cheat on me? How loyal is he? Is he with another woman? According to the zodiac sign of your significant other, this list will answer all of your questions.

However, you should know that if your partner is cheating on you, it is always best to confront him about it rather than overthink the situation.

Read on to find out whether he's likely to cheat and why, according to astrology:




Aries 5

Aries' nature is impulsive and unpredictable. If your Aries partner all of a sudden decides that they no longer want to engage in quick or unplanned sex, you have every reason to question his commitment and loyalty.

It is extremely unlikely that an Aries man will pass up the opportunity to make the most of a spontaneous situation.

Why is he cheating?

Men born under Aries crave excitement in their lives. If you aren't that excited and ready to move, he will definitely leave you behind and find that excitement elsewhere. This is the main reason he cheats.




Taurus 5

When he tries too hard to make sure his stories are believable, you will know that Taurus is up to no good.

If he starts making excuses for things that you don't even ask him to do, it's a sign that he's hiding something from you — most likely another woman.

Even though they generally don't cheat, Taurus men tend to offer a surprise or two.

Why is he cheating?

Taurus men are known for their incredible loyalty, but they can also be quite sensual. They can get lured into an affair solely for the sake of the excitement and the opportunity to try something new.




Gemini 5

Geminis will get paranoid about their phones. Try to pick up their phone and see how they react. It'll let you know if they have something going on.

You don't even have to take his phone, just ask him for it and you'll see that he won't accept at first. 

Only later after he's made sure everything is safe will he come back to you and let you check his phone. However, the text messages and contact history will have been deleted.

Why is he cheating?

If a Gemini man is cheating on you, it is more likely that it's an emotional affair than a physical one. They are highly intelligent individuals who crave intellectual challenges.

This is the most common reason. Spend more time talking to your partner and show interest in the things he finds interesting so that he's less likely to do it.




Cancer 5

Cancers aren't known to be cheaters, but that doesn't mean they don't occasionally cheat on their partners.

They are almost always emotional, which means that if they aren't emotional, it's highly likely that they're being unfaithful.

Since Cancer is afraid of having an affair, if they break the law of love, it will make them nervous and very restless.

Showing your emotional side is not a problem. Therefore, you do not need to worry so long as he talks to you about his feelings.

Why is he cheating?

Most people who cheat do so primarily because they have very low self-esteem. Therefore, they search for approval in other places.

Usually, they find a romantic partner, and sneaking around with that person brings them a sense of self-worth and importance. Make sure he knows how important he is to you in order to reduce the likelihood of him cheating on you.




Leo 5

When it comes to cheating on partners, a Leo is pretty smart, but the truth behind these “adventures” will always come to light in the end.

If you're worried that your Leo partner is cheating on you, all you need to do is smell him when he comes home.

No, he won't smell like a woman because he's not that stupid. Instead, he will apply tons of cologne to hide his infidelity.

Why is he cheating?

Leo is all about excitement. If he isn't having that excitement in his relationship, he will definitely look for it elsewhere.

They are very sexual creatures, and if you can keep him intrigued and interested in the bedroom, he won't cheat for sure.




Virgo 5

Men born under Virgo are used to having relationships that are serene and beautiful, free from distractions, whether mental or emotional.

When the insecurities in his relationship begin to grow, he is more likely to let them go altogether rather than fight for them.

This is the perfect justification for having an affair. To prevent this from happening, try to do something nice for him. Virgo men love to be pampered.

Why is he cheating?

A Virgo cheats on you just to get more attention. If you want to keep your Virgo man, you're going to have to put in twice the effort.




Libra 5

Libra men like to have their friends and family around them. The only thing that will ever give you a reason to suspect that he is cheating on you is if he all of a sudden starts hanging out with people that you aren't familiar with.

This is very uncommon for them. The problem is that he spends more time with others, and the person he is cheating on you with probably belongs to that group.

A Libra man will never risk introducing you to people he doesn't want you to meet, lest you find out by accident.

Why is he cheating?

Libras are usually not the cheating type. They have a strong sense of commitment and loyalty. However, they enjoy socializing and making new acquaintances.

It is impossible for him to cheat on you unless he takes his flirting a step too far.




Scorpio 5

Similar to Libras, Scorpio men are very loyal. They will only cheat on you in the most extreme cases.

If he suddenly changes the passwords to all of his social media accounts and if he hides his phone from you, then you have reason to suspect that he is hiding something from you.

Why is he cheating?

Scorpios are almost always misunderstood. People have the mistaken belief that they are prone to cheating, even though this is not the case at all.

If a Scorpio were to cheat on you, the main reason would probably be you. Try changing your approach and things will change for the better.




Sagittarius 5

If he no longer wants to be with you, a Sagittarius won't sugarcoat the situation or try to find an excuse.

If he thinks that another person is more attractive than you, you can be certain that he will tell you.

Maybe he won't tell you what he wants right away, but he'll definitely give you some hints, such as asking questions about your relationship and steering the conversation into “break up” mode.

Why is he cheating?

Controlling a Sagittarius man is almost impossible. You just can't calm his passionate personality. He loves traveling to distant places in search of exciting new experiences. He does the same with relationships.




Capricorn 5

There is a sign that you have to pay attention to if you want to know whether a Capricorn man is doing something wrong.

They usually buy things only when the occasion calls. But if your Capricorn man out of the blue starts buying you things, then you have a problem.

It is very shady when he randomly starts giving you romantic gifts so don't accept them without suspecting that he's cheating.

Why is he cheating?

Since Capricorns are very loyal to their traditions, cheating is almost never an option for them to consider. That is, unless you don't treat them with respect.

It is the only thing that could ever cause him to look elsewhere for love.




Aquarius 5

Honesty is a trait that Aquarians are known for. If they are cheating on you, they will definitely let you know sooner or later.

You do not have to worry about them lying, at least not after a certain amount of time has passed. You can recognize infidelity early, depending on how your Aquarius man acts around you.

If he over-mentions a person in a bad way, you should beware because there is most likely something fishy going on.

Why is he cheating?

Cheating is generally not something that Aquarians are interested in doing. Rather, it's likely that they neglect their partner because they are caught up in their intellectual new ideas.

Although this is usually the case, since Aquarians are so unpredictable, they can also be the cheating type.




Pisces 5

Most of the time, Pisces men are in their own fantasy world. They don't care so much about their appearance or how other people see them. You must have noticed that in your Pisces man.

However, they'll start behaving differently when they start cheating. Your usually “messy” Pisces man will suddenly start taking care of himself.

There's nothing to suspect if he simply started caring about his appearance a little bit more, but the abrupt change is suspicious as hell.

Why is he cheating?

Pisces men are looking for some magic in their lives. They aren't interested in anything mundane, only things that are dreamlike and one-of-a-kind.

Give him a little bit of extra love and attention if you don't want him to cheat on you.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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