Jupiter Retrograde 2022: An Extraordinary Period Begins for These 3 Zodiac Signs

From October 5, luck will be on the side of 3 zodiac signs. They are about to live good days. The retrograde of Jupiter and the Full Moon in Aries will be a boon for the natives of these astrological signs. They are starting a new chapter in their lives. 

Discover the 3 signs of the zodiac that will experience a positive period, starting October 5.

Sunny days await 3 zodiac signs from October 5th. Their projects will be facilitated, and they will be able to overcome any difficulty. The stars will endow them with positive energy, which will not leave them during this prosperous period.

The planetary movements are favorable to the natives of these 3 signs of the zodiac. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and success, stays in the sign of Aries until October 30.

This large planet in the solar system is associated with luck. Jupiter in Aries favors our personal accomplishments and encourages us to take action. The energy of Aries associated with that of Jupiter pushes us not to give up, and to go to the end of our desires.

The Full Moon of October 9 is also an opportunity to surpass yourself. This lunar phase is also the right time to give new impetus to your career, by setting up new projects.




Gemini 1

During the next few days, the affairs of Gemini will be facilitated. They will be able to unblock the projects that posed problems and will be able to consider all eventualities,  in order to better orchestrate their projects.

From October 5, the native of this sign will be able to widen his field of action and deploy his talents and skills. This dynamic that he will experience at work will do the greatest good to his finances.

A salary increase may be expected during this period. If they wish, this Air sign can even change jobs and find a more favorable environment for their development.

Moreover, Gemini is a dynamic sign by nature, which does not like the monotony and routine of work. New professional experiences stimulate them.

Recommended: October 9 Full Moon Holds Bad News For These Zodiac Signs.




Cancer 1

From October 5, the native of this sign could formalize a new project,  and achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Inspiration will be at its height during this period.

Cancer, creative by nature, will dare to think outside the box and amaze their colleagues with their ingenious and bright ideas. This Water sign will have the chance to have the necessary means to set up his projects which will be able to make him evolve in his work.

Positive energy will be there in the days to come. Cancer will be able to apply themselves to work with a lot of drive and enthusiasm. This renewal experienced by the native of this zodiac sign at work will allow them to come out of their shadow and reveal what they are capable of.




Leo 1

From October 5, Leo will have the opportunity to boost their career. To this end, they will be able to collaborate with an influential person, within the framework of a very ambitious professional project.

Thanks to their varied talents and their know-how, the native of this sign will be able to widen their field of action and get involved in various activities.  Leo will also be able to expand their professional network.

Their new relationships allow them to embark on a daring project.  During this period, the efforts of this Fire sign will be rewarded and recognized by the hierarchy.

Recommended: October 2022 Will Be Best For These 3 Zodiac Signs.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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