Leo Season 2023 Will Be Best for These 4 Zodiac Signs

The Leo season is an exciting time full of opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and romance. This season takes place in the middle of Summer when our hearts are filled with all the joy and pleasure we experience.

Even though Summer temperatures rise every year, this season brings back nostalgic memories of our childhood, offering us healing we didn't know we needed.

This Leo season is an action-packed one, and what we've seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. It begins on July 23, shortly after the start of Venus retrograde at 22 degrees Leo.

It invites us to deeply heal our relationships, as well as examine the foundations of our self-esteem and sense of security. There may be separations and repairs, as people seek to get closer as quickly as they ask for space.

While the mood can be contradictory sometimes, Leo season will motivate you to pick yourself up and reinvent yourself by the first of August.

You will receive the confidence, energy, and motivation you need to create the life you desire with Mars in Virgo forming a trine with Jupiter in Taurus.

In addition, Leo's solar alignment with Jupiter on August 6 will stimulate your desire to indulge in pleasures that you have neglected for too long.

You will have the opportunity to give and receive healing. The Sun in Leo trines Chiron in Aries, which is retrograde until August 16. This will allow you to understand your insecurities and use your experiences to help others.

On August 15, there may be unexpected learning opportunities as a result of the Sun in Leo opposite Uranus in Taurus.

Have faith in Leo Season because shortly after that, the Sun will form a trine with the North Node in Aries, which will guide you towards liberation and self-realization.

On August 23, the Leo season will come to an end, just one day after Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde. This will leave some confusion, indicating that there are still answers to come.

Now we'll share with you the luckiest signs for this season, as well as what they can expect:




Gemini 1

Gemini will feel a boost of sociability during the Leo season, and they will be ready to connect with others. You will be energized with positive energy in your daily life with the Sun highlighting your third house of intimate relationships and communications.

However, because Venus is currently in retrograde in Leo, you will run into old friends. You may also feel more comfortable expressing yourself in situations where you previously had reservations.

Take advantage of this time to reflect on why certain friendships have not worked out for you. This will allow you to create a social circle that is more in tune with who you are.

With the Leo season, Chiron, and the North Node forming a trine in your eleventh house of networking, media, and social impact, you become a more influential voice for your generation.

Use your influence in a constructive way and make sure your opinion is heard in the areas that matter most to you.




Leo 1

The Leo season is characterized by elements that will encourage you to make a deep introspection. When Venus retrograde travels through your first house of self, it highlights aspects of your personality that have been ignored or suppressed.

It is an invitation to connect with your true essence, to ask yourself what has hindered your self-expression, and to free yourself from the other people's expectations.

This is the time to dive deep into your being, to reconnect with your authentic passions and desires, regardless of other people's expectations.

During this time, you might also experience turbulence in your professional life and in the image that you present to the world.

Your professional goals will likely undergo sudden and unexpected changes because of the opposition between the Sun in Leo, Jupiter, and Uranus in Taurus.

Now is the time to question the status quo and explore new paths that are in alignment with your true self. Don't let your fear of thinking outside the box prevent you from seizing opportunities for growth.

The trine formed between the Sun in Leo, Chiron in Aries and the North Node in Aries marks the beginning of a journey of personal discovery.

You're ready to venture into new experiences that expand your wisdom and give you a broader perspective on life.

This is a time for deep learning, healing old wounds, and letting go of self-imposed limitations. Your potential is limitless and you can continuously transform yourself.

Use this time to connect with your authentic self, welcome the changes that are heading in your direction, and allow yourself to become who you were always meant to be.




Sagittarius 1

The Leo season blows in a gust of excitement and new knowledge into your life. The Sun in Leo highlights your ninth house of learning and growing.

You are ready to embark on new adventures that will broaden your perspective and introduce you to new horizons. Imagine yourself as a geode, with treasures hidden inside waiting to be revealed.

Nevertheless, this transformation process will have some cracks. The oppositions that arise between the Sun in Leo, Jupiter, and Uranus in Taurus present some challenges that need to be overcome.

These aspects highlight certain deep-seated sensitivities that have hindered your ability to fully explore new territories and dare to try something different.

It is essential to understand these blockages and embrace the healing process. You can work on those inner obstacles that hold you back and prevent you from moving forward.

This Leo season provides you with the opportunity to break free of these limitations and realize your full potential. The Sun in Leo, Chiron in Aries, and the North Node also in Aries come together to form a trine aspect.

This leads you in the direction of artistic growth and the expression of your creative side. Now is the best time for you to explore your artistic abilities and follow your muse.

Also, don't forget to enjoy yourself! Let your playful side shine through and explore the world with an open mind.

Find ways to challenge yourself and expand your horizons, but don't forget to take care of yourself and respect your core values.




The Leo season will put emphasize your personal connections. With Venus retrograde in Leo in your seventh house of relationships, you will be forced to deal with past dynamics in your relationships.

Old flames, lifelong friends, or business partners may come back into your life. This can arouse strong feelings and bring up old disagreements that require your attention.

However, by working through these challenges, you will learn valuable lessons about yourself and others.

The Sun in Leo will oppose Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus during this time, which can result in complicated dynamics within your family or relationship.

Your family can be both an inspiration and a source of tension, serving to both remind you of where you came from and encourage you to continue growing as an individual.

There will be unexpected changes in your personal life, as you may have a desire to make room in your life for relationships that force you to step outside of your comfort zone.

Make the most of this opportunity to examine your connections and interactions. Identify the recurring patterns and emotional blocks that may be hindering your relationships.

By working on yourself and finding solutions to relationship problems, you can build a stronger foundation for future connections.

Don't be afraid to explore uncharted territory or open yourself up to new experiences. During the Leo season, you are encouraged to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and take calculated risks in order to build relationships that support your growth.

Remain open to unexpected changes and be ready to embrace the opportunities that come your way. This period of reflection and reconciliation in your relationships can help you reconnect with your most authentic essence and create more fulfilling bonds.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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