Mars In Leo 2023 Will Have A Big Impact On Your Zodiac Sign

The latter half of this month will be particularly eventful because of astrological shifts, one of which involves Mars, the bright and passionate planet.

Since your emotions are about to catch fire, you should probably do some research into how Mars in Leo will affect your zodiac sign.

If you thought the last Mars transit was exciting, wait until this one because you'll be satisfied. We cannot ignore the effects that were triggered by Mars' transit into this fire sign this year.

For instance, on May 20, when Mars enters courageous Leo, he will activate a grand cross between Pluto retrograde and Jupiter in Taurus, as well as the North and South Nodes of Destiny and Karma.

This tense aspect arises when each planet is in opposition to another and squares the other two, which results in stubborn energy among the four planets.

This aspect can be quite stressful. This extremely rare alignment not only results in the mixing and mingling of a variety of energies but also marks the start of a new journey.

Look at your birth chart and check which astrological houses belong to Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. More importantly, if you find yourself experiencing frustration and stagnation in these areas of your life, fight the urge to force an outcome.

Sometimes we have to give something some time before we can begin to understand it.


Mars in Leo

Mars is the planet that represents passion, carnality, assertiveness, and aggression. Whether you choose to believe it or not, it's the planet that drives us forward and keeps us motivated.

Mars is the source of inspiration in terms of both creativity and sexuality, but the sign that it is currently transiting is what determines the muse behind our inspiration.

This is a ferocious and ardent planet that is not afraid to go to war in order to get what it desires. After nearly two months in Cancer, a sign where Mars is said to be at its “fall,” the red planet regains its strength and willpower upon entering Leo.

Both Mars and Leo are associated with the element of fire, which stands for originality, extroversion, fertility, and passion.

Since Leo is also ruled by the Sun, it is safe to say that the combination of these two fiery signs cannot be contained.

Mars in Leo is a fearless and confident leader who also has the heart of a child. After the red planet enters Leo on May 20 (at 11:31 a.m. Eastern Time), it will either lose its cool or succumb to its deep pride.

As is often the case, the traits that a planet embodies, as determined by the zodiac sign through which it's transiting, will reflect our collective reality.

Keeping this in mind, Mars in Leo will present you with an opportunity to build courage and act in accordance with the desires of your heart.

Mars in Leo compels us to be unapologetically authentic to who we are, regardless of whether or not others are comfortable with us taking all of the attention for ourselves.

Use this transit to boost your main character energy. Read on to find out how Mars in Leo will affect your zodiac sign:




Aries 1

The fire within you is brighter than the Sun. You'll be the center of attention during this holiday season. This fiery transit will undoubtedly have a significant effect on your life because Mars is your ruling planet.

Now that Mars' journey through Cancer has finally come to an end, you can get back to doing what you do best. You are finally free to go your own way, even if you have been knee-deep in your emotions or dealing with awkward family matters.

It's never been a better time to put your happiness first, do the things that really excite you, and get in touch with your inner child.

And even though it sometimes seems like love is a battlefield, you've never been more eager to reclaim the throne and size what is rightfully yours.




Taurus 1

You have always had a soft spot in your heart for luxuries, but you feel like it's time for a change. After dealing with the emotional upheaval caused by Mars in Cancer, there is nothing wrong with making plans to spend some well-deserved alone time.

In fact, it is highly recommended. You have decided to take matters into your own hands as of the 20th of May, and you are going to do whatever it takes to establish personal boundaries.

It is important to avoid ego trips and power plays at all costs because doing so can lead to family drama. You are being supported and encouraged to take care of your living space as well as your personal matters.

Don't be afraid to take the initiative. Putting your feelings on display has never made you feel as good as it does now.




Gemini 1

Mars in Leo is going to assist you in rediscovering your voice and bringing out the brilliant wordsmith that lies within you.

During this fiery transit, you have the mental stamina and intellectual sass that you never knew you needed, and you are able to be comedic and expressive with your immediate exchanges.

It also happens to be the season of your birthday, so you have the Sun, Leo's ruling “planet”, in your name. When it comes to poetry, monologues, and/or creative brainstorming, you are unbeatable, so go show them who the boss is.

Although it's true that you tend to be petty and snarky when provoked, you should try to keep your claws to a minimum unless the person in question actually deserves it.




Cancer 1

You overcame the emotional ups and downs that were brought on by Mars in your sign and accomplished what you set out to do. That transit was exhausting.

After allowing all of your anger to be washed away by the tide, you find that you are refreshed, re-energized, and more confident than ever before.

If you have been exploring financial opportunities or simply brainstorming ways to capitalize on your creative talents, you have the skill and grit to cash in on your sunny prize.

Since you are feeling more daring than usual, especially when it comes to using your credit card, you need to be careful about making purchases.




Leo 1

You are pumped up and ready to move forward. You have just made it through one of the most taxing Mars transits in the annals of space travel history, so you certainly deserve this reward.

Mars' entry into your sign, on the other hand, is energizing and rejuvenating. Your regal presence is more than enough to make a show-stopping impression, whether it's a new health regimen or a night out dancing with your best friends.

You are the center of attention this year, and you are not ashamed to acknowledge it. It is hard to deny your main character energy.




Virgo 1

Now is the time to start inner work. You have never been one for extravagant spending or outrageous behavior, which is a good thing given that Mars is transiting through your private sector.

On the other hand, if you have recently prioritized the affairs of your community and social contributions, you are now taking a step back to check in with yourself.

Everything in your life behind the scenes is going smoothly. When it comes to creativity, you go with the stagecraft crew rather than the protagonist.

And even though you usually take into account the greater good of humanity, your compassion and empathy for those who are at a disadvantage are enhanced.

Make the most of this opportunity to get back in touch with your higher self and find closure for the chapters of your life story that are ending.




Libra 1

You are a sparkling socialite to the rest of the world, but if there was ever a time to proudly wear that title, it is now.

There is nothing wrong with mingling with others, especially when you are raising a glass with your associates.

It is recommended, however, that you focus on what you are good at and try to keep your equilibrium, as you are more likely to choose the path of least resistance in order to protect your reputation.

You are known for hosting cocktail parties and business networking events, but this is also a great opportunity to show off your Venusian charms and social skills.

On the flip side, you should steer clear of one-up men and petty gossip because both can quickly escalate and backfire.

Instead, cultivate relationships with other creative people. Your social media platforms will be active and engaging as well.




You were more likely to wander aimlessly and embark on emotionally driven quests while Mars was in Cancer; however, now that your traditional ruling planet is in Leo, it's presenting you with a confident game plan.

More importantly, despite the fact that it brings the heat to the most visible part of your chart, the red planet supports your desire to stay true to yourself.

During this passionate transit, your love-making will be your legacy, and the world will be unable to ignore your sheer dedication and enthusiasm.

Focus on accomplishing your goals rather than letting your pride get in the way of your success. You will be inspired and supported to take risks and make courageous moves.




Sagittarius 1

Sharing is caring, but you're sick of unhealthy power dynamics in your relationship. This is especially true after the recent transit of Mars through Cancer, which elicited a variety of emotions and passed through your house of intimacy.

You've finally faced the dark aspects of your energetic exchanges, and as a result, you're finally ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and love.

This is an excellent opportunity to either investigate opportunities in the media and in business or to do soul-searching.

You are more likely to approach religious and philosophical topics from a dogmatic standpoint, and while you are proud to express your worldviews, it is important to leave room for the bigger picture and universal truths.




Capricorn 1

After tending to the emotional dynamics of your relationships last season, this year you are deciding to take matters into your own hands.

After all, you are not only perseverant and pragmatic in your day-to-day life, but you also have the courage and discipline in your pursuit of spiritual growth.

And even though you're more in touch with your sensuality and strength than you ever have been, it's critical that you don't lose sight of your authentic self.

You're stronger and more in touch with your carnality than ever, but it's important to keep your authentic expression in mind because your arrogance and unquenchable need for assertiveness could easily turn toxic.

Despite the death of the ego, the Sun will always rise again tomorrow.




It doesn't have to be at the altar, but you will go to any length in order to make it official. You are very inspired when entertaining the idea of taking your personal/professional relationships to the next level; however, there is a catch.

Even if you have the confidence and the guts to meet a significant other halfway, do not lose sight of the goals and expectations that your partner has for the relationship as a whole.

Otherwise, your determination and strength might come off as aggressive, or even worse, as arrogant and self-centered.

There has never been a better time to clap back and clear the air with someone who may have questioned your greatness.




Mars's recent transit through Cancer supported your artistic endeavors and provided you with some flexibility to enjoy recreational activities, but now it's time to get back to business.

The red planet is igniting your most productive sector, so your days are jam-packed with exciting activities… You are confident that you will complete all of your assignments and check things off of your list.

With this dynamic transit, you, your health, and your levels of productivity are all thriving; however, you must not lose sight of your goals.

Instead of biting off more than you can chew, it is far more important to make sure that you are honoring the limits you have set for yourself and the responsibilities you have.

Allow yourself grace as your authenticity reigns supreme.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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