Mars Retrograde 2022 Might Be Challenging for 3 Zodiac Signs

The next few months will be difficult for the natives of 3 zodiac signs. The arrival of autumn will be a bad omen for them, and for good reason, Saturn retrogrades in the sign of Aquarius until October 23, and Mars retrogrades from October 30 until January 12, 2023, in the sign of Gemini. 

The energy of this planetary transit will cause these zodiac signs to question their plans. They could even experience professional setbacks and disappointments. Discover the 3 zodiac signs that could have bad news by the end of 2022.

Saturn continues its retrograde in the sign of Aquarius until October 23. This planetary movement will not be without consequences for the signs of the zodiac. It will negatively impact the professional life of the natives of 3 zodiac signs.

In addition to this, the planet Mars retrogrades in Gemini from October 30 until January 12, 2023. These 3 astrological signs are likely to end the year 2022 with difficulty, because of the problems and difficulties they may encounter at work.

The retrogradation of a planet does not happen without effects on the astrological signs. Some zodiac signs may feel the effects of retrograde more than others.

Saturn began its retrograde on June 4 and will continue its movement until October 23, in the sign of Aquarius. This second largest planet in the solar system will push the natives of these 3 zodiac signs to question their projects and review their solidity.

They might find loopholes or run into problems that are slowing down their business. Added to this is the retrograde of the planet Mars in the sign of Gemini, which will begin on October 30 and end on January 12, 2023.

This planetary movement will impact the productivity of these zodiac signs. In effect, they will feel more tired than usual and find it difficult to stay focused. They therefore risk not finishing their projects, and abandoning everything, because they will feel overwhelmed by the difficulties they will encounter.




The native of this sign will experience the retrograde of Saturn badly. Their emotions will be heightened and they will find it difficult  to stay focused on their work. This sensitive sign by nature might also encounter obstacles when working on their projects.

They will then have  to arm themselves with patience, to find a way out of his difficulties. This Water sign could also experience losses that will upset his balance,  and push him to redo his accounts.

Cancer's personal life could also be affected by this downgrade. Indeed, the native of this sign is likely  to experience disputes and  disagreements in his couple.

Recommended: Saturn Retrograde 2022 Will Be Challenging for 4 Zodiac Signs.





Saturn's retrograde will be an opportunity for Scorpio to reflect on their life. He will review his responsibilities,  and sort through his affairs. Changes will be imposed on the work  which will not always be to his liking.

Indeed, this planetary transit will prevent Scorpio from being completely himself, something that will greatly displease him. This will impact their productivity at work, and for good reason,  Scorpio is a passionate and stubborn sign by nature.

He only gives his all to his projects  when he feels passionate about what he does.  The native of this sign could feel a loss of interest which will push him to slow down at work,  which could impact his finances.





The native of this sign finds it difficult to leave his comfort zone.  Change frightens him and destabilizes him.  This Earth sign has a hard time getting rid of its habits. In the months to come, Capricorn will have a hard time finding their bearings at work.

The new projects that are announced certainly fascinate him,  but he will not know how to manage them.  Because of the pressure he will feel at work, the native of this sign will feel tense and may even get  confused with those around him.


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Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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