Me, Myself, and I: These 5 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Selfish

Selfishness is something that we all have to some degree, but that's okay. However, some of us use this trait a little more often than others.

If you often find yourself acting selfish then you could use astrology to determine whether or not you belong to the most selfish zodiac signs.

We may not understand ourselves very well so getting information from the outside may be helpful and help us gain some insight. However, you should know that most people who are selfish believe they aren't in the wrong.

They believe everyone else has a problem, not them. Could you be one of those people? Read on to find out:




Aries 2

When Aries have a clear idea of what they want, they don't hesitate to go after it. However, there is also the possibility that it will spiral out of control.

With a “me first” attitude, they tend to have one of the most determined personalities.

It's as simple as this: if you're in a store with an Aries and he spots the last pizza and knows that you also want it, he will do whatever it takes to get it.

Even though you know that the reasons he gives aren't valid, he'll still find a way to convince you that he needs the last pizza.

Aries, make sacrifices sometimes. Even though you hate being uncomfortable, it's an inevitable part of life.

For once, you should give that pizza to somebody else.




Taurus 2

Even though Taurus is associated with dependability and stability, those born under this sign are often materialistic and greedy due to their need for safety.

In addition, he is prone to becoming excessively sensitive, overly emotional, and unquestionably possessive.

For instance, a Taurus woman will convince her boyfriend to buy her hats just to go on a weekend trip to Fire Island, but she will fight the girl who looks at her husband with hungry eyes.

Stop constantly asking for more and instead focus on making the most of the relationships you already have. Also, tone down your aggressive behavior.




Gemini 2

Geminis are known for their incredible adaptability and versatility; however, this trait tends to get out of hand fast. He has a reputation for being vain and superficial as he is prone to mood swings.

When you are with a Gemini at a party, you shouldn't be surprised when their fake personality comes out and a brand new person appears out of nowhere.

This sign has a bad habit of trying to blend in with his surroundings for selfish reasons, and he doesn't give a damn about whether or not you fancy a ride.

You need to learn to be and love yourself. Nobody is impressed by your reputation or your material possessions; the only reason people will hang out with you is that they like you.

Therefore, take off that fake personality and allow yourself to feel at ease within your own skin.




Virgo 2

A Virgo woman has attention to detail. She has a sharp eye for any kind of error or misdeed, which is wonderful for growth. However, she is the one who initiates criticism toward everyone else.

Being tough and judgmental toward others is a completely different matter than being tough and judgmental toward oneself.

Virgo, just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean that someone else can. You need to about how you would handle things and start paying attention to the fact that the person you are talking to is different.

Reduce how much you criticize your friends and give them space to pursue their own interests. Make sure you give people room to think for themselves and acknowledge that we don't always get what we want.




Leo 2

It shouldn't come as a surprise that this sign tends to be selfish. It is admirable that Leo is not afraid to confront any challenge that stands in his way; however, as soon as he lays eyes on something that piques his interest, it is game over for everyone else.

In his opinion, there is only one thing that he wants, and he doesn't care who else wants the same thing or how badly they want it.

Let someone else take the spotlight for a while. You have to be willing to make concessions for your friends if you want them to remain loyal to you.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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