Mercury Enters Aries And Will Help You Achieve Your Goals: How To Take Advantage Of This Transit

Mercury, the planet that rules thought, communications, and messages, changes signs approximately once a month, and on March 19, it will move into impulsive, energetic, and dominant Aries.

When these two energies meet in the sky, we can anticipate experiencing a boost of confidence. As a result, this transit, which is expected to be in effect for approximately 4 weeks, is ideal for helping us accomplish our objectives.

Every planet radiates a particular kind of energy and takes on the characteristics of the sign it's located in. According to astrologers, this energy has a collective impact on all of us, but the interesting thing is that each of us can use it to our own advantage if we pay attention to it.


What does Mercury in Aries mean?

Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is the planet that rules over communication, the mind, and intelligence. Because of this, whenever it goes into retrograde, everything that relates to technology and travel is disrupted, and we may experience feelings of sluggishness or confusion.

Fire is the element that represents passion, creativity, and instincts. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is a fire sign. Mars is the planet of battle, action, and passion; therefore, the energy of this sign is one that is impulsive, self-motivating, and daring.

While Mercury is transiting through Aries, we may feel that we have more creative, daring, and inspiring ideas that push us to find solutions to old problems and be more passionate about our goals.

Since there is so much energy around us, we shouldn't throw any of it away.



How to take advantage of this transit?

We can take some actions that will allow us to propel ourselves toward our goals in order to reap the benefits of this transit.

Writing our objectives down and keeping a list of them is one possible way. Astrologers urge us to be specific and to outline the steps we intend to take in order to achieve each of these objectives.

Keep in mind that the free-spirited power of Aries is standing behind you as you make your decision and that if you are true to what your heart is telling you, you will be more likely to choose the right path for you.

On the other hand, Aries will cause us to speak hastily, so the second piece of advice is to refrain from speaking until you have given it some serious consideration.

By doing things in this manner, we will not get into any trouble, and we will be more prudent. It is likely that a lot of ideas will come to mind; however, rather than expressing them, you should write them down and then carefully examine them later.

One final piece of advice is that we shouldn't take things personally. Keep in mind that Mercury in Aries has an effect on everyone.

Take advantage of the fact that you are already familiar with the effects of this astrological event by planning ahead and making use of the knowledge you already possess.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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