Mercury Retrograde Autumn 2022 Will Favor These 3 Zodiac Signs

The retrograde of Mercury has bad press and for good reason, it causes incidents and small problems in our everyday life. However, if this planetary transit negatively affects certain signs of the zodiac, others on the contrary hardly feel its effects. 

More than that, the energy of Mercury might even be favorable to them. That said, find out which zodiac signs will be lucky during Mercury's retrograde, and how to live this planetary transit well.

The retrograde of Mercury, from September 9 until October 2, in the sign of Libra, will be favorable to the natives of 3 signs of the zodiac. They won't experience any problems as a result of this planetary transit, unlike other astrological signs. They might even experience a period of luck and well-being.

Mercury, planet of communication and intellect, goes into retrograde three to four times a year. This September 9, this planet that rules the sign of Gemini went retrograde for the third time in 2022.

It will begin its retrograde in Libra, then it will continue its movement in the sign of Virgo. 3 zodiac signs will be particularly lucky during this period.




Mercury energy favors the affairs of Taurus. The retrograde of this planet of the intellect multiplies the creativity of this earth sign. Inspiration will be there and he will be able to resume work on an old project that he had trouble managing.

The person born under this sign can use this time to reflect on their routine and conduct some introspection. They choose to work a little more slowly than usual out of concern for their wellbeing.

Taurus may also decide to abandon tasks that do not suit him or that hinder his professional development. The native of this sign will make sure to remain productive, but without neglecting his personal well-being.

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The native of this sign will be well in his sneakers during the next few days. Mercury's retrograde illuminates its family-related house.  This will be an opportunity for him to bury the hatchet and put an end to past disputes. Family ties will be stronger.

This period will also be an opportunity for this Water sign to work on itself  and review its way of communicating with others. This emotional sign by nature  and on edge,  can learn to channel his emotions, and to be less impulsive when he expresses himself.





The retrograde of Mercury allows Libra to pay more attention to their attitude, and their relationships with others. This awareness will help this sociable sign of nature to develop a network of professional contacts that will help them in their career.

The financial situation of the native of this sign will also know good days. Despite some late payments they may experience,  their patience will eventually pay off. Unexpected good cash flow awaits this Air sign in the days to come.

Recommended: Autumn Equinox 2022 Will Be Best for These 3 Zodiac Signs.


Last Words

Mercury retrograde will last 3 weeks. During this period, it is advisable  not to make important decisions in haste  or on the spur of the moment. Instead of undertaking new actions or setting new goals, it would be wiser  to refine what has already been started.

You can take this opportunity to finish your to-do list, or complete tasks left behind. Above all, take the time to think before you act, and don't hesitate to slow down at work. This period  is also an opportunity to let go  and accept what we cannot control.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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