Monthly Horoscope December 2022 for Your Zodiac Sign

The last month of the year is full of twists and turns. With the Full Moon on December 8 in Gemini and the transit of Jupiter in the sign of Aries on December 20, there will be many transformations.

For some, the last month of the year would be synonymous with pleasant moments with, and for others, it could be a time of quarrels or even beneficial changes. Here is what the month of December could look like for each zodiac sign.




During the month of December 2022, Aries will have to be more careful and show more tact at the risk of irritating others.

It also means being careful not to give in to provocations so that their plans are not compromised. In addition, a business trip and profits may arise when Jupiter transits Aries on December 20.





Taureans can expect to land a new job or even discover one that is off the beaten track. On the other hand, Taurus could well welcome healthy changes accompanied by moments of joy in the company of their family. The only caveat is that they should not give in to ambiguous offers.

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Things will be clearer for people born under Gemini. They could finally free themselves from their illusions and certain gullible hopes and finally demonstrate their lucidity.

They are advised not to get too attached to things that have outlived their usefulness and to finally seize the sudden opportunities that come their way.





The month of December will be dynamic for Cancer. For good reason, partnership opportunities are on the horizon. If they do not materialize in December, they are nevertheless based on something concrete.

On the other hand, December could also be a month of break-ups in relationships and between colleagues. You will have to rely on yourself.





Leos will face unusual events in their plans. Don't worry though, because if they come up against the unknown, their unwavering determination helps them to always come out on top. They are well able to handle chaos.





Virgos can avoid having regrets in the future by being more careful about their words and actions. Also, illness could present itself in December.

People born under Virgo should then be more careful with their health. They can also count on the support of those around them, especially if it is a new project.

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December will be the month when Libras will be able to interact with strangers on a trip. Around the middle of the month, this air sign should take a well-deserved break before resuming their daily activities.





Scorpios can be at the heart of gossip. It is therefore recommended that they do not take sides or give in to anger to solve this type of problem. It would be wiser to seek advice from a person with hindsight.

In addition, they may be part of the guests at a wedding, a birthday party, or a traditional celebration. December will also be the month in which they can reap the fruits of their efforts with substantial profits.





December could be a tricky month for Sagittarians in terms of business. They need to slow down, take time to think things through before they rush back into their mission.

By seeking support, they can quickly find their way out and realize that they should not be afraid to express themselves.





Being the workaholics that they are, Capricorns should try not to take on too much work. It would be wiser to delegate some of it to people you trust. The good news is that they will receive support and attention from their professional environment.

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Aquarians should be on their guard in the field of finances and for good reason: conflicts could arise for money reasons. A disagreement could be at the root of these complications. They also need to make time for themselves and go on trips, interacting with new people and taking their minds off things.





Pisces should be more assertive during December to defend their position and opinions. Their interests are also at stake. December will also be the month when they could materialize ideas that have been in the making for a long time in addition to being highly profitable.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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