Monthly Horoscope February 2023 for Your Zodiac Sign

The beginning of the year provides us with the opportunity to start anew. The second month of 2023 is no different so you'll probably want to know your monthly horoscope for February.

Since we got down to business in January, the cosmos is giving us all its support as we enter this brand-new dimension of reality.

This month, it is extremely important to be truthful with yourself, especially when taking into consideration the Sun's square Uranus on February 3. The Sun will be traveling through Aquarius, which symbolizes our sense of community and place in the world.

Uranus, Aquarius' ruling planet, challenges the Sun, and as a result, this will bring about some sudden and unexpected changes, primarily concerning our social networks.

The next day, on February 4, Mars will square off with Venus. Mars in Gemini is motivated by evidence and information, whereas Venus in Pisces would rather give in to the fantasy of the world.

The fact that this coincides with the Sun-Uranus square means that these shifts might at first appear ambiguous and confusing.

However, just in time for the Full Moon in Leo that will occur this month on February 5th, we have the opportunity to reconnect with our inner child, and in the process, embrace our authenticity.

Before Mercury enters Aquarius on February 11 and brings logic, objectivity, and progression to our thought process, it will join Pluto in Capricorn on February 10.

During this time, it's possible that important information will be revealed. After that, on February 16th, the Sun will join forces with Saturn in Aquarius for the very last time before Saturn moves into Pisces in March.

Because breaking away from something isn't for people who are easily discouraged, this could feel challenging or burdensome. Regarding the Pisces season, it truly couldn't have arrived at a more opportune time.

The Sun's movement into the mutable water sign of Pisces on February 18 will not only amplify the waves of emotion that we experience, but it will also encourage us to let go of things that are no longer beneficial in the process.

Here is what you can expect this month, according to astrology.




Aries 4

As you progress further into your highest truth and new reality, it is likely that you will have to come to terms with the societal groups and community activities that are no longer good enough for you.

Whether it's a group of friends that used to make you feel secure but now doesn't or a personal or professional goal that you're not in alignment with, you've certainly outgrown some things.

Avoid allowing Mars square Venus to affect you. Do not let it discourage you from moving forward. There are times when choosing to love yourself means coming to terms with yourself in a radical way, and the Full Moon in Leo this month is there to support you every step.




Taurus 4

You should not be concerned with what other people think of you, and in February, you will make a decision regarding your independence.

Embracing your most authentic self brings you closer to your soul family and gives you a more genuine sense of where you belong in the world.

You may have been attached to a particular goal or group of peers that you no longer vibe with, but with the assistance of Venus, your ruling planet, you attract opportunities.

Even if you do not yet have all the facts, it is important to lean on your long-term goals and manifestations if you find that you are suddenly overthinking things during the Venus square Mars transit.

Never undermine the big picture, especially taking into account the fact that the Full Moon in Leo will occur this month. Pay close attention to your guidance.




Gemini 4

Your ability to switch between identities is one of your greatest strengths, but it appears that not all of the energies in play are under your command.

During the Sun-Uranus square in February, if you find yourself feeling torn between two worlds, it is likely due to a combination of your desire for freedom and your philosophy on community and friendship.

Taking into account Venus square Mars, there is no need to overthink the situation. Mars is making you more objective and logical with your approach, but Venus' journey through Pisces and your house of career softens your approach and heightens your sense of compassion and empathy.

Always be honest with yourself as well as the people around you. During the middle of the month, Mercury will be in conjunction with Pluto, which could bring up issues.

These can be problems regarding the shared finances and contractual agreements and will require some fine-tuning. During the Pisces season, you will experience a significant shift in your professional life.




Cancer 4

There is a very thin line that separates being true to your authentic self and being committed to a particular community or purpose.

During the Sun-Uranus square in February, you might experience friction, but this push and pull are meant to free you from the structures and beliefs that have been keeping you stuck in one place.

When Mars squares off with Venus, you may feel torn between the desire to keep things private and the desire to surrender to the new beginnings that lie ahead.

Mercury conjunct Pluto on February 10 could bring profound insight or trigger an important conversation that reveals what has been lingering beneath the surface.

The Sun will eventually form its final conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius before moving into Pisces. This poses a challenge for you to make a decisive choice and perhaps let go of an old way of being.



Leo 4

Prominent throughout the month of February, authority and rebellion are getting in the way of your relationships. Your ruling ‘planet”, the Sun, will square off with unpredictable Uranus, and this is where a battle of wills has the potential to disrupt the flow of your life.

It is essential to strike a balance between your personal identity and the things you want, particularly when you are considering making a choice in your professional life or with regard to your sense of authority.

On February 5, the Moon will be Full while it is transiting through your sign. This will add to the emotional intensity and culmination that is taking place for you at this time.

Are you at the point where you can finally make that long-awaited leap of faith? Your relationships can only remain stable if you have clearly defined boundaries, and the Sun's last conjunction with Saturn is giving you one last opportunity to test those boundaries.




Virgo 4

Your yearning for freedom and variety may present a challenge to the established order of your typical daily activities.

The Sun square Uranus is here to bring you into alignment, so there is no reason to be worried. The same holds true for the Mars square Venus that will occur in February.

You might feel torn between the practicalities of a career endeavor and the feelings of compassion you have for a significant partnership during this time.

The Full Moon will shed light on your 12th house of inhibitions, unconscious patterns, and hidden information. This is the house in which you are not only healing and coming to terms with the past but also forgiving yourself as part of the process.

The sudden appearance of significant new information regarding your romantic aspirations or one-of-a-kind talents may force you to prioritize your head over your heart when making a decision.

You will find freedom in the truth, and the Sun's most recent conjunction with Saturn is encouraging you to make a decision that is in line with your best interests over the long term.




Libra 4

Recent shakeups in your close relationships and business partnerships may have taken you by surprise, but the Sun's current position in the sign of the free spirit Aquarius is inspiring and motivating you to acknowledge and embrace your innate ingenuity. Even though the influence of Mars square Venus is likely to cause friction between your day-to-day reality and your belief systems, it is essential for you to honor the flow of your own divinity in order to avoid any negative consequences.

This month's full moon in Leo is bringing closure and clarity, whether it be regarding a long-term goal or a specific friendship group with which you are ready to collaborate. Your sense of belonging in the world is a reflection of your colorful authenticity, and the full moon in Leo in February is bringing it to you. The close proximity of Mercury to Pluto brings about intensity and the revelation of previously hidden information, possibly in relation to domestic and family-related issues. Take some time to think about the limits that should be imposed, and use this as inspiration for organizing the rest of your life.




Scorpio 4

Structure and traditions are less important than the development of your soul. The sudden Sun-Uranus square in February is not for the faint of heart but the tension that you feel between your unconventional relationships and the need for something stable will soon be resolved.

This month's Full Moon in Leo will bring an emotional culmination, perhaps in relation to your career and sense of authority. 

Around the middle of the month, Mercury will join forces with Pluto, your ruling planet, which will bring intensity and catharsis to your house of communication.

This is going to be one of those months in which you'll be advised to go against conventional wisdom and follow your heart. There will never be a more auspicious time to do so, as the Sun will soon be moving through your sign.




Sagittarius 4

Due to this month's Sun-Uranus square, your erratic day-to-day routine influences the structure of your immediate surroundings.

The same is true for your level of mindfulness and the way you communicate. In light of this, it is critical to keep your feet on the ground as you will feel as if you're pulled from opposite directions.

Similarly, Mars squaring off with Venus might be causing friction between your compassion for members of your family and the realities surrounding a partnership.

This could be a concern this February especially if there is manipulation and deception coming from your close relatives, or perhaps a lack of boundaries. When the Moon is Full, your sense of direction will become much clearer.




Capricorn 4

Unexpected costs are throwing you off track. Or, you might find that you are unable to choose between the unconventional pleasures and the structure of your value systems.

In any case, you will be entering a new reality in the month of February, and it is highly likely that you will be required to listen to your gut instincts.

Because Venus will be squaring off with Mars, relying on your peers may feel like an unnecessary burden to your routines; however, striking a healthy balance is essential.

Mercury's close proximity to Pluto in your sign will help you be direct with communication, perhaps even to an excessive degree. This is beneficial if there is something important you need to get off your chest.

In the meantime, the Sun will make its last conjunction with your ruling planet, Saturn, in the middle of the month, posing a challenge for you to advance your skill set and commit to a strategy that will help you become more self-controlled.




Aquarius 4

Your solar season highlights everything from your sense of belonging in the world to the core of who you are as an individual.

Despite the fact that there are a few obstacles to overcome, due to the Sun square Uranus, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and be open to change.

Take a step back to regain your composure and find your center if you're having trouble reconciling your love for yourself with the realities of a romantic relationship.

During February, you devote a lot of time to contemplation and introspection, and during this time, you may get important insights as Mercury joins forces with Pluto.

This aligns perfectly with the Sun's last meeting with Saturn in your sign around the middle of the month, a time when you will be stepping into your highest vibration and letting go of old ways of doing things.




Pisces 4

Put the past in its place, but don't lose sight of the ways in which the energies and experiences of the past shaped the person you are today.

The Sun square Uranus will cause friction between the unconscious patterns of self-sabotage you have and the mental and environmental revolution you're going through at the moment.

What kinds of things have you been doing that limit the freedom you have as an individual? These subconscious roadblocks could be related to your sense of belonging in the world, or they could be related to a community that you have outgrown.

In matters of home and family, Venus square Mars may force you to choose logic over emotion. Get crystal clear on what it is that you want moving forward in order to be able to manifest it during your solar season.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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