Monthly Horoscope March 2023 for Your Zodiac Sign

March, this wonderful month that marks the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. When clouds begin to part and the Sun begins to shine.

Saturn will move into Pisces on March 7, 2023, and will remain there until February 2026. This event will usher in a brand new era.

Pisces prefers to daydream, imagine, and go beyond the material world in search of the spiritual, whereas Saturn is all about structure, reality, responsibility, and boundaries.

This new chapter will teach us how to love more profoundly and effectively.

Because Pisces and Saturn both represent conclusions, we can anticipate that this transit will bring about a conclusion that is analogous to a tower tarot card and is associated with the supports that we rely on.


The Tower Tarot

The Tower

The Tower card symbolizes unexpected events that force us to pull ourselves together and adjust our plans.

Because of this, we will be able to sow new seeds into the ground. The effects that this will have on you as an individual are going to be determined by a number of aspects of your birth chart.

In either case, we will be forced to seriously examine our beliefs, our spirituality, and our tendencies toward escapism during this time.

Luckily, the Full Moon in Virgo will occur on the same day that Saturn enters Pisces, as this will encourage you to focus on finding solutions to issues rather than attempting to avoid them.

However, this transit is not going to hit us all at the same time, so you should not expect that your life will end on March 1. At the beginning of this month, think about the things that are important to you and the things that you have come to accept as being true.

Aries season will begin on March 20 and 21 and will usher in the revitalizing energy of early spring and the desire to stir things up.

This new beginning and willingness to take charge are what Aries wants from us. Your inner drive, the excitement, and the energy that await you will have a new spark at the end of this month.

On March 21, a New Moon will occur in Pisces, providing an opportunity to initiate a new beginning. Creating a dream board is the ideal activity.

This month of new beginnings is not the time to be afraid; instead, move forward with courage and create what it is that you want, both for the world and for yourself.

On March 23, Pluto, the planet of creation and destruction, will finally exit Capricorn for the first time since 2008. This indicates that Pluto will enter Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism and progressive thought.

Once in Aquarius, Pluto will reorder our priorities as a society for the next 20 years. In addition, Mars's stay in Gemini will come to an end on March 25, at which point it will shift gears and enter Cancer, a sensitive and protective sign.

This is a great time to reconsider the ways in which your feelings influence your choices. Read on for your monthly horoscope of March 2023.




Aries 2

This month, Aries, you need to keep your head down and focus. You are on the verge of making a significant advancement at work, one that will bring you long-sought-after satisfaction.

It is time to stoke the fires of your ambition, your passion, and your spirit of competition. Instead of waiting for the answers and solutions to come to you, you should actively seek them out.

Maintain your drive as a leader, and if you are confronted with a challenge, resist the urge to overreact or become overly defensive. There are more diplomatic ways to convey the point you're trying to make.

At the beginning of this month, the planet of love, Venus, will be working its glamorous magic in your first house of self.




Taurus 2

At the beginning of this month, the energy of Jupiter will be absorbed by the planet of love and beauty, Venus, your ruling planet. Karma will most certainly be on your side.

What qualities do you look for in a potential romantic partner or in your work, Taurus? In order for you to make the best use of your time and effort when it comes to dating, it will soon be time for you to further refine your desires.

On March 20 and 21, the beginning of the intense Aries season, you may find that it is necessary to evaluate your deeper motivations and intentions. Stop making excuses.




Gemini 2

On March 7, Saturn will enter Pisces through your tenth house of career and public image. This is Saturn's favorite house, so this is a very significant event.

You will be prompted to look inward for answers. Conduct an in-depth analysis of your deeper attitudes and behaviors, paying particular attention to the emotional impulses that have a tendency to hold you back.

You will experience a sense of responsibility, maturity, and readiness for the future as a result of the inner work you do.

You should be ambitious in your pursuit of new goals and dreams, but you shouldn't let go of your regular habits. It is preferable to have consistency rather than too much intensity.




Cancer 2

The Sun, which is currently in your tenth house of career, forms a great aspect with Pluto, the planet of limits and trust, currently in your seventh house of partnerships.

Your hunger to achieve success and earn recognition will all of a sudden, reach new heights. Conversations finally bring you to the conclusion you need.

However, before you confront someone with the truth, you should make an effort to examine the facts of the matter with an unbiased perspective.

This month, draw on your bravery and confidence to get through it. When Mars travels through your sign on March 25, it will be easier for you to pursue your ambitions and rise to the challenges.




Leo 2

This month, Leo, you will find the motivation you need to restore your faith in the future. Your most ambitious goals are within your reach, especially if you focus on pragmatism, creativity, and productivity.

Even though you are very good at maintaining your composure, you might need to tear down some emotional walls and set aside your pride in order to communicate how you truly feel.

When you are hurt or disappointed, it is important to voice those feelings. As of the 23rd of March, Pluto will move into your seventh house of partnerships.

As your perspective on your relationships changes both professionally and personally, expect significant changes to the structure of those relationships.




Virgo 2

During the month of March, personal transformation and independence will be on your mind, Virgo. Certain situations will come to an end and you will gain a new perspective on things as the Full Moon aligns with your sign.

As you become more independent, your relationships must also evolve to support the person you are today.

Take the time to have in-depth and honest conversations about your emotions with your loved ones and don't forget to set aside some time for others to talk about what they've been through.

Your desire for commitment and serious love may increase on March 17 as the planet of love, Venus, makes a harmonious aspect with Saturn, the planet of responsibility.

If you're not in a relationship, you'll have a better chance of meeting someone who, like you, is searching for a long-term partner.




Libra 2

If you are in a relationship, you will make efforts to demonstrate your commitment and dedication while keeping your partner's happiness at the forefront.

Libra, the month of March will also serve as a month of recovery. It will soon be time to stop questioning yourself; now is the time to trust your judgment and tune into your intuition.

If you want to know why you have such a hard time loving yourself without being critical of yourself, you need to conduct a more thorough assessment of your mental and emotional well-being.

The more self-awareness and acceptance you cultivate, the more robust your connections with other people will become.




Scorpio 2

Pluto, the planet of rebirth, will start its slow march through your fourth house of home and family toward the end of the month. During this time, your entire understanding of your private world will undergo a fundamental change.

If you want to know how you're going to feel at the beginning of the month, Scorpio, have a meaningful discussion with one of your close friends or with a member of your community.

Take care of things rationally instead of allowing your feelings to get in the way of how you handle situations and don't give up until you've identified some solutions that make sense.

Consider what your gut instincts tell you. What are some of the things that you think would make you the happiest and most fulfilled?

It could be a trip to a foreign country, a get-together with people you care about, or a more in-depth spiritual practice.




Sagittarius 2

Saturn, the planet of karma and discipline, will move into your fourth house of home and family, where it will remain for some time.

This will encourage you to take charge of the dynamics of your family and inspire you to take matters into your own hands.

This month, a significant achievement in your professional life might give you a much-needed confidence boost, Sagittarius. Honor your achievements, but don't let them determine how much you value yourself; instead, focus on your growth.

If you find that you are unable to complete all the things on your to-do list, try not to be so hard on yourself in the future. As Mercury and the Sun travel through Aries, you will find that your attention is drawn to your love life.

Speak from the heart, but hold back on making overly romantic gestures until you know the other person well.




Capricorn 2

On March 7, Saturn will move into your third house of communication, ushering in a new kind of mental pressure.

You should try to maximize the amount of time you spend on conversations that directly contribute to your goals and minimize the amount of time you spend on conversations that aren't necessary.

This month's cosmic energy will encourage you to continue seeking knowledge in whatever form it may take. Consider each new experience an opportunity to discover something interesting about who you are.

In the future, be mindful of the words you choose to use. Growing up can be uncomfortable, but the more you learn to accept the challenges that come with it, the more self-aware you will become.




Aquarius 2

When Pluto moves into your first house of self on March 23, it will initiate a process of transformation that has the potential to alter your entire perception of who you are as a person.

March can serve as a catalyst for your healing if you have a sudden realization about an upsetting experience from your past.

Allow yourself the time and space to investigate the feelings you're experiencing. When Mercury moves into Aries on March 19, you should be mentally prepared to face social challenges that will help you develop a deeper understanding of how others perceive the world.

Don't be afraid to voice your opinions, but remember to keep a level head when dealing with those who disagree with you. Feedback can be used for improvements.




Pisces 2

On March 7, Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility, will enter your sign, putting pressure on your first house of self shortly after the Full Moon in Virgo on March 7.

A certain part of your relationship with your loved ones will come to an end. There is no better time than now for you to evaluate whether you are maintaining healthy boundaries and meeting the needs of everyone.

Expect a surge of money-driven ambition once the Aries season begins on March 20-21. Focus your efforts on improving your professional life, and steer clear of making impulsive purchases.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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