How the New Moon in Libra September 25, Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

This September 25 there will be a new moon, but it will not be the same as the rest of its companions in the year 2022. Being the first of autumn, it will have a special touch for new beginnings, which means that its energies will be more impressive in the signs of the zodiac. .

The new moons are the phases that mark the beginning of the lunar cycles, so they are associated with new beginnings. Since September will be presented in Libra, the sign in charge of social relationships and the search for balance, it will give us the opportunity to restart on these issues .

The effects of the September new moon in Libra will begin to be felt early in the week and will not be the same for everyone in the Zodiac. Here is how it will impact your zodiac sin.




Aries, keep your emotions in check because the dynamics of your most important relationships are shifting under the influence of the new moon. If you are traveling through life with a significant other, you may find that your emotional experiences are becoming more in sync with one another.

This energy that is focused on connections may bring someone new into your life if you are single, or it may simply help you get in tune with the ideal qualities you are seeking in a balanced partnership.




Now that autumn has arrived in its full glory, the routines you follow on a daily basis, Taurus, could probably use some sprucing up. It's possible that the fresh perspective offered by the new moon is just what you need.

When it comes to your overall wellness, you should start fresh by concentrating on striking a better balance between your work life and your personal life or by scheduling some personal appointments that you have neglected in the past. You have the potential to be the most successful version of yourself.





Gemini, the spark of inspiration in your life is being reignited by this new moon; therefore, you should put it to good use. This is a great lunation to take advantage of in order to heat things up in your love life, as romance and flirtations are reaching a fever pitch.

It is also an excellent time for creative endeavors, so dust off some of your old pet projects and approach them with a fresh set of eyes.





Cancer, now that we are entering the colder half of the year, there is nothing quite like taking some time to nest. And with the new moon in your domestic fourth house, you are motivated to transform your abode into the warm and welcoming haven you require to revitalize your energy.

Put up some fall decorations and have some close friends over for a night in where you can relax and let your spirit be nourished. Reciprocal enjoyment of downtime in your secure environment is essential.

Recommended: New Moon in Libra September 25, Will Be Best for 4 Zodiac Signs.





Leo, your communications have been a little off-kilter recently as a result of Mercury's retrograde, but this diplomatic new moon can help to smooth out the snags in your calendar. Make connections with the people in your immediate environment and look for opportunities to discuss your thoughts with others.

It is important to make a note of any new connections that develop as well as any significant conversations that take place because these things may lead to opportunities for you in the future.





Virgo, it's time to give that bank account a little bit of a kickstart. This new moon is shining a light on your financial situation, making it an excellent time to create a revised budget for yourself or initiate a discussion about your pay rate.

Maintain a strong sense of your own value while you navigate or negotiate any conversations that are related to your income. You are deserving of the best, so refuse to accept anything less than that.





As the Libra new moon approaches, you should get ready to prioritize yourself and give in to the things you truly want. You shouldn't be concerned about what other people will think of your aspirations; the time has come to take steps toward achieving your objectives in an unashamed and self-assured manner.

Put your attention where it needs to be, on the things you want to get done, and let go of all expectations other than your own.





This new moon is providing you with the opportunity for some much-needed introspection, which will allow you to feel more refreshed and revitalized. Everyone's spiritual batteries need to be recharged every once in a while, and now is your chance, Scorpio.

Clear your schedule completely and give yourself some time to unwind and get some much-needed rest rather than making ambitious plans. Your intuition will become more clear to you after some time spent by yourself.

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Sag, there is nothing that can prevent you from being the life of the party, so there is no reason for you not to go out and enjoy the new moon.

You can rest assured that you will be experiencing a heightened sense of community and connection as a direct result of this lunation taking place in the house of your close relationships.

Make the most of the atmosphere by getting in touch with old friends that you haven't seen in a while or by taking the initiative to make plans with your close friends.





Even though Mercury's current retrograde cycle is making it difficult for you to make progress in your career, the new moon is here to reassure you that other, more interesting opportunities are on the horizon.

Take advantage of the reflective energy provided by the moon to gain insight into the next steps you would like to take in your professional life. Create a rudimentary plan for the next half year, and then get the ball rolling by getting things moving.





This new moon wants you to make sure you don't get too carried away with the personal dogmas you have, especially if you are an Aquarius. You have a strong set of personal dogmas. Accept moderation and be willing to have your mind changed by new ideas, philosophies, and points of view.

You will have the opportunity to form your beliefs and feel more assured in them if you approach life as a student rather than as a person who thinks they already know everything there is to know about everything.

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Pisces, under the influence of this new moon, you've probably found yourself knee-deep in feelings. However, this lunar phase also brings you the opportunity to start the healing process.

Get in touch with the feelings that are rising to the surface of your heart, and then start looking for ways to relieve the pressure that is building up inside of you. It will be helpful to talk to a loved one who you can trust or to write down your feelings in a journal.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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