New Moon July 2023: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Meet Their Soul Mate

The upcoming new moon will bring love at first sight for these three zodiac signs.

Sometimes the love we are experiencing right now is the truest love we have ever known, even if we may have forgotten how true that person is to us until we spent more time with them.

As a result, it will be visible on July 17 under the new moon since the moon enhances our ability to perceive what is immediately in front of us.

Have we forgotten that the person we love is also the one who loves us back and makes our lives worth living? Have we pushed them to the side for the time being? Or are we going to meet someone who is altogether new and who has the potential to become our one true love?

The upcoming new moon will bring happiness and love to the following three zodiac signs:




Cancer 5

A minor disagreement with your existing partner is all it takes to send you into a world of imagination where you begin to believe that there is someone else in the world who is a better fit for you than your current companion.

You can be a bit flighty at times, and despite the fact that you are aware that the person you are with at the moment is unique and the ideal companion for you, you still find yourself being caught up in those emotional whirlwinds that lead you to believe that you might be able to find someone more satisfying.

But here's the reality: until you recognize that the person you are with right now is your true love, you will continue to struggle with self-doubt.

You may not want to acknowledge it because your pride prevents you from doing so, but deep down, you are aware of it.

After the flames of your pride have died down a little, what is left standing is your genuine love. You will be able to see that person right in front of your very eyes, and they will be incredible.

On the night of the new moon, something will stir up, and you will be forced to face something that you have been uncertain about: the state of your relationship.

When things get difficult and your frustration level rises, you eventually come to the conclusion that everything you require is sitting there in front of you.

It's easy to get caught up in the idea that there must be someone else out there who is perfect for you, but what's the point?

It's true that we all indulge in daydreaming from time to time, but here's the reality: your actual life is not nearly as miserable as you portray it to be.

When you think about it, you're actually in a better position than the majority of individuals.

Take a good look at the person you are with right now! You are in the company of a decent individual who shares your interests and passions.

This is the love of your life. Spend some time having a conversation with yourself.

Give yourself the gift of introspection because it is the only way you will ever be able to eventually obtain clarity about your own concerns and follow a better strategy.

This will result in a greater sense of fulfillment and make it possible for you to live your life in the way that you envision it.




Virgo 5

You seem to be in a relationship at the moment, but ask yourself if it's the right one or if it's simply another way that you're wasting your time as you wait for something better to come along.

The influences of the moon cause you to question whether or not you are destined for something better, and whether or not you should learn to be content with what you now have. But your gut is screaming at you to say no!

You want more out of life and from love, and because you want to be truly happy with a certain person, you send out a passionate signal into the cosmos.

This is because you want to experience actual happiness with that person.

Not only are the planets listening to what you have to say, but they are also on your side while you look for that one particular person.

You are highly selective, and the person you choose to be in a relationship with must practically be flawless in order to have a chance with you.

During the time of the New Moon, you have access to a vast number of opportunities, despite the fact that it may sound like an impossible task.

Following this road will get you closer to the love of your life. Yes, it's feasible. You are in a good mood and have come to the conclusion that you need to take charge of your life.

The connection that you created with a complete stranger will now prove useful and assist you in moving on to the next level. Make plans to spend the evening in a romantic setting with that person if at all possible.

When your feelings are all over the place, even the little thing has the potential to drive you completely insane. Make an effort to maintain your composure.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing one's attractiveness both require an emotional foundation that is rock solid.




Pisces 5

You have only one desire, and that is to be loved and cared for. You do not actively pursue a large number of romantic partners, and you do not collect romantic experiences.

Your happiness would be complete if you could just have that one person in your life. Your request will be granted quickly and effortlessly because it is so straightforward.

The cosmos is aware of your straightforward wish, and it possesses the ability to offer you that which you seek.

The arrival of genuine love in your life has already begun. You must have faith that in this particular instance, it is accurate.

You aren't overly concerned about the fact that something isn't taking place, but you also don't feel quite certain that it will.

This is where the new moon comes in to demonstrate to you that the cosmos has been paying attention to what you've been saying the whole time. The one who truly loves you is ready to show themselves to you.

This is the individual who exemplifies your true love, and despite the fact that the two of you go through challenging times together, the love between you cannot be shaken.

Your heart was set free when you abandoned the notion that there are prerequisites that need to be satisfied before one can call themselves in love.

You are aware of what is real and right on this day, and you have come to terms with the fact that relationships are subject to highs and lows.

You are on the cusp of discovering your one and only love, and it will come to you in the form of a unique individual who stands out like a beacon of light as a result of your optimistic outlook.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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