New Moon On May 19, 2023: These 4 Zodiac Signs Are About To Start A New Life

The New Moon of May 19 ushers in a period of growth and stimulates our senses. Energies are directed forward, and we don't look back.

This is an important new beginning in life for some zodiac signs, giving them the mental strength and assertiveness they need to take on new challenges.

They are at last able to take on the challenges that were previously blocked for them or that they didn't dare to tackle.

On the 19th of May, when the New Moon occurs, a great phase starts for these 4 zodiac signs:





Scorpio, you're encouraged to nurture your relationships with love and understanding as well as to look at them more closely.

You're about to enter a new phase of your life, during which you will better understand how to give and receive love.

The New Moon is encouraging you to reconsider your level of harmony and commitment in your relationships. You deserve to be with someone who will never make you abandon your loyalty to yourself.

However, you also have to work on it yourself to some extent. Don't ignore your own life, and keep coming back to yourself.

This New Moon presents a lot of opportunities that can speed up the process of you achieving your goals so take advantage of them.

Before choosing one option over another, you need to make sure you've read the fine print carefully. Problems in your life are about to be resolved and won't take much effort.

You must simply seize the opportunity and claim what rightfully belongs to you. Balance your thoughts and don't act too quickly.

Disagreements in your family will become a burden. Try to get some distance and stay away from the situation.

Take care of your needs first and come back later at a better time and have a clarifying conversation with your loved one.





Libra, if you don't already know who you truly are, this New Moon will help you. You're not the kind of person to shy away from challenges, so trust yourself.

Despite the fact that this New Moon may cause you to experience some challenging feelings, you will experience the healing you are longing for.

You're ready to accept your pain thanks to the connection with your inner wounded child. Recognize your beauty while accepting your imperfections.

This New Moon serves as a wake-up call. You may be challenged to put yourself ahead of the needs of others, especially in the workplace.

Since you are so committed to your work, this might prove to be challenging. Nevertheless, it's important to put yourself first in order to be there for others.

A new routine of self-care can be easier to implement. During this time, it is important to avoid being fooled by false promises because doing so can lead to disappointment.

Ignore what others are trying to sell you and continue down your own path. If you're considering future agreements, it's important to review them thoroughly and, if in doubt, ask an expert for help.

Do not discuss your plans for the future until you are completely confident that they can be carried out.





Aquarius, now is the time to take your career to the next level and make your dreams come true. You will receive assistance and guidance from the New Moon in your endeavors.

You're on the verge of achieving your greatest success yet, so put your attention where it belongs, on the things that truly matter, and put those unrealistic expectations aside.

Remember that even if others are envious of what you do, no one else can do what you do the way that you do it. You may be faced with a shocking change in your relationships that's hard to ignore.

Nevertheless, the upcoming New Moon presents an opportunity to reevaluate your relationships and make progress toward your higher goals.

Keep an open mind toward change and don't fight it, even if at first it seems like a challenge. You might change your habits and start a new chapter in your life.

Seize opportunities and claim what is rightfully yours. You have worked hard, and it is time to start seeing the fruits of your labor. You deserve it.





Aries, you can focus on your relationship and enjoy a relaxing time during the upcoming New Moon. If you are currently in a relationship, this lunation will bring about positive changes in your relationship.

You will receive a lot of attention and love from your partner, which is exactly what you needed. However, you also deserve a space of your own, a place where you can unwind and simply be yourself.

It is time to get to the bottom of your issues and deal with them once and for all in order to benefit from the healing energy that this New Moon will bring into your life.

Never undervalue the amount of love that your heart needs, and always make sure to pay attention to it.

You are surrounded by an abundance of love, and you are able to draw upon it precisely when and where you require it the most.

During this highly charged shift, the best thing you can do for yourself is to allow yourself to be a little bit selfish and focus your efforts, time, and attention on taking care of yourself.

Self-care is more than just putting on a face mask. It's also about having uncomfortable conversations with yourself, acknowledging your mistakes, and identifying negative self-talk.

You'll grow and have the support you need in these areas.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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