New Moon September 2023: These 4 Zodiac Signs Start A Blissful New Chapter In Life

The New Moon of September 2023 is a positive lunar phase and the trine with Uranus brings gradual changes. It is perfect for making positive changes in your life and implementing new ideas.

The fixed star Denebola is generally considered a negative influence that brings shame and misfortune. However, the positive nature of September 2023 New Moon astrology reduces its negative impact and brings the possibility of good luck, wealth, and career advancement.

However, let's keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde. But aside from the positive astrological influences of this new moon, it's important to note that Mercury, the planet that rules Virgo, will go direct again the next day. This means our goals will have an extra push to come true as the moon continues to grow.

So if you're expecting important news or hoping to get clarification on something, the combination of Mercury going direct again and the new moon should help your plans move forward.

Additionally, the new moon will form a harmonious aspect, a trine, with Uranus in Taurus, which can be as exciting as it is unexpected.

Think of it this way: Virgos are known for their analytical minds, dedication, and problem-solving skills. On the other hand, Taurus is known for its reliability, grounding, and its search for stability.

This concrete synergy can bring about a number of interesting developments and give your projects a boost. Pay attention to your biases, as they can give you crucial information.

In the meantime, think about what you would like to improve in your daily life. Are there any routines you want to break or alternatives you're ready to experiment with?




Taurus 2

Influenced by Virgo, you possess the uncanny ability to curate a lifestyle that truly inspires, empowers, and fulfills you. This is especially true with the astrological fifth house that rules your authenticity and heart's desires.

Under the renewed energy of the new moon, expect a wave of renewal and fertility that will include hobbies, passion projects, and romantic getaways.

While Virgo is often associated with practicality, attention to detail, and rationality, the new moon's harmonious trine with Uranus in your sign suggests that exploring new approaches in these areas can yield unexpected and exciting results.

Consider re-evaluating your business strategies or breathing new life into your social media presence – it's time to roll up your sleeves and seize the moment!




Leo 2

Now is the time to take a closer look at your budget and adopt a long-term perspective.

With the new moon gracing Virgo and activating your second house, which rules comfort, finances, spending habits, and core values related to stability, it's time to get pragmatic about your monetary decisions.

How can you improve your financial situation? Embrace the analytical and meticulous nature of Virgo to harness the energy of the new moon and look for ways to improve your financial well-being or strengthen your sense of material security.

Additionally, the new moon forms a harmonious aspect of Uranus, the catalyst for change, injecting a delightful element of spontaneity and surprise into the equation.

Whether you're considering an investment opportunity or exploring alternative income streams, the results can be both prosperous and unexpected.




Scorpio 2

Take a moment to step back and reflect on your long-term aspirations and the driving force behind your chosen path.

This introspection is paramount as the new moon's analytical energy illuminates your eleventh house, which governs associations, community, ideals, and future plans.

Are you thinking about your next career move? Perhaps you seek inspiration and fruitful partnerships. Regardless, you have a prepared mindset for developing a solid plan of action or refining your current strategies.

Additionally, the new moon forms a harmonious aspect to rebellious Uranus in your relationship sector, opening doors to unexpected opportunities through meaningful collaborations. Embrace the opportunity to explore different options without fear.




Capricorn 2

Put your research skills and due diligence to work, Capricorn. As the new moon overshadows analytical Virgo, it influences your ninth house, which includes travel, higher education, and venturing into unknown territories.

This is an ideal time to think about your long-term goals and make practical plans to turn them into reality.

Consider revising any belief systems that may have inadvertently held you back from taking risks in the past.

Speaking of risk-taking, the new moon's harmonious aspect to Uranus, the champion of freedom, reigns in your fifth house of passion projects and self-expression.

If you are starting an entrepreneurial endeavor, reflect on your company's brand and online presence. Don't shy away from exploring unconventional approaches to make a lasting impact.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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