October 2022 Will Transform the Lives of These Zodiac Signs

After Mercury, it is the planet Pluto, which finally ended its retrogradation in the sign of Capricorn on October 08, 2022, and this means that old wounds are closing to make way for a new beginning.

Now that we're moving away from the retrograde haze, it's time to seek clarity and light, especially with the Full Moon in the sign of Aries bringing new momentum and breath into the lives of certain zodiac signs.

If you are one of these zodiac signs, get ready to welcome decisive changes, because your life will take a new turn this October.

Life takes a strange and interesting turn! This month of October is marked by major movements in the sky, a season of eclipses, and a rare retrograde. Indeed, this month brings its share of intense energy, and it will be decisive to know how to manage the ups and downs.

But, fortunately for these 3 zodiac signs, this change will be positive.



Taurus 2

Saturn is in retrograde in the sign of Aquarius until October 22, which means a huge transformation in your love life, but not only. This planetary movement intervenes directly in your professional life, thus bringing a greater workload or more responsibilities.

Although you may feel like you are carrying a heavy burden,  your current positive actions will be successful. On October 25, a new beginning is expected in your business relationships, under the effect of the solar eclipse.

A business partner or associate might appear when you need them most. Eclipses are fate-bound events, so welcome what this one brings you with open arms.

Recommended: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Solve All Their Problems In October 2022.




Virgo 2

Good news, Virgo! With  Mercury in your sign until October 2, you may have noticed that this has helped put an end to all your old worries and misadventures. Full Moon in Aries this Sunday, October 9, your spirit picks up momentum, giving you the chance to catch up on lost work from the past month.

Fortunately, from October 10, Mercury will intervene in  your money sector, to bring your attention to your possessions and your finances. You could renew a commitment or sign a new partnership before the end of October. So be ready and don't miss any opportunity.




Scorpio 2

End of many retrogrades,  Sun in the sign of Scorpio on October 24, followed by a  New Moon on October 25, all these events work in your favor. The stars are on your side and it seems that this time the other signs of the zodiac feel envy and jealousy towards you.

The month kicks off introspectively, and you've probably been working on a project for a long time that will culminate around the  October 9 Full Moon. An energy shift will also occur on the family side on October 22, when  Saturn's retrograde in the sign of Aquarius comes to an end.

Thus, you focus more on your home and your couple. The October 25 solar eclipse will close one door to open another with great opportunities ahead.

Remember that eclipses lead cosmic dances that influence fate, Scorpio. So, be confident and go with the flow right now, because you have nothing to fear.

Recommended: The Last Three Months of 2022 Will Be Best for These 3 Zodiac Signs.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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