October 9 Full Moon Holds Bad News For These Zodiac Signs

Mercury's retrograde may be over, but that doesn't mean things will get back to normal. If you're one of the zodiac signs that will be affected by the October 9 Full Moon, you'll probably still feel a little disoriented and confused! This is normal because a tough time awaits you. 

The moment the Full Moon in Aries lights up the night sky, it will be a great moment of truth for all, as some zodiac signs may run out of money during this event.

It is true that to avoid money problems, you have to spend it sparingly. However, things are not always up to you. Sometimes the stars and your sign can influence your budget management.

It's official, Mercury's retrograde is over for this year. Following this period as frustrating as it is frightening, we can finally have a breath of fresh air with the  Full Moon which will be in the sign of Aries, namely that it is the first after the autumnal equinox.

But, if you feel like nothing is moving in the right direction, prepare for a bit of a money shake-up. The Full Moons are sometimes the queens of drama, and these 3 zodiac signs will face financial problems. Courage!



Cancer 1

Overconfidence can harm you. During the Full Moon in Aries, it is very likely that you will lose money because of a project that cannot be completed. You will feel very bad, you will be frustrated and even depressed because of this failure…

Don't shed tears because your plans fell through, it won't help. Things will work out sooner or later, just be patient. Dear natives of the sign of Cancer, do not do anything in haste.

Think twice before you act, and remember that debt can be a source of stress and many problems. Hold on tight, things will work out eventually.

Recommended: Saturn Retrograde 2022 Will be Hard on These 3 Zodiac Signs.




Leo 1

The natives of this sign of Fire will want to change several things in their life, but will not be able to do so. Due to the lack of money, they will feel limited and will not be able to fulfill their ambitions.

However, to overcome this ordeal, stay away from people who have bad habits. Do not rely too much on the money you have in reserve and make all the decisions yourself.

Guidance and advice from a knowledgeable or older person will be of great help to you. This  Full Moon in Aries will be synonymous with difficulties, you will surely be upset and very disappointed, but do not forget that you must have confidence in yourself.

Don't let go, and be persistent, this is what will get you back on your feet.




Taurus 1

Fatigue and stress can disrupt the routine of these natives of the Earth sign, and when financial problems are added to that, things go very badly and things tend to turn into a nightmare very quickly.

Be careful, if you plan to undertake something new, be patient, nothing can succeed without having devoted time and a lot of effort to it. If you're on the lookout for good news, don't expect too much during this  Full Moon in Aries, because you risk losing a lot of money, and it will be difficult for you to pull yourself together and move forward towards your goals.

However, try to keep your spirits up during this time and do the best you can to find solutions to your money problems instead of sitting back and moping about your fate. And remember above all that  “After the rain, the good weather comes”.

Recommended: October 2022 Will Be Best For These 3 Zodiac Signs.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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