Pick a Tibetan Mandala and Discover Your Empathic Gift

The ability to empathize is one of a kind and varies greatly from person to person. You won't be able to realize the full potential of your empathic abilities if you aren't aware of the specific empathic gift that you possess.

The following is an easy test that will tell you more about the gift that is available to you based on the mandala you choose.



Mandala No. 1

If you pick the very first mandala, it shows that you have a stronger connection to the natural world than anyone else. You would much rather spend your spare time in a tranquil setting surrounded by lush vegetation than in the company of a rowdy group.

When you are worn down, exhausted, and on the verge of giving up, you should always go to nature because it is your best friend and your savior.

Being in the presence of trees and other life forms that are an integral part of the natural order of the world provides you with the energy and strength you need.

You can also use this gift to try to assist other people who might be in need of assistance.



Mandala No. 2

You have an unexplainable feeling of connection with the four cardinal directions of the world. You are not a cat or a dog person. You have the same amount of love for every animal that crosses your path, whether it's a cat, a dog, a reptile, an elephant, or something else entirely.

You have a much better understanding of their requirements. It is painful for you when other people behave poorly toward them.

You also have a connection that enables you to communicate with them even when you aren't actually speaking with each other.

Every time you come across an animal that is in danger, you will devote as much of your time and energy as is necessary.



Mandala No. 3

If you select the third mandala, it indicates that you have a keen awareness of the world around you and how it affects you. You have a very good awareness of your surroundings. You can make assumptions about what's going on in people's heads even if they don't say anything to you.

In addition to this, you are able to sense the energy of space and to anticipate what will occur in the near future.

You have a tendency to surround yourself with people who are able to support you without condition and who do not feed off of your energy.



Mandala No. 4

The mandala number four is the one that those empaths who tend to take a more passionate approach to life choose to focus their attention on. They have a profound concern for the matters at hand.

They are not the type of people who can easily escape from difficult situations. In point of fact, the indifference of other people causes them unending anxiety.

On the other hand, this only serves to strengthen their resolve to assist as many people as they possibly can. Simply because they are aware that no one will voluntarily assist someone else in need of assistance.

They accept the utmost responsibility for the salvific work that the world requires.



Mandala No. 5

Typically, energetic empaths are the types of people who choose the fifth mandala. They are much more sensitive to the energy of other people and everything has to do with energy and emotions.

As soon as they are exposed to people who are negative, they start to experience feelings of unfathomable fear and sadness.

They are too quick to take on the emotions of other people.

It is therefore recommended that they surround themselves with positive people who will support them rather than overestimate their feelings. This is for the sake of both their own happiness and their own sanity.



Mandala No. 6

If you are a healer who is empathic, then you will naturally be drawn to the field of healing and health care. You also have a much better understanding of the difficulties that other people go through in their lives.

Because of your innate instinct, you are able to determine not only what is wrong with the health of a person but also the medicine that will be most effective in treating that person's condition.

Those who are blessed with this ability not only make significant advancements in the field of medicine, but they also experience a special kind of fulfillment in their work.

That comes from using the gifts you've been given to make other people's lives better.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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