Ranking Zodiac Signs From Baddest to Kindest

Character traits, qualities, faults… Your birthday reveals the outline of your personality. It also indicates your ability to distinguish right from wrong as well as your ability to control the worst emotions. 

According to astrology, some zodiac signs are more prone to being mean compared to others.

Each astrological sign has its own qualities and its own defects. Some can be particularly jealous and materialistic while others are  more empathetic and sociable.  

One thing is certain, each native of the zodiac can have a specific character that makes them more or less nice or mean in the eyes of others.

Before knowing your position in the ranking of the twelve signs, it is important to specify that there is neither good nor bad sign and that each native of the zodiac has his own particularities for which he is appreciated.



1. Scorpio


At the top of the list, Scorpio is often considered the “worst” zodiac sign due to their often angry nature. With those around him,  he can seem selfish and indifferent.

But most of the time, it's just about deep emotions that he can't manage to understand himself or to externalize.



2. Cancer


Although fun and loving, Cancer is often misunderstood by those around them. He can change his mood at any moment. 

When hurt or disappointed, he can easily take revenge and become evil and angry.

He is often criticized for his detached and cold character.



3. Pisces


Pisces is an unpredictable and mysterious sign. They can indeed be extremely kind and go into a state of extreme anger.

Those around them find it difficult to  predict their  daily reactions with their long silence which can sometimes hide a vengeful spirit.



4. Capricorn


The qualities of Capricorn are undeniable. Courageous and faithful, this sign can sometimes make life difficult for those around them.

Their proud side makes them a stubborn person who does not accept constructive criticism.  They can also come across as insensitive, mean-spirited, and manipulative.



5. Gemini


Geminis are often said to have a split personality. Very good, generous and gentle, this zodiac sign can also be extremely mean.

Very manipulative, this Air sign brilliantly uses all its qualities to get what it wants.



6. Leo


The king of the zodiac can be sociable and honest. As a result, he does not forgive easily. In case of conflict, his strict nature can take over and therefore, will not accept to be contradicted.

He is able to totally take a person out of his life.



7. Aries


Very impatient, the sign of Aries can be particularly severe towards others. Moreover,  he often overreacts and can be hurtful for simple trivia.

Fortunately, they easily manage to apologize and to heal the ties with their close entourage.



8. Taurus

Taurus can be particularly annoying. They often think they are right and do not accept being contradicted.

One thing is certain, this Earth sign is ready to do anything to achieve his goals, even if it means adopting a provocative attitude with those close to him.



9. Sagittarius


With his calm and generous temperament , it is difficult to disarm a Sagittarius. It is a quality which can also be a defect. By remaining calm, he can appear careless and detached.

In addition, his quest for freedom is often at the top of his priorities, which makes him insensitive in the eyes of his loved ones or his partner.



10. Libra


Libra has a remarkable balance of character.  This is a very positive, thoughtful and sociable sign.

As a result, his presence is enough to spread good vibes around him. However, he can sometimes push back deadlines and withdraw into himself.



11. Virgo


Whatever the difficulties she encounters, the Virgo always keeps her cool. This earth sign has the ability to react without causing arguments or reactions.

Calm and delicate, we can say that it is the most calm sign of the zodiac.



12. Aquarius


Finally, Aquarius remains the favorite in this ranking. With his positivity, kindness and good humor, no one can resist him. This is undoubtedly the sign that does not allow itself to be overwhelmed by negative emotions.

But at times it can be untenable. A real tornado according to some.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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