Reveal This Week’s Message From The Spirits by Choosing a Symbol

Are you ready to explore the hidden wisdom of the spirit world and uncover the messages that have been sent to you this week?

If so, then let’s get started! To do this, you'll need to choose a card symbol that resonates with you. Think of it as if you are going on a journey and the card is your guide.

If you are curious about the psychic message that has been sent to you for this week? Choose the card that speaks to you the most, and then go ahead and read the message.

Make sure to write down your message so that you can refer to it when appropriate circumstances arise.


Reveal This Week’s Message From The Spirits


If you chose:



1. The Eye

A personal milestone will soon be celebrated.

The goal that spirit is referring to is one that is more associated with your personal path than it is with your professional path.

Let's say the celebration is more of an internal one rather than a manifestation on the outside.

It's possible that you've noticed a shift in the way that you react, or that you've been able to find inner peace and resolution, in contrast to times in the past when you may have experienced inner turmoil and unrest.

It doesn't matter how big or small the accomplishment is; you should celebrate yourself for making progress in your personal life!

It is important to recognize and honor your hard work, even if it isn't always visible to others.

Celebrating a personal milestone is not only significant, it also has the power to further motivate you to continue on your journey.

When you take time to reflect on how far you have come, it can lead to an appreciation for how far you are still willing to go.

Pausing in the present moment to acknowledge our successes helps us to move forward and make bigger strides towards our dreams and goals.

It's also essential to remember that physical celebration isn't the only way to recognize a milestone. Consider taking a mental inventory of your progress.

In other words, note what you have done and how far you have come by reflecting on everything that you have achieved.

You may also want to take time to express gratitude for the journey so far. This will act as a reminder to be thankful for all of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small.

Acknowledging your successes will help to release any lingering negativity and allow you to look towards the future with excitement and hope.

Have faith that this milestone is only the beginning – there are many more achievements awaiting you!



2. The Evil Clown

There is a possibility that you are going to experience a day or two in the near future that is plagued with problems and setbacks.

Because those ducks are not lined up in a row, you will likely need to keep an eye on them at all times to ensure that they are in the correct positions.

You could find yourself tempted to consume excessive amounts of caffeine, sugar, carbohydrates, and energy drinks. Refrain from giving in. Consume only nutritious alternatives to unhealthy sources of energy, such as apples, vitamins, and plenty of water with lemon or ginger.

Today, it is extremely important to pay attention to how you are using your fuel.

You have a lot on your plate, and the kind of fuel that you put into your body will have a significant impact on how successfully you navigate through this week…

This also applies to your internal thoughts because they are, in their own way, fuel.

Be gentle with yourself. When you feel overwhelmed or anxious, remind yourself that it is okay to pause and breathe deeply.

Focus on positive thoughts and words; set aside any apprehensive ideas and reinforce only those which will make you feel lighter and more empowered.

It can be difficult to manage this conflicting balance; especially with the pressure of having a lot on your plate. So, prioritize what is manageable and achievable for this week.

Take one step at a time. This can be anything from taking a 30-minute yoga class to reading a few chapters of a book.



3. The Feather

You have reached a point in which your personal relationships are characterized by elements such as harmony, balance, love, and contentment.

In light of the fact that these significant relationships are helping to raise and lift you above the recent challenges that you have been going through, take some time to savor the beauty and harmony of this moment.

Now is a time for receiving, which is a true blessing in and of itself.

Be sure to let those who love and care about you know how much you appreciate it, as they are truly earth's angels and deserve your love and gratitude.

The journey we all face can sometimes be a wild ride, but it is essential to know when to slow down and savor all that is happening around us.

Reflecting on moments of harmony and balance will bring positive energy into your life, and could be the start of something much bigger.

With that said, appreciate this time, and the people around you, for letting you reach this point for peace and bliss.

Honor their support and presence by giving back—tell them you love them, share a heartfelt hug, or do something special for them.

We should never take our loved ones for granted, nor should we forget to thank them for being our supporters and confidantes.

We may never know what small act of kindness and appreciation could bring, so always choose love.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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