Saturn in Pisces March 2023 Brings Significant Changes to 4 Zodiac Signs

This is the most significant astrological event that will take place all year. When Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, 2023, these 4 zodiac signs are in for some very significant changes.

Have you felt that things have become very rigid over the past 3 years? Things have not been going smoothly for quite some time, from projects to private estates.

Even though astrology is not the only factor at play, the positions of the planets can provide valuable insight into the reasons why things have become so tense.

Since 2019, Saturn, which represents karma and discipline, has been moving through the fixed air sign of Aquarius, which has been the source of pressure from a cosmic perspective.

Saturn tends to indicate where some of the world's greatest obstacles lie; in a sign that is about detachment, reform, and innovation, there is growing concern about how to establish new inclusive rules within society.

This month, Saturn is moving into Pisces, which means that it will now take on a very different task over the next 3 years.

Saturn's current position in Aquarius has taught us an important lesson: sometimes distance and restraint really can save lives.

But now that Saturn has moved into Pisces, the boundaries will begin to slowly dissipate. This will allow each sign to dream big, independent of the rules and regulations that have been firmly established since 2019.

However, Saturn always brings about reform in the sign that it travels through. It brings structure to the part of your life where things have been disorderly.

Prepare yourself for a significant loss of control and an increase in imaginative, fantastical, and escapist pursuits.


When does Saturn enter Pisces?

Saturn will leave Aquarius on March 7, 2023, at 8:10 a.m. Eastern Time, and it will then move into the adaptable sign of Pisces, where it will remain until February 13, 2026.

This will bring about a period of building systems and blueprints in the house that is ruled by Pisces in each zodiac sign, which is typically an area where customs and regulations tend to be abstract and ever-changing.

Since Saturn's previous journey through this sign occurred in 1996, this will be the first time in 27 years that it stays in this zodiac sign.

This is a time of setting boundaries in areas that have been problematic. By the time the transit is over, you will have a method that is considerably more stable and well-established in place to help you realize your most important goals and aspirations.

Saturn won't be the only planet to transit through this water sign; other planets will do so as well. Neptune, the planet of haze, confusion, and deception, will be co-present with Saturn throughout its entire journey through this sign.

Thus, it will be challenging to maintain discipline, order, and control. Saturn's return to Pisces for the first time in over twenty years will have an effect on all of the zodiac signs, though 4 zodiac signs will be more affected. Here is what Saturn in Pisces means for them:





Saturn will enter your twelfth house of isolation and introspection on March 7, bringing structure and routine to the way you prioritize your mental health and overall sense of well-being.

If you've been lacking discipline in your routines, this transit will give you the stability you need to get back on track over the next three years.

Your hopes and dreams will one day be realized, but in order for that to happen, you have to be willing to make some significant sacrifices. Daydreaming can only get you so far.





On March 7, Saturn will enter your tenth house of career and public image. This will bring additional responsibilities and the need for boundaries in these areas.

This may result in an increase in tasks within your line of work or the accomplishment of goals and aspirations.

Since you place a high value on adaptability and autonomy, you can rest assured that this transit will provide some stability and structure in areas where you may have lacked it.

Don't worry, you'll still have the ability to be creative; it will just require more self-control on your part.





This month, Saturn will enter your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. During the next three years, you will experience a new level of clarity and responsibility in these areas.

This transit will bring some of your hopes and ideals pertaining to your romantic life to fruition, but at the same time, it will require more boundary-setting and not-so-fun conversations.

This transit can have two different effects on you: it can either mark the beginning of a serious long-term relationship or it can be a time when you establish new boundaries in love, which can cause a period of isolation.

In either case, by the time Saturn completes its transit through Pisces, you will have found more stability.





Pisces, since Saturn is currently moving through your first house of self and self-expression and will continue to do so until 2026, you are likely to feel the effects of this transit more than anyone else.

As Saturn travels through your sign, you may notice an increase in the weight of your personal responsibilities as well as a growing desire for greater structure and boundaries.

Saturn's passage through your zodiac sign will provide you with some much-needed awareness, despite the fact that you, as a zodiac sign associated with adaptability, are not always eager to adhere to strict rules.

But that doesn't mean you can't dream big anymore, on the contrary, it means that you'll be able to accomplish some of the goals you've set for yourself that previously seemed unattainable.

If you've been having trouble getting motivated and getting serious, this transit is here to help you out.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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