Scorpio Season 2022: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Unprecedented Luck

These zodiac signs will have a lot of luck during the Scorpio season which started on October 23rd and lasts until November 22nd. There is also a retrograde of Jupiter in Pisces since October 28th. This return of Jupiter in this water sign will push the signs of the zodiac to let go.

In addition, this season will be very favorable to these zodiac signs which will be influenced by the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Scorpio. With all of these planets transiting through this Water sign, these signs will have unprecedented luck.

Scorpio energy is highly activated since the Sun is in Scorpio and Venus and Mercury are in this same sign. When these planets pass through the sign of Scorpio, they invite the signs to review their vision of the world and to access their unconscious more freely.

During this transit, these zodiac signs will have unprecedented luck. With Mercury in Scorpio, the signs begin to have an awareness that will push them to set up a new routine to take care of themselves and to have a more positive perception of things.

This is going to help them succeed in everything they do and with Jupiter in Pisces, they should be able to make all their dreams come true.



Virgo 2

Virgos will be very lucky during this Scorpio season. They will be supported by their family and friends who will help them in their projects. The help and guidance of these people will help them achieve all of their goals.

Virgos will be very fortunate professionally and could benefit from a promotion or a position of high responsibility. They will have the opportunity to realize their dreams and realize most of their projects. They might get out of their comfort zone which could prove extremely fruitful.

Recommended: Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius 2022: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Find Happiness, Money And Love.




Libra 2

Libras will finally find happiness in their personal lives. People born under this sign could have a love affair with someone from their past. It may be a long-lost friend with whom they will find a new friendly connection that will turn into a romantic relationship.

They will decide to start this relationship in a serious enough way to live a beautiful story by taking advantage only of the present moment. They could even get married or in any case, formalize their union and start a family. They will live real happiness during the month of November.




Capricorn 2

During this season, Capricorns will indulge in the pleasures of life and they will be very curious to discover new things to set up new projects. It is time for them to live and to counter lost time.

This is what Capricorns do best because they are always looking for or discovering new experiences. This season will be very favorable to them. The key for Capricorns is to find a way to practice their daring activities and ways to experience thrills.

Recommended: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Experience Major Career Changes During November 2022.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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