Spiritual Meaning and Astrology of Spring Equinox March 2023

Spring Equinox March 2023 is going to be an exciting time of spiritual growth and personal exploration. The arrival of this yearly event provides the perfect opportunity to take a step back, reflect on our energies, and consider the spiritual meaning of the Spring Equinox.

Whether you’re an astrologer, spiritual practitioner, or simply curious about the spiritual significance of this momentous occasion, this year’s astrological Spring Equinox holds great potential for unlocking deeper levels of personal growth, insight, and connection.

We will explore the energetic touchstones of this moment in time and how they can help to provide clarity and understanding during this pivotal period.

The Spring Equinox, which will occur on March 20-21, 2023, is a time of balance and equilibrium; it marks a return to a zero-point state as we celebrate the equal number of hours of night and day.

It is said that on the Equinox, the veil that separates the dimensions becomes thinner, and the energy grid of Mother Earth moves into perfect harmony. This gives us the opportunity to take in the energy of equilibrium and renewal.

Since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it'll be Aries season, the March Equinox is also considered to be the beginning of the astrological new year.

It can also be the beginning of a new season although this depends on where you live. It is the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. For those living in the Southern Hemisphere, this date marks the beginning of Autumn.

The March Equinox is a powerful day for aligning with our higher selves, focusing on renewal, and establishing a sense of equilibrium. We may either feel called to blossom and sprout or to go within and retreat.

Accept yourself exactly as you are right now and recognize that, just as the seasons change, so will the circumstances of your life. Anything is possible.



Astrology of March Equinox 2023

Astrology of March Equinox 2023

At the time of the Equinox in 2023, none of the major planets will be retrograde. This indicates that we have some powerful energy that will help us get things done and make progress.

Mars, the planet that rules Aries and is associated with activity and motivation will emerge from its post-retrograde shadow phase on March 17, just in time to send a surge of energy into our cosmic skies.

Then, on March 21, not long after the Equinox reaches its peak, we have the Aries New Moon, which ushers in some incredible opportunities for new beginnings, and setting intentions.

This year, we are blessed with two Aries New Moons: one on March 21st, and another on April 19th, which also happens to be a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Aries New Moon is typically one of the best of the year for setting intentions and planting seeds for our future.

The upcoming Solar Eclipse in April will help us get ready for the next chapter in our story. It will refuel and refresh us so that we are prepared to take advantage of the new opportunities.



Working with the March Equinox

Working with the March Equinox

Take advantage of the March Equinox to immerse yourself in the energies of equilibrium and bring harmony into your life. Make use of this energy to bring yourself back to a point of equilibrium, where you are calm, certain, and whole.

Use the energies of the Spring Equinox to bring equilibrium to your daily routine, your eating habits, and your overall way of being. Recognize the areas in which things are out of balance, and then make it your mission to bring ease and harmony to those areas.

Spend some time in nature, soaking up the sunrays of and be open to the idea that new doors of possibility can open for you. Make intentions, picture what you want to attract, and keep an open mind.

The following month will be full of new beginnings, and the Spring Equinox will serve as the turning point. Keep your heart, your mind expanded, and your vibrations lifted.



Spiritual Meaning of Spring Equinox 2023

Spiritual Meaning of Spring Equinox 2023

By examining the spiritual meaning of the Spring Equinox of March 2023, we can gain insight into our growth both individually and collectively.

The Spring Equinox is a joyous holiday that celebrates the rebirth and growth that comes with the changing of the seasons. The colder, darker months are over, and we are now moving into the more pleasant, lighter months.

Your mind and heart are both receptive to new ideas and aspirations for the future now that the Spring Equinox has arrived. It has revivifying and inspiring energy that can make you feel more alive and give you inspiration.

Your growth will be fueled as the days get longer and the sun gets warmer. There are times when this period is fraught with difficulty. You may experience a sense of disorientation from the energies shifting.

Trying to maintain your sense of equilibrium while implementing the necessary changes for growth and flourishing has been difficult.

On the other hand, when the Spring Equinox arrives, the Earth is once again in a state of perfect equilibrium. This brings some much-needed balance back into your life.

In general, Spring is a joyous time of year. Everything starts to come to life. Nature is rebirthing and awakening and you experience the same within.

Your spirit is bursting with exhilarating and hopeful energy. Parts of you are going through a process of rebirth and coming to life in ways they never have before.

The arrival of Spring marks the beginning of a new year. At this time of year, your spirits are likely high and you are overflowing with new ideas. You're inspired and eager to try out new things.

You need to decide which of your winter dreams you want to direct the powerful growth energy of Spring toward.



Last Words

At the beginning of the season, a lot of new ideas will be calling to you. You are surrounded by new life. Experimentation is the name of the game this month.

What piques your interest? What are you drawn to? Approach your dreams with a childlike spirit if something intrigues you, give it a shot.

Spring brings new beginnings. Now is the time to have a very clear vision of what it is that you want to cultivate and bring to fruition in your life. Try out what is calling you.

Spring and Summer bring a great deal of vitality. When you aren't sure where to direct your energy, it can feel like everything is out of control and overwhelming.

You have the power to make significant changes in your life as long as you know where you want to see new growth.

This month, give new ideas a try and connect with the playful Spring spirit. Think about what seeds you want to plant and what you want to harvest in the months ahead.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

1 Comment
  1. the drawings are amazing.i m gonna try one of these.i dont think that i m gonna do the same but it is mindblowing, i thimk i mm gonna follow u

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