Spiritual Meaning and Astrology of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse November 8 2022

A total Lunar Eclipse will occur on November 8, 2022, during the Taurus Full Moon. Mercury and Uranus are in alignment. As a result, the Lunar Eclipse in November 2022 will test your ability to be adaptable and open-minded in the face of rapidly changing circumstances.

Saturn will also have an impact on the astrology of the Full Moon in November 2022. The eclipse squares Uranus and aligns with a Saturn-like star, extending Saturn's influence. Thus, the November 8 Lunar Eclipse has the potential to scare some of us.

The likelihood of a prolonged global recession will rise as a result. On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 16°00′, Taurus, the Full Moon aligns with Mercury in opposition to Uranus.

The chart demonstrates that the Sun's conjunction with Mercury, which has an orb of just 0°08′, is the most powerful aspect. The Moon then conjuncts Uranus (0°55′) after that. Among the weaker aspects, we have a T-Square with Saturn positioned at the top.




Spiritual Meaning of the Lunar Eclipse November 8 2022

The Sun opposite the Moon casts a brighter light on your house, loved ones, and close relationships than a regular Full Moon would. This is because it is a total Lunar Eclipse, which means the astrology is powerful.

Internal conflicts and external pressures are brought on by opposing forces, such as the tension between work and home or between your needs and wants.

Conflicts and crises that sap your energy may result from this. However, a Lunar Eclipse signifies a reset of your emotions, allowing you to let go of the emotional burden from the previous six months.

At a Full Moon, the emotional and instinctual forces of the Moon reach their peak. So, to overcome any relationship challenges, use your greatest emotional fortitude and intuition.

An objective and fair examination of your relationships is made possible by subconscious awareness. Any relationship dynamics or unfavorable emotions causing discord will be easier to see.

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Astrology of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse November 8 2022

The following planetary aspects are listed in order of how powerful they are: Mercury being the most powerful and Saturn the least powerful.



It is more difficult to comprehend and express your feelings when the Full Moon is opposite Mercury. Finding inner balance and relaxation can be challenging when thinking is unclear or polarized. It might also make it more difficult to comprehend ordinary problems.

Arguments may arise from emotional bias or a simple lack of comprehension. Confusion, anxiety, prejudice, and addiction are possible additional effects. Negotiations, important decisions, and delicate conversation subjects should all be handled with extra caution.



Drastic change, a strong desire for independence, emotional instability, and erratic behavior are all brought on by the Full Moon conjunct Uranus. You might experience irritability, restlessness, anxiety, impulsivity, or rebelliousness.

Unexpected occurrences can cause relationship upheaval, family problem, or a significant change in the course of your close relationships. Your intuition is strengthened, which may also result in increased psychic awareness and flashes of insight.

The Moon, however, is square Saturn, opposite the Sun and Mercury. As a result, your intuition may not be accurate and may be influenced by worries and pessimism.

Life moves more quickly when Mercury is opposite Uranus because there are more encounters, interactions, and surprises. Short attention spans and a propensity to get easily distracted can make communication difficult.

Hasty and disorganized thinking can result in errors and mishaps. So pay close attention when others are speaking and try to think before you speak.

Otherwise, disagreements and conflicts might arise. It will be harder to make plans, negotiate business deals, or handle any other mental tasks that call for self-control and patience.

Being adaptable and flexible will be crucial. Unexpected occurrences, technological glitches, or travel delays might necessitate changing plans. You might run into inspiring individuals who push your perspective. Opening up more can present exciting opportunities.



Full Moon square Saturn means it's more difficult to express your emotions. Pessimism, loss, and disappointment can result from difficulties, obstacles, and demanding responsibilities.

The November 2022 Full Moon's astrological aspect may cause melancholy, loneliness, guilt, shame, or grief. Codependent or complicated relationships that involve abuse or addiction may come to an end.

Even relationships that appear to be normal can be harmed by emotional coldness, a bad temper, harassment, or intimidation. A responsible attitude, perseverance, patience, and hard work will lessen the likelihood of such undesirable outcomes.

Mercury square Saturn makes it more challenging to express your plans and ideas. Your mental health may suffer as a result of dark thoughts, bad news, or loneliness.

Arguments, criticism, and nasty behavior are all possible. Close relationships may experience some separation or distance. You'll need to be patient and pay close attention to details.

Don't believe what other people say, and focus on what you are saying. When engaging in crucial negotiations and decisions, take your time. Consult a trusted advisor for contracts, business decisions, and legal matters.

Fear and apprehension about the future will last for at least another six months due to this activation caused by a total Lunar Eclipse. More limitations, natural disasters, drastic changes, and unforeseen setbacks are things we can anticipate.



Full Moon T-Square

The red triangle in the astrological chart for the Lunar Eclipse in November 2022 is known as a T-square or success triangle. It is energetic and as it only has red aspects. Red encourages movement, achievement, and goal accomplishment.

There is no chance for relaxation if there are no blue aspects. Without a green aspect, we behave irrationally. T-Squares encourage a “act first, think later” mentality, which makes mistakes more likely to occur.

Moon-Uranus opposite Sun-Mercury produces a highly erratic, unstable, and impulsive energy. The objective is to achieve stability and security with Saturn at the top of the T-Square.

To restore order, though, too much discipline and restriction will lead to inefficient energy transfers and rigid states of consciousness. If you can't adapt to change, you'll keep making the same errors.

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Constellations of the Lunar Eclipse


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in November 2022 will occur in Taurus. However, as indicated by the star map, this is in fact in the Aries Constellation. This difference is a result of the equinoxes' precession.

This has caused almost all of one sign's sun signs to be out of alignment with the constellations for which they were given their names more than 2000 years ago.

The Zodia was initially developed only as a measuring tool. The visible constellation and its stars have always been used by astrologers to interpret the horoscope.

There are no significant fixed stars in the Aries Constellation that coincide with the Lunar Eclipse of November 8. However, it is located in the Alpha Ceti orb, Menkar at 14°38′ Taurus.

The Constellation Cetus is thought to encourage laziness but bestows a compassionate and commanding nature. Disease, embarrassment, ruin, wounds, sickness, and loss of fortune are all brought about by the Fixed Star Menkar.

It has a Saturnian character and corresponds to obstacles of all kinds, worries, and endurance tests; in some cases, it hardens the person.



Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Summary

As it is a total Lunar Eclipse, this Full Moon is more potent than a typical Full Moon. Additionally, this eclipse is particularly strong. The duration of the Lunar Eclipse on November 8 is 86 minutes, way above average. Until June 2029, it is probably the longest total Lunar Eclipse.

The Sun opposite the Moon and Mercury opposite Uranus aligning so closely increase the strength and intensity of this Lunar Eclipse. People will become uneasy, erratic, and unpredictable as a result.

Maintaining stability and order will require a lot of work with Saturn at the top of a T-square. But errors will occur simply because of Mercury opposite Uranus and the T-square.

The most potent planetary factor influencing the Lunar Eclipse of November 2022 is Mercury. It controls money and trade. Financial markets will be unpredictable and unstable with a chance of large swings due to the Lunar Eclipse's alignment with Mercury opposite Uranus.

Additionally, Saturn's T-Square indicates that things will go south. Trades may fail frequently because trading partners are unreliable. Bankruptcies, job losses, foreclosures, and the possibility of a global recession are all likely.

Mercury is the planet of thought. People's uncertainty about the future will persist due to erratic change and unexpectedly bad news. Depression may result from negative thinking.



The Eclipse Phases

A Full Moon is influenced by the previous New Moon astrologically. Regarding love and money, the October 25 Solar Eclipse breeds uncertainty and discontent. There will be important choices to be made regarding what truly makes you happy.

The impact of the Solar Eclipse on October 25 and the Lunar Eclipse on November 8 combine together. They form an eclipse phase that will last roughly six months.

  • Previous Moon Phase: October 25, 2022, Solar Eclipse
  • Next Moon Phase: November 23, 2022, New Moon



Visibility of the Lunar Eclipse

The Pacific and the majority of North America will be able to see the entire total Lunar Eclipse on November 8. It is expected to be visible on the rising moon over Australia, Asia, and far northeastern Europe, as well as the setting moon over South America and eastern North America.

New York – November 8, 6:02 A.M.
Quebec – November 8, 5:02 A.M.
London – November 8, 11:02 A.M.
Paris – November 8, 12:02 P.M.
Sydney – November 8, 10:02 P.M.

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Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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