Spiritual Meaning and Astrology of the New Moon on December 23

On December 23, 2022, the New Moon rises in Capricorn, and it will form a square aspect with Jupiter. The spiritual meaning of this New Moon will be to exercise self-control and moderation in both our actions and words.

Jupiter magnifies the tendency of being overconfident, greedy, or excessive, all of which can result in losses, dissatisfaction, and disappointments.



New Moon Astrology

On Friday, December 23, 2022, the New Moon will be located at 01°32′ Capricorn. It aligns with the fixed star Spiculum at 01°08′ Capricorn and forms aspects with Jupiter and asteroid 10 Hygeia.



Meaning of the New Moon

The Sun and the Moon being in conjunction represents the completion of one cycle and the beginning of a new one which lasts 28 days.

It provides a jolting surge of energy and initiative. On the other hand, it helps maintain a healthy emotional balance, one that is neither overly irrational nor overly analytical.

As a result, the New Moon in December 2022 is an excellent time for beginning something new, shaking off old habits, or turning over a new leaf.

If you are looking for fresh and original ways to advance in your career, you'll be inspired to question long-held patterns of behavior, beliefs, and habits.



New Moon Aspects

New Moon square Jupiter is a double-edged sword. Good fortune and success can come from the confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm inspired by the New Moon.

However, being overconfident could result in failure and embarrassment. Therefore, the most effective strategy moving forward is to exercise self-control and maintain moderation in both your actions and your speech.

Avoid being boastful, arrogant, self-centered, greedy, or overindulgent. Selfishness is also a bad trait to have. You shouldn't take on too many projects at once, and you shouldn't push yourself too hard.

Put the majority of your efforts into one or a few projects, and monitor your spending carefully. You can still enjoy yourself, but make sure not to go too far.


Fixed Star Spiculum

Fixed star Spiculum is associated with blindness and when in a bad aspect, gives a strong tendency toward depression as well as a rather morbid attitude.

It causes a wide range of issues, both psychologically and physically, including damage to one's eyesight.


Asteroid 10 Hygiea

Asteroid 10 Hygeia is associated with things such as health, hygiene, traditional and natural medicine, physicians and healers, disease, toxins, hypochondria, reluctance to get tested, operations, incorrect diagnosis, substance abuse, diet, and worry about the health of family and friends.



New Moon Summary

The New Moon square Jupiter on December 23 is symbolic of a test of faith and character. It's possible that greed and excess will result in less wealth and more disappointment.

There is a possibility that stock markets will experience falls. The problematic aspect of Jupiter amplifies not only the negative connotations associated with the star and asteroid but also the fear associated with them.

The Moon will be in Capricorn until Saturday, when it will move to Aquarius on Christmas Day. Thus, the Christmas weekend will pass without any major astrological fireworks.

But because Mars is retrograde in Gemini, even small arguments have the potential to quickly escalate, so if someone tries to irritate you or brings up a subject that you don't want to discuss, take a short walk outside.

Because of the asteroid Hygeia, the topic of health will be an important astrological focus during the New Moon in December 2022.

The effects of the December 23 New Moon will linger for four weeks, until the next New Moon on January 21. The waxing Moon phase, which lasts for two weeks: from December 23 to the Full Moon on January 6, is the best time for starting new projects.



New Moon Times and Dates

New York – December 23, 5:16 a.m.
Quebec – December 23, 4:16 a.m.
London – December 23, 10:16 a.m.
Paris – December 23, 11:16 a.m.
Sydney – December 23, 9:16 p.m.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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