Spiritual Meaning and Astrology of the New Moon on November 23

On November 23, 2022, the New Moon in Sagittarius will be positively impacted by Jupiter. Thus, the astrological significance of the November 2022 New Moon is one of goodwill and personal, material, and spiritual development.

Mercury and Venus are in harmony, positioned near the New Moon. This adds goodwill and diplomacy. However, difficult fixed stars that bring immorality, violence, and bad luck affect the New Moon, Mercury-Venus, and Jupiter as well.



Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon November 23

The end of one cycle and the beginning of a brand-new 28-day cycle are symbolized by the Sun conjunct with the Moon. It provides a jolt of energizing initiative.

However, it also brings a healthy emotional balance that is neither too emotional nor too cold and calculating. As a result, the New Moon in Sagittarius in 2022 is a great time to start something new or turn a new page.

If you're looking for fresh and creative ways to advance, you'll be inspired to challenge old behaviors, beliefs, and habits.

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Astrology of the New Moon

Three planets are making aspects to the New Moon on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 01°37′ Sagittarius. While Jupiter is in trine, Mercury and Venus, which are 8° apart, are conjunct at the New Moon.

All of these features are advantageous and harmonious. However, since this rarely occurs, it is not as straightforward.

Just five minutes after the New Moon, Jupiter makes goes direct. Additionally, there are challenging fixed stars involved.



The New Moon trine Jupiter suggests growth, wealth, luck, and success. People become happier, more upbeat, enthusiastic, and kind as a result of this factor.

Most relationships will become more harmonious when there is more goodwill, more faith, and tolerance. This New Moon will be fantastic for beginning new projects, relationships, long-distance travel, or study because of a more adventurous and self-assured outlook.

Your wealth could grow as a result of investments, business transactions, or independent work. Additionally, religion, spirituality, and group activities can all promote personal growth.

Participating in social welfare, politics, philosophy, or moral, legal, or ethical issues may help you grow intellectually and bring satisfaction and fulfillment.



Jupiter is in retrograde, so excess, greed, and ignorance pose a threat to your success, happiness, and ability to grow. Jupiter also goes direct, which raises the risk.

Additionally, as Jupiter aligns with the fixed star Scheat, “extreme misfortune” may result. The New Moon also aligns with a star that promotes immorality, savagery, wastefulness, and gullibility.

The same things apply when Jupiter completes its retrograde motion. Abundance, or perhaps overabundance in this case, is a theme of Jupiter's trine aspect between them.

As a result, an otherwise fortunate aspect may result in indolence, greed, selfishness, arrogance, boastfulness, smugness, and excessive zeal. Therefore, it is crucial to practice moderation and self-control, especially if you already struggle with excess, abuse, addiction, or gambling.


Mercury and Venus

The New Moon in November 2022 is positively impacted by Mercury conjunct Venus. It promotes face-to-face interaction and improves the harmony and pleasure of communication.

It will enable you to communicate your affection more effectively, which is beneficial for interacting with people, making friends, and hanging out. Additionally, this conjunction will enhance your artistic and creative abilities.

People come together and cooperate when Mercury is conjunct with Venus. It teaches people how to negotiate and use diplomacy to end disputes amicably and remove obstacles to progress.

The powerful star Antares, which is located between Mercury and Venus, can bring about evil, destruction, and violence. People become more careless, obstinate, and aggressive as a result.



Constellations of the New Moon

November 2022 will see a New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. It does, however, border the constellations of Libra and Scorpio. The equinoxes' precession is the cause of this discrepancy.

Constellations have moved from the signs by nearly 30° over the last 2000 years. The Zodiac was created exclusively as a measuring device. The visible constellations and their stars have always been used by astrologers for interpretation.

The closest stars to the November 23 New Moon are in the northern constellation of Hercules. But the nearest major fixed star is Yed Prior in the Serpent Bearer's left hand, constellation Ophiuchus.

With little to no room for happiness, unseen dangers, enmity, strife, and slander, constellation Hercules gives a passionate, blindly generous, wasteful, and easily seduced nature.



Heart of Scorpio

The star Alpha Scorpii, which is located in the heart of Scorpio, has the greatest impact on the astrology of the New Moon in November 2022. Mercury and Venus are in close alignment with Mars' rival Antares.

Alpha Scorpii, commonly known as Antares makes its natives reckless, voracious, stubborn, and destructive because it causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, open-mindedness, bad omens, and mortal danger.

With Mercury: suspicious, making false accusations against friends, being unpopular, using ecclesiastical influence in business, obtaining money slowly and with great difficulty, being in danger of becoming ill, and losing a relative either at home or away.

With Venus: selfish, impulsive, insincere, and dishonest.

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New Moon November 23 Summary

People should come together to solve problems and improve the world because of the goodwill Jupiter fosters and Mercury's friendship with Venus.

According to astrology, the New Moon in November 2022 is favorable for world trade and relations. However, Jupiter's alignment with Antares may make matters worse and hinder cooperation.

It might merely be a reflection of the nature of our difficulties, like inflation (Jupiter) and war (Antares). As a result, there may be trade agreements and treaties, trade sanctions, diplomatic crises, military attacks, war, or peace.

Up until the New Moon on December 23, the November 23 New Moon's influence lasts for four weeks. The two-week waxing Moon phase, which lasts from November 23 to the Full Moon on December 7, is the best time to begin new endeavors.



Visibility of the New Moon

New York – November 23, 5:57 p.m.
Quebec – November 23, 4:57 p.m.
London – November 23, 10:57 p.m.
Paris – November 23, 11:57 p.m.
Sydney – November 24, 10:57 a.m.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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