Spiritual Meaning & Astrology of the New Moon March 21, 2023

The Spiritual Meaning & Astrology of the New Moon on March 21, 2023, provides a unique opportunity to explore the deep, energetic themes of this celestial moment. This powerful cosmic event brings with it a period of expansive growth, spiritual exploration, and self-reflection.

Understanding the spiritual meaning of the New Moon gives us insight into our relationships, ambitions, and purpose in life. The astrology of this New Moon also reveals how the Moon's energy will affect us during this period of change and new beginnings.

The Aries New Moon on March 21st ushers in a fresh start, and it reaches its zenith immediately after the March Equinox. It contains some of the best energy for starting over that we will experience throughout the entire year.

It carries a high level of creative energy, which allows us to easily manifest our desires, discover new possibilities, and open ourselves up to new worlds.

You can think of this New Moon of March 2023 as a breath of fresh air, guiding us to think differently, open our minds to new dimensions, and look at things in a completely different way.

Under the light of this New Moon, something new is bound to emerge. This New Moon is on your side if you have been considering making some changes in your life; if it is time for you to seek opportunities elsewhere, now is the time to do so.



Aries New Moon and The Upcoming Aries New Moon Eclipse

It is likely that some surprising or even shocking new information will make its way into our world as a result of all of this new energy that is currently circling the cosmos.

We'll have some kind of awakening or an aha moment. In order to fit into this new paradigm that is now in front of us, we will need to make some adjustments or changes.

The New Moon of March 21st, 2023 is the first of two New Moons that occurs in Aries this year. The second New Moon occurs on April 19th, 2023, and is a Solar New Moon Eclipse.

The New Moon of March falls at the beginning of Aries, at 0-1 degrees, and the Solar New Moon Eclipse of April falls at the end of Aries, at 29 degrees. These two New Moons in Aries will work well together.

Knowing this, whatever comes up for us on the New Moon of March will only be a portion of the bigger story. The remaining pieces of the puzzle will fall into place for us during the powerful Solar Eclipse of April.

Two lunar cycles in Aries indicate a powerful, courageous, and fiery time ahead, during which we are encouraged to take risks and make decisions without fear.

We have the support of the universe, which not only bestows upon us new opportunities but also the confidence and motivation to make the most of those opportunities.



Aries New Moon and Pluto

On March 23, shortly after the New Moon, Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time in over 200 years.

This is one of the most important cosmological events that will happen in 2023, and the fact that it will take place immediately after the New Moon indicates that more new energy will be building up for us.

When Pluto moves into Aquarius, it brings with it a once-in-a-lifetime energy that indicates the beginning of a new cycle for all of us, on both an individual and a collective level.

Pluto is a symbol of both power and transformation. It has the potential to bring about destruction, but through that destruction, we have the opportunity to give birth to something brand new and significantly more potent.

The fact that Pluto is moving so close to the New Moon gives the impression that whatever new beginning is opening for us may have a Plutonian flavor.

Something might need to be destroyed, but after that destruction, there will be a new beginning.



How to Use the Energy of the Aries New Moon

Because creative energy is at its peak during a New Moon, it is an excellent time to consider what you would like to bring into your life and start planning how you can make that happen.

Make the most of this energy by reflecting on the habits and goals that you would like to incorporate into your life while also using it to set intentions.

Write them down somewhere and put them in a place where you see them on a daily basis. Make sure they are kind, loving, and motivational. Make them a source of inspiration for your being.

Under this influence, we might feel like we're reborn. We will feel as though we are turning a new page and rewriting some of the rules that we have chosen to live by.

Embrace every bit of this new energy that is currently circulating throughout the cosmos. Utilize it to bring new inspiration to every part of your mind, body, and soul so that you can take your life to the next level.



The Spiritual Meaning of the March 21 New Moon in Aries

The start of the zodiac year is marked by the Sun's entry into Aries, which takes place on March 21.

Now that we have taken in all of the information, intuition, and new ideas that Pisces has to offer, it is Aries' turn to assist us in putting our plans into action.

The New Moon in Aries inspires us to make daring plans without placing excessive importance on the details.

Expect to feel particularly empowered by Aries' brute force because it is a cardinal fire sign that craves leadership and passion.

Aries symbolizes “don't take no for an answer” when it comes to reaching your goals and achieving your dreams.

This lunation is focused on the transition from one season to the next. That entails ghosting those situationships, experimenting with new styles, and making the first move.

Because this New Moon is connected to an extremely rare second New Moon in Aries in April (which happens to be a Solar Eclipse), it is important to pay attention to lessons about your identity and how you express yourself.

You will emerge from both of these New Moons feeling like an entirely new person. Right now is a great time to focus on your vision for the rest of 2023 and to ask yourself, “Who do I need to become in order to make my dreams a reality?”

During the time of the New Moon, a challenging aspect involving Mars in Gemini could result in some friction between people.

You might be getting restless and impatient with the way things are currently going, and as a result, you might say or do something that is not appropriate.

Keep in mind that good things take time.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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