Starting March 22, 5 Zodiac Signs Will See Their Relationships Improve As The Sun Enters Aries

Embracing new beginnings is always within our power, each day presenting a fresh canvas to paint our lives anew.

As dawn breaks, we're gifted another chance to redefine our journey, a pristine moment to craft a new narrative. Yet, the shadows of bygone days, with their unresolved grievances and lingering scars, can sometimes cast a long pall, challenging our resolve to move forward.

This week heralds a transformative phase as we transition into a new astrological cycle with the Sun's entry into Aries, coinciding with the vernal equinox.

This pivotal moment, when light and dark find their equilibrium, offers a profound opportunity for introspection and renewal.

It's a period ripe for healing, allowing us to tenderly address the remnants of our past, thus paving the way for a future filled with promise and newfound clarity.

As we stride into this season of rebirth, let the balanced energies of the equinox inspire you to harmonize your inner reflections with your external actions.

Embrace the courage that Aries bestows to confront what once was and to forge ahead with determination and hope, crafting a path that resonates with the true desires of your heart.


The arrival of the spring equinox heralds a time of rejuvenation across the northern hemisphere, infusing the air with a transformative energy that beckons us to embrace fresh starts and novel ventures.

As we bid farewell to the introspective chill of winter, the burgeoning warmth and vitality of spring stir an innate yearning for renewal and growth within us.

As Aries season dawns, it introduces a unique celestial interplay, with a significant planetary presence lingering in the introspective realm of Pisces.

This week, an intriguing dynamic emerges as Mars, the archetype of drive and determination, traverses the reflective and dreamy domain of Pisces, prompting a reevaluation of our customary paths to ambition and success.

Mars, typically associated with assertive and straightforward action, is now invited to wade through the nuanced emotional landscapes and intuitive undercurrents characterized by Pisces.

This astrological alignment might challenge Mars's innate directness, yet it simultaneously bestows a precious gift—the chance to delve into our profoundest aspirations and emotional underpinnings.

As we step into the nascent astrological year and welcome the equinox, we are gently nudged to acknowledge the centrality of emotional resonance and fulfillment in our endeavors.

Embracing this period urges us to redefine success, emphasizing personal contentment and emotional equilibrium over material achievements or accolades. By aligning our actions with our heartfelt desires and values, we cultivate a foundation for enduring satisfaction and joy.

This week, as we navigate these celestial currents, let us lean into the promise of new beginnings, armed with a deeper understanding of ourselves and a readiness to embark on paths that resonate with our truest selves, ensuring our pursuits are as meaningful as they are rewarding.

The 5 zodiac signs will see their relationships improve in the coming days:




In the days ahead, dear Libra, I urge you to carve out moments for introspection and grounding. Envision a landscape brimming with opportunities for rejuvenation and novelty just waiting on your horizon.

The essence of this phase is to gain clarity on your current life path, especially in matters of the heart.

Reflect on the strides you've made in love, acknowledging the complexity of balancing your own peace with the happiness of others.

A pivotal realization is poised to dawn on you, signifying a period of tranquility before transformative shifts unfold, revealing that the new beginnings you yearn for are within your grasp.

As the Sun transitions into Aries around March 20-21, your sector of love will be illuminated, magnified by the introspective currents of Pisces, urging resolve and well-being.

This juncture is crucial, yet it demands your patience to fully immerse and understand its significance. With a lunar eclipse in your sign imminent, followed by a solar counterpart in Aries, the winds of change are undeniable.

Seize this moment to envision how personal growth and healing are instrumental in cultivating profound love. Embrace the potential upheaval; it's a catalyst propelling you towards your destined path.




Anticipate a surge of newfound energy, Virgo, that is set to illuminate revelations within your love life, fostering deeper commitments and connections.

While your desires in love are well-articulated, it's time to pause and assimilate the ongoing lessons within your relationships.

Recurring patterns or frustrations beckon you to uncover deeper insights. Embrace this period of learning to steer your relationships towards a more fulfilling commitment.

With Aries and Pisces energies converging on matters of intimacy, love, and transformation, the stage is set for meaningful encounters and pivotal growth phases.

These celestial movements are not only about welcoming new love but also about navigating through essential growth spurts to harmonize your bond.

As Mars ventures into Pisces on March 22, aligning with Saturn and Venus, a dynamic trio will energize your sphere of love, blending action, intention, and insight.

This potent mix is your beacon, guiding you toward inner peace and contentment within your relationship. While delving deep might seem daunting, it's a journey towards establishing a love that's both enduring and genuine.




This period heralds a significant shift in your approach to love, Scorpio. Your readiness to embrace risk is informed by invaluable lessons learned about fostering a nurturing, stable relationship.

It's imperative to acknowledge your evolution, understanding that the person you've become is well-equipped to make choices that resonate with your growth.

Embracing vulnerability in love now transcends mere connection; it's about recognizing your capacity to cultivate a relationship that echoes your healing journey, not past wounds.

As the Aries season unfolds, intensifying with the Sun's entry into this dynamic sign, you're granted clarity on personal needs and healthier relationship dynamics.

Aries energizes your sector of well-being, inspiring you to establish firm boundaries and foster resilience, reminding you that your future holds promise, regardless of past trials.

With Mars transitioning into Pisces, spotlighting your sector of deep commitments on March 22, your aspirations for meaningful, enduring bonds gain momentum.

You're prepared to embark on a new chapter, one filled with genuine joy and connection. Embrace this transformative energy, sculpting a love life that reflects your true essence.




This year is poised to redefine your romantic narrative, emphasizing deeper commitments and the essence of home and family.

Your journey isn't solely about securing a lasting partnership; it's an exploration of domestic harmony, an area you've grappled with, balancing personal freedom and intimate ties.

Understanding that past reluctance stemmed from your inner conflicts, you're now poised to embrace the full spectrum of love and belonging you've envisioned.

In the ensuing days, seize the opportunity for renewal. Initiate heartfelt dialogues, assume accountability, and display vulnerability. Such openness is key to unlocking profound commitment and co-creating the life you envisage.

With the Sun's progression into Aries, accentuating marital themes, coupled with Pisces' healing energies, you're encouraged to contemplate shared futures, be it home scouting or ring shopping.

This synergy of celestial forces invites action and introspection, preparing you for the foundational steps ahead. Remember, as Saturn's presence in Pisces demands diligence, the fruits of your labor may not be immediate, yet they are assuredly aligning in your favor.




As a Leo, you're reminded that love isn't just a series of lessons to be learned—it's an invitation to balance the wisdom you've acquired with the vibrant, spontaneous spirit that defines you.

Discovering your path in love is not about diminishing the enchantment of connection; it's about laying a solid foundation that supports the thrill and passion inherent in a meaningful relationship.

In the days ahead, the energetic shifts brought on by Aries and Pisces are set to catalyze significant moments in your love life. You're encouraged to escape any stagnation and embrace the notion that love is the grandest adventure of all.

With your senses sharpened, you'll find yourself yearning for novelty and excitement, whether you're navigating the single life or in the midst of a partnership. Fortune smiles upon you, Leo, especially in matters of the heart.

Give yourself permission to let go of the pressure to constantly innovate in love. Instead, relish the connections that grace your life. Consider embarking on a spontaneous day trip or plotting a getaway to uncharted territories.

Extend an invitation to your special someone for an unforgettable outing, or venture into that Reiki class you've been eyeing—you might just cross paths with someone captivating.

Recognize that love can be both steadfast and exhilarating, paving the way for it to unfold in wonderfully unexpected ways.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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