Subconscious Test: Choose the Card You Prefer and Find Out What it Reveals

Have you ever put your subconscious knowledge to the test?

Find out what your subconscious is trying to tell you by picking the card that is either your favorite or the one that draws your attention the most.

Before beginning the test, try to give yourself a few minutes to unwind, take a few slow, deep breaths, and then pick a card from the deck shown below.

Then read the profile corresponding to your choice of this fascinating subconscious test.

Subconscious Test Choose the Card You Prefer and Find Out What it Reveals



Card Number 1

A spirit that is adventurous, curious, daring, and courageous is indicated by the selection of card number 1.

Indicative of a person who possesses a strong character and is not prone to being mundane. A proud person.

He rarely allows himself to be shaped by the opinions of others, by the praise that may or may not be sincere, or by the experiences of the past.

Unquestionably, a very straightforward and loyal individual, the kind of person in whom one can place their trust without running the risk of being let down.

Only by illuminating and giving voice to that part of one's character that is typically kept in the shadows can one hope to make life more complete and even more deserving of being lived.

When people look at you, they see someone who is intensely sensitive and compassionate, with a deep desire to make the world a better place.

It is truly inspiring to witness your beautiful heart and the countless acts of kindness you spread throughout the world.

So, keep doing what you love, and continue striving to become the best version of yourself. Through perseverance and determination, you can achieve anything.



Card Number 2

The selection of card number 2 reveals a noble spirit that is also humble and sincere. Indicative of a person who is capable of forgiving the offenses received and who does not harbor resentment toward the other party.

He would rather lead a life that is harmonious and peaceful. He is now aware that harboring resentment and animosity serves only to make one's existence more difficult.

The selection of this card provides insight into the impending arrival of shifts that will lead to a tipping point, particularly in the realm of social relationships.

In the end, it will become clear that even though being generous and forgiving others is unquestionably a virtue, one must be careful not to let oneself be exploited by people who have no intention other than to take without ever giving.

If you continue in this manner, you put yourself and those who are deserving of your energy at risk of exhaustion.



Card Number 3

Your selection of card number 3 reveals that you have a disposition that is extremely sensitive and delicate.

It suggests a person who is very attached to his origins, to the beautiful family traditions, and to the cultural norms of his or her culture.

He delights in surrounding himself with things that are understated in their elegance but hold a special place in his heart and recollection.

It's not unusual for people to experience brief bouts of melancholy as a result of their inner monologue.

You will be able to blossom once more after you let out all of your pent-up feelings and finally say all of the words that have been stuck in your throat.

More conscious, more powerful, and more at peace with the world.

By releasing these emotions, you will begin to feel more conscious, powerful, and at peace with the world. Embrace this feeling and use it to fuel your creativity and inspire new ideas.

You are a unique individual with so much potential, and once you find your voice again, the possibilities are endless.

Surround yourself with people who encourage your progress and cultivate an environment that allows you to grow and thrive. Keep true to your beliefs and don't be afraid to try new things.

Your delicate disposition and sensitive nature make you an invaluable asset to the world, and you should take pride in everything that you do.



Card Number 4

It is indicative of a profound spirit, one that is completely submerged in everything that lives and is seen.

This describes a person who is capable of experiencing extreme joy or extreme melancholy, depending on the circumstances he has experienced at the time.

A person who values their time alone because it gives them the opportunity to think freely away from the noise and conditioning of the world.

There is no question that the world is heartless and frequently unfair, and the people who inhabit it appear to be, for the most part, hypocritical and self-righteous; however, this should not be a cause for anger.

The spirit implores you to find a way to liberate the light that is hidden away in a nook. To shine brightly within and without, while traveling the roads of the world.

There is a demand for people with magnificent souls who can shine a light into the darkness that others experience. They may bring encouragement and listen to those who are most vulnerable.


Subconscious Test Choose the Card You Prefer and Find Out What it Reveals Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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