Today, the Sun aligns with Mercury, forming semi-squares and sextiles with Mars and Jupiter. This transit brings about tension, impatience, or boldness.
However, this frustration can boost our ...
Today marks the beginning of Neptune's retrograde phase, which will continue until December 6th. During this period, our affairs may be clouded and it may be difficult to see things clearly.
With Venus trine Chiron, this morning we have the opportunity to fix broken relationships by being open to learning from each other.
This is an important time for building trust in our ...
Today's semi-square between the Sun and Uranus can bring about restlessness that may seem difficult to channel productively. We want to shake things up, break the routine, and get things moving.
Today, Jupiter aligns with Chiron in Aries. This transit stimulates a greater interest in the arts and healing, and a need for understanding, wisdom, and awareness.
During this time we will revise ...
The Moon continues its transit through Libra, with the First Quarter Moon forming early morning when the Sun in Cancer squares off with the Moon in Libra.
This transit makes us aware of the ...
Today the Moon is in Virgo, which represents order, method, and productivity. However, Mercury square Neptune opposes this, and it can be challenging to navigate.
Conveying facts, instructions, ...
The Moon stays in Virgo throughout the day, which reinforces our desire to help, sort and analyze. As the day goes on, we find it much easier to draw on new ideas to make progress in practical tasks. ...
The Sun sextile the North Node of the Moon inspires us to accomplish our goals, take on new challenges, grow, and improve. We support one another, strengthen our ties, and build trust.
However, ...
Today, the Moon is in Leo, and it connects with the Moon this morning, which amplifies our passion. We are lively, eager, and full of creativity.
Mars, currently transiting through Leo, forms a ...