The 3 Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs. They Think The World Revolves Around Them

Some people are particularly arrogant and egocentric and think they can do anything. So much so that they are handpicked unlike the others. Here are the most arrogant signs of the zodiac.

To some degree, we all experience certain episodes of arrogance depending on the situation. 

But while this characteristic in no way determines our person, it is a tendency that prevails in others to the point of thinking that the world revolves around them.

And this is especially the case for those who are part of these zodiac signs.




Leo 2

It's no wonder Leo is at the top of the list. They are known for their pride and their desire to be in the spotlight. It is therefore no surprise that its natives appear in this category prone to arrogance.

And we say “prone” because obviously, this character trait is not affiliated with Leo as if it were a mathematical given.

Still, many of these individuals are full of themselves and have a tendency to egocentrism and vanity; even if these outbursts of “swagger” differ from individual to individual in terms of degree.

However, this character trait does not taint their charisma and does not prevent them from having friends and even followers.

However, the ego of the natives of Leo is so disproportionate that it can constitute an obstacle to the objectives that they have set themselves.

Where a situation calls for a certain flexibility of mind, they can remain very attached to an idea.

This stubbornness not to change their minds can cost them quite dearly. What is even more remarkable is that many of them are aware of their pride but will do nothing to tame it.




Sagittarius 2

Sagittarius is a free spirit. This reputation sticks to his skin and the least we can say is that he likes it.

If they are so eager for travel, discovery, and escape, it is because part of them is convinced that people, nature, and karma revolve around their being.

They may believe that their reason for being is to deserve all that the world has to offer that is the most beautiful, the most exciting, and the most exhilarating.

In their eyes, these things can be obtained by going to discover territories that have yet to be explored. This philosophy applies to all aspects of their life.

However, we cannot take away from them their innate charm, magnetic optimism, and constructive curiosity.

However, when their egocentrism and their vanity dominate, all these qualities can lose ground and run out of steam as they continue to believe that they are the chosen one among the chosen ones.

When others deviate from their perimeter, they can be distraught because, after all, they are the ones who should be taken as an example.

But that doesn't stop them from repeating the same pattern of thought again and again, without deigning to question themselves.

They are convinced that they have the right way of thinking and that those who listen to them should be delighted.




Taurus 2

There is no in-between for Taurus, this sign so famous for its stubbornness. There is no nuance in his beliefs. These are immutable.

Despite their great ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes, Taurus is sometimes so focused on themselves that they can completely overshadow the feelings and needs expressed by others.

Your own feelings and problems take precedence over those of others.

Their great desire for comfort drives them to actions that do not take into account the consequences on the lives of those around them. Unless it's their family or people particularly dear to them.

The Taurus is however not an insensitive being but it is clear that this is how he forces others to judge him. This is the price to pay when you put yourself first.

We also understand that he is not arrogant as such and that the intention is not always so dark. His arrogance is just the collateral damage of his desire to come first.

For some, this makes no difference and a little questioning would be most beneficial.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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