The 3 Most Cowardly Zodiac Signs: They Always Run Away From Their Responsibilities

Asserting yourself and assuming your convictions is not easy. What is considered cowardice is often conditioned by an individual's character.

This is where the stars come in. Astrologers agree that cowardice is specific to some signs more than others.

Some individuals are afraid to assert themselves and express their opinions. 

Cowardice pushes them to wear a mask and take on roles on a daily basis that may not suit them but which they dare not escape.



Capricorn 4

Capricorn can appear to be confident and self-assured. He likes to strut around with his chest puffed out like a rooster reigning over a backyard.

But this zodiac sign is nothing but a coward who does not assume his actions or his words.

He treats people with little consideration and feels no remorse about it. He will, for example, be unable to choose between two people in love.

This will push him to play on several tables, abusing the feelings of the first, while charming the second.

Having neither the courage nor the desire to put an end to one or the other of the relationships, he will juggle with impunity until he is caught red-handed.

But Capricorn, having more than one trick up his sleeve, will end up turning the situation to his advantage and will come out of it unscathed.

On the other hand, he will easily ignore the calls of the person he owes money to.




Cancer 4

In love, Cancer quickly gets tired of its partners. But, unlike other signs of the zodiac who assume their feelings and their decisions, Cancer does not know how to say no and refuses to face reality.

He prefers to evade the question and leave his partner in total vagueness rather than make a decision, which, most of the time, is irrevocable. At work, Cancer is just as cowardly as in love.

As a result, he will be assigned to a mission in a city that he does not like, with colleagues that he cannot stand, simply because he does not dare to assert his authority.

Making concessions is conceivable in some cases, but when it involves jeopardizing the comfort and happiness of the person who agrees to it, it can become dangerous for the future.





Pisces 4

Naïve, fearful, coward, without opinion… so many terms which are used to describe Pisces. This candid sign who easily falls in love clearly doesn't know how to express his emotions.

He is constantly afraid of hurting others by having the misfortune to express an opinion.

A friend who asked him for some cash is more likely to be satisfied than if he had asked an Aries, because for Aries friendship is worth gold but is subject to certain limits.

Pisces, unable to say no, not because of kindness but because of lack of self-esteem and cowardice, would be able to muster all possible means to respond favorably to a request, even though they do not consider it necessary.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

1 Comment
  1. Thanks. You describe me perfectly. My sun sign is in Pisces, I hate being a Pisces male. In fact, I hate being a male full stop. I can’t wait to die.

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