The 3 Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who was so determined on getting their way that they refused to listen to you no matter what you said or did?

Someone who was extremely confident in himself and his attitude while completely ignoring you? If this is the case, it's likely that you've met someone who belongs to the 3 most stubborn zodiac signs.

Find out who they are down below:




Taurus 1

Since Taurus believes that he is infallible and always wants to be right, he makes life very difficult for everyone else around him.

He is pleased with himself because he does not shy away from standing up for himself and what he believes in.

Because of the discord that he brings to the get-togethers of his friends, spending time with him is not a very pleasant experience.

When a Taurus is convinced of something, there is no one who can persuade them otherwise; they are the most stubborn of all the zodiac signs.

You can talk until your throat is raw, and if you're lucky, he'll at least let you finish, but will not listen to any word you have to say. He's only waiting until you are done talking so that he can continue speaking his mind.

He is successful because he knows what he wants and the steps to get it. Nobody can change that and trying to do so is just a waste of time.

That's why he's taking off professionally. He is extremely successful and satisfied himself because he does not give up until he has finished his work and does not allow anything to deter him from his goals.




Leo 1

It is common knowledge that a Leo does not lack confidence. This sign walks upright and doesn't let anyone stop him from getting where he wants to go.

No one can throw him off his game because he has a clear idea of what he wants and consistently takes the steps necessary to achieve it.

He never gets lost in life and tries out a lot. He hates being told he can't do something because he always gets excited about new experiences.

Then he does it all the more to prove it to everyone and to show himself that he won't let anyone talk him into it. Being honest with himself is the one thing that matters the most to him so he always does what he thinks is right.

His inner voice, which he always follows, tells him where to go and what project to tackle. And when he does something so passionately, no one has any effect on it.

He is well aware that he cannot rely on anyone else as much as he can rely on himself. If someone tries to say something against it, he will disregard him and laugh at him inside.

He is confident in his ability to accomplish anything, and even if a path leads nowhere, he will have at least given it a shot.




Scorpio is confident in who he is and what he believes in. Once he forms an opinion about something, he will never waver from it and will always be ready to defend it.

If you are or have been in a relationship with a Scorpio, then you are familiar with the situation where he won't let you say anything and all your words just bounce off him.

This can leave you feeling hopeless, but Scorpio is unfazed by it because they are unwavering in their resolve no matter what.

Since he believes he is more knowledgeable than you and everyone else, there is no point in telling him anything. He could care less if other people disagree with him or don't believe in what he has to say.

From the outside, a Scorpio often gives off the impression of being cocky and aloof. However, he is by no means cold-hearted.

He is just completely convinced and listens to himself. His intuition is very powerful, and it helps him in life. And he doesn't understand why others don't want to follow his path instead of being cross.

However, in the end, a Scorpio will leave everyone else as they are, even if he thinks they're barking up the wrong tree, because only he knows the right solution.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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