The 3 Most Unfaithful Zodiac Men: You Better not Marry Them

In a relationship, love is important, but other values ​​are also necessary to hold the relationship together and ensure its longevity, such as faithfulness.

However, this quality is not the forte of all astrological signs. In fact, some men of the zodiac lack commitment in their life as a couple and quickly become weary of routine.

Some fickle, even playful people find it difficult to commit to one person. Quickly tired of the monotony and routine of the couple, they easily seek love elsewhere.

Men born under these 3 zodiac signs are considered to be the most unfaithful.



Sagittarius 2

Sagittarius is an adventurer who likes to have fun and enjoy life. Lovers of travel and freedom, this sign quickly gets tired of the routine. Moreover, it is a sign that gets bored very quickly.

He will not hesitate to cheat on his partner if the monotony starts to become burdensome. Sagittarius is in fact a fickle sign, which prefers flirting and love escapades, rather than committing to a lasting relationship.

Since Sagittarius is an adventurous sign by nature, he likes to try new experiences and satisfy their strong sexual appetite. He can then lead a double life, without feeling remorse or regret.

Also, this fire sign can cheat on his wife if he feels suffocated in his relationship, or if he begins to lose his freedom or independence.




Gemini 2

Men born under this sign are great seducers, who like to flirt and flutter, to ensure their seductive potential. Gemini is also a curious sign that appreciates change and new experiences.

To escape the routine and monotony of the couple, he has the annoying habit of having new adventures in love, in order to discover new sensations. This playful sign is always looking to see if the grass is not greener elsewhere, without feeling guilty.

Moreover, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, this smooth talker has no trouble attracting several women into his nets.

Gemini is also a sign renowned for its double personality which makes it lose its credibility when it comes to forming a relationship with others, whether it be a love relationship or even a friendship.




Aries 2

Men born under tire sign loves new conquests. Flirting is an exciting adventure for him that allows him to break the monotony of everyday life.

This go-getter sign rarely takes the time to think about the consequences of their infidelity. They let themselves be tempted by seduction games every time the opportunity arises.

The Aries man likes change and novelty. Moreover, what can push him to have extra-marital relationships is the lack of passion and desire in his relationship.

As soon as monotony sets in, Aries cheats on his partner, in order to re-live the ardor and passion that always accompany the beginnings of love affairs.

This being said, the Aries man constantly seeks to spice up his life as a couple, lest boredom gets the better of him.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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