The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Believe In The Supernatural

Intrigued by the mystical connection between zodiac signs and their tendency to believe in the supernatural?

Curious to find out which signs are most attuned to the otherworldly realms of paranormal activity and supernatural beings? This comprehensive guide delves into the astrological influences that shape such beliefs.

While there is a lot of skepticism about the supernatural, with some people dismissing it completely, there is also a large group of people who are incredibly fascinated by the unexplained.

They delve into the world of enigmatic phenomena, from Bigfoot sightings and UFO encounters to ghostly apparitions. Their conversations often revolve around spine-tingling conspiracy theories and unorthodox pseudoscientific ideas.

Astrology offers intriguing insights into this phenomenon. Some zodiac signs, like Pisces, have a natural penchant for the mystical and the otherworldly.

They are attracted to the idea of alternate realities and often find themselves enthralled by tales of the supernatural.

This penchant for the paranormal is almost like an innate trait, making them more open to notions of extraterrestrial visitation, spectral entities, and other unexplained mysteries.

For those with a keen interest in astrology and the supernatural, here's a closer look at the zodiac signs that are most inclined to believe in and understand the paranormal:





Virgos, usually known for their logical, intelligent, and open-minded natures, harbor a surprising fascination with the supernatural.

This may seem contradictory to their grounded personalities, but their intrigue in the ethereal world of ghosts, spirits, and even extraterrestrial life runs deep.

Their approach to the paranormal is not just about understanding; it is about a desire to delve into the unknown.

If a Virgo encounters a spectral presence, their instinct is not to flee but to analyze, seeking to understand the reasons for its earthly connection.





Aquarius is often considered the most supernatural sign of the zodiac, with a playful joke that they are 80% extraterrestrial themselves.

This air sign is essentially drawn to the novel and unexplained. Their fascination with the supernatural stems from a love of the mysterious and intangible, things that defy conventional scientific explanation.

Aquarius enjoys discussing scary stories, and topics like UFOs, conspiracy theories, or even a conversation about ‘The Conjuring 3' can pique their interest.

Don't be surprised if they share a unique theory of their own—their minds are a playground for the paranormal.





Pisces, the dreamers of the zodiac, have a more specific belief in the supernatural, leaning toward ghosts rather than monsters or aliens.

Their heightened senses give them a unique ability to perceive and possibly connect with entities from other realms. To others, this may seem fantastic, but to Pisces, it is part of their reality.

They understand that not everything can be explained with logic and science. This intuitive understanding of the paranormal, combined with their dreamy nature, positions them as one of the zodiac signs most attuned to the supernatural realm.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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