The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Strongest Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities are skills such as clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, divination, healing, channeling spirits, dowsing, healing, cursing, and everything in between.

Psychic comes from the Greek word psykhikos, which means “of the soul or spirit.” People who have the “gift” are able to see or feel things that others are unable to, beyond the veil, the pale, and in the dark.

Once again demonstrating that humans do not deserve animals, Danielle MacKinnon, who calls herself a “soul-level animal communicator,” claims that she is able to communicate with pets that have passed away.

According to her, these pets send her messages of unending love and encouragement to live in the moment.

Chloe Smit, a mother from the United Kingdom, claims that her ‘gift' allows her to see angel guides, the dead, and bats.

People who have psychic abilities often have a strong concentration in the water houses of the eighth and twelfth houses.

The Moon, which rules instinct and intuition, Mercury, which rules communication and exchange, and Neptune, which rules psychic phenomena are the aspected planets.

For example, celebrity clairvoyant Sylvia Browne, who claimed to know the fate of the reincarnated Elvis Presley and the fate of missing people, had both her Sun and Mercury in her eighth house.

Read on if you want to find out which are the most psychic signs of the zodiac.




Gemini 1

Gemini, Mercury, the planet of communication, is your ruling planet. Mercury was named after Hermes, the messenger of the gods, whose domain extended from the high-altitude air of Mount Olympus to the dark rivers of the underworld.

It is said that those born under this sign are more likely to be susceptible to receiving static electricity, otherworldly signals, and transmissions.

They are well-known for their eagerness to learn new things as well as their intellectual curiosity. They usually have diverse interests and are open to trying out new things.

Also, they are generally adaptable and flexible when confronted with change. Geminis like to exchange stories, and hear secrets from strangers, ghosts, mysterious forces, etc.

They need continuous intellectual stimulation. They are drawn to mentally challenging topics, thought-provoking conversations, and the exchange of ideas. They have a hard time dealing with boredom.

Their brilliant minds are always working, even and especially when they sleep, preparing them for vivid or prophetic dreams.

Joan Rivers, a Gemini comedian who passed away in 2014, was known to attract spirits. She routinely cleansed her living spaces of the spirits of those who had passed away and wanted to keep her company.

The fact that Geminis don't care about being thought of as crazy or controversial allows them to talk shamelessly about their esoteric beliefs and paranormal experiences.

Theresa Caputo is a well-known psychic who is a Gemini.




Scorpio rules the eighth house of death, secrets, spy games, suspicion, restless minds, and rebirth, which is fertile ground for psychic activity.

The matrix of the universe, dimensions, dynamics, and demons are all things that they see and understand quite easily.

People born under this sign are prone to psychic abilities not only because they are ruled by Mars and Pluto, but also because they are curious about death and the paranormal.

This is the type of sign that will look for the dark in everything and everyone, as well as one that enjoys playing with the occult and the supernatural.

Those who were born under this water sign tend to be extremely passionate, intense, and deeply committed in all that they undertake. They have a powerful desire to be successful.

There is an aura of mystery about this sign. They can be reserved and keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves. They often place a higher value on depth than they do on superficiality.

Many Scorpios have the gift of great insight and the ability to read between the lines. They have a keen sense of observation and are able to discern the underlying reasons that others have for their actions.

It's common knowledge that they're emotional. These emotions can be deep and intense, and they can also be prone to passionate states of mind and strong emotional reactions.

Scorpios have an unrivaled sense of sniffing out deception, which not only makes them experts at inviting psychic phenomena, but also at pointing out liars.

They often have powerful instincts and excellent intuition. They are loyal to their loved ones and always ready to defend them.




Pisces are true magnets for the supernatural since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of vibrations and visions, illusions, and our link with the mystical otherworldly.

People born under this sign are known to have a high level of sensitivity as well as the ability to empathize with others.

They are often very receptive to others' feelings and can deeply understand other people's needs and wants.

As mutable water signs, people born under this sign are very vulnerable to energies, psychic things, sad stories, and bathroom revelations from floating entities and spirits.

Pisces are known for their vivid imaginations and creativity. They often find themselves drawn to various forms of artistic expression such as music, poetry, and the visual arts.

They may have a dreamy spirit and a tendency to explore rich inner worlds. Because they are so susceptible to messages, spiritual interventions, and other forms of paranormal experience, many of them try to escape these things through sleep, substances, and other altered states.

At times, they try to run away from difficult realities. They are sensitive to stress and, when things become too overwhelming, they would rather withdraw into their inner world.

Pisceans often have sharp intuition and great powers of perception. They have a sixth sense that allows them to perceive what is happening beneath the surface and can pick up on subtle information.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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