The 4 Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs

Some zodiac signs know how to get their way. They excel in the art of manipulating others to achieve their goals. Cunning, subtle strategy, seduction, or even guilt, manipulators have their secrets.

By deciphering the characteristic traits of each sign of the zodiac, astrologers believe that some of them have a manipulative tendency more than others.

Literally, to manipulate means to maneuver or cause someone to have a specific behavior or thought in order to deceive them.

It turns out that these four zodiac signs are capable of using mind games to act and control other people. Here are according to astrologers, the evil geniuses of the zodiac.



Gemini 2

Geminis have strong oratorical abilities. It's no wonder this air sign uses manipulation to get his way.

Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, they perfectly master the art of language and gestures to lead others.

They like to lie without cheating. It is in love that Geminis are the greatest manipulators.

What interests them is to seduce at all costs, even if it means flattering their prey by choosing their words carefully to charm.

They don't give up. In love, they have a reputation for being flighty and flirtatious and they have a constant need to charm and stay in the game even as they age.

And for that, what better than to manipulate its victims to bait them? That said, not all Geminis are kings of manipulation.




Aquarius 2

Better known for their independent character but also their originality, Aquarians tend to want to take advantage of their freedom.

For this, it is out of the question for this Air sign to abandon its plans, even if it means encroaching on others or even manipulating them to achieve its goal.

At first glance, he displays a friendly and reactive air to convince others to join his cause. He gets into the brains of others and has the art of hiding his intention to deceive.

In this way, he maintains his reputation as the savior of the planet. We cannot deny his efforts in this direction and we can give him credit for that.




Cancer 2

Endowed with good intuition, this waster sign manages to detect the ins and outs of a given situation.

Having little self-confidence, he tries, by all means, to fill this gap by exceeding his limits and sometimes to the detriment of the people he is in contact with.

Emotionally dependent on others, he always needs to be surrounded and for this reason, he uses all manipulations to incite others to stay with him.

In love, he does not hesitate to use certain lies to keep his partner because he does not know how to do otherwise.

This hypersensitive zodiac sign has good intentions but he would benefit from asserting himself more in front of those close to him.




Scorpio 2

He is the great master of persuasion. Scorpio is uncompromising in everything he does. He imposes his vision and his decisions without asking the opinion of those around him.

His ambition pushes him to crush others in his path. He does not hesitate to flatter his prey and caress them in order to achieve his ends.

But this dark mystical zodiac does not hesitate to use his gifts of manipulation to protect the interests of those he loves as well as his own. We cannot deny that he is devoted to his loved ones!



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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