The 4 Most Trustworthy Zodiac Signs: They’ll Never Betray You!

Trusting someone is not always easy. Sometimes it takes time to reveal yourself to the other person, to tell some of your most intimate secrets, and to show some vulnerability.

Trust is actually a gift that can be given to a person deemed reliable and up to the task. By offering our trust, we run the risk of being manipulated, betrayed, hurt, or abused.

However, according to astrologers, there are 4 zodiac signs that are incapable of betraying their loved ones: you can trust them completely.

Trust is one of the foundations of a friendship, family, or love relationship. Unfortunately, it often happens that the relationship deteriorates or breaks down because of a betrayal.

When a person fails in their duty and betrays their friend, spouse, or family member, they can quickly feel guilty and harbor negative emotions.

For their part, the betrayed person may feel sad, abandoned, and extremely disappointed.

Thanks to the analysis of stars and celestial configurations, astrologers have discovered that certain signs of the zodiac are particularly honest and cannot betray their neighbors. Are you one of them?




Scorpio 5

Scorpios are very sincere in love and friendship. Behind their mysterious and intrepid looks lies a pure heart and priceless tenderness.

Only those who really know them know that people born under this sign will always be there to support their loved ones.

Indeed, even if Scorpios have difficulty trusting others, they value authentic relationships and cannot afford to betray their loved ones.

So you can tell them your most intimate secrets, know that they will be well kept. In addition, this sign does not hesitate to give you honest advice and guide you to avoid making mistakes.




Virgo 5

Virgos are known for their righteousness, wisdom, and sense of organization. Perfectionists, people born under this sign tend to set the bar very high when they want to accomplish a project.

Whether in their professional or personal life, Virgos are fully invested and willing to make sacrifices to achieve their goals.

If you have Virgo people around you, know that they will always put their principles before anything else.

And among the most important principles they have are honesty, benevolence, and respect for others.

Thus, they will never be able to betray a person who trusted them and manage to remain discreet, humble, reliable, and sincere in their everyday life.




Capricorn 5

Serious and disciplined, Capricorns know how to achieve their goals by optimizing their time. They know their priorities and are not discouraged by malicious people.

And although they may seem cold and distant at first, Capricorns are actually generous and caring individuals. When they make a promise, they keep it no matter the cost.

In addition, they respect others and do not abuse their trust. Also, Capricorns do not tolerate gossip and superficial stories and are always authentic in their relationships.




Pisces 5

Dreamy and romantic, Pisces are often seen as gullible. Unlike Scorpios, they tend to trust easily and can sometimes be met with unbearable disappointment.

But in truth, Pisces are devoid of cruelty and hypocrisy and imagine that others are as sincere as they are.

Despite their naivety, which may be lacking, Pisces are exceptional and empathetic people who know how to put themselves in the place of others.

They feel strong emotions and know how to listen, support, and advise their loved ones to help them make the right decisions. In short, they are trustworthy people.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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