The 5 Funniest Zodiac Signs To Have As A Friend

If you have funny people around you, you know how valuable they are.

Some of them really do seem to have a natural and unusual sense of humor, and according to astrologers, their zodiac sign could be part of the reason why they are so funny.

There are many types of humor and ways to make others laugh, and here's what makes these 5 zodiac signs humorous personalities!




Gemini 1

Geminis are famous for having a somewhat wicked sense of humor. They are shameless and say what they think in their own way, which always makes those around them laugh.

They are very talkative and love to tell light-hearted stories and anecdotes, which makes them always a popular company.

Beyond just being funny, Geminis are smart and deep and have a humor that can also be subtle and seem absurd to most people.




Libra 1

If you have a Libra friend, you can be sure they'll always be there to make you laugh and cheer you up if you're not doing well. 

Libras are among the most sociable and outgoing signs of the zodiac, so it's no surprise that they're also among the funniest.

They need people around them to be in a good mood, and they will have a hard time dealing with people who complain all the time. 

Libras don't take themselves seriously and are often eccentric or atypical, which makes them naturally funny.




Cancer 1

Cancers are very self-deprecating, which makes their loved ones laugh a lot. They make great storytellers and always have amazing stories to tell, as they often attract the most original people into their lives.

To open up and be themselves, they need to be very close to the person they are talking to, which is why Cancers find it hard to express their feelings to people they don't know.

If you have a Cancer friend, you're in luck, as this is the best sign of the zodiac for love and friendship!




Sagittarius 1

Sagittarians have a reputation for being playful and spreading positive energies around them. They are very witty and great at making conversation, and especially at making others laugh.

When a Sagittarius is out there, you can be sure they're the center of attention! He is often the funniest in his circle of friends and his humor is his deadliest weapon.

If you're feeling down, this is the person you need to cheer you up and make you have a good time.




Like people born under Sagittarius, Aquarians are very witty and have a very fine sense of humor.

Most people can sometimes miss it because Aquarians only open up to their loved ones and have such a particular humor that it cannot be understood by everyone.

They have insightful insights into the world and people and always have the funniest things to say.

Aquarius natives don't necessarily put themselves forward or in the spotlight, but when you know them well, you know they have an exceptional sense of humor.

If you're on this list, your friends are lucky to have you because you always have a joke and you'll always know how to cheer them up!



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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