The 6 Alpha Zodiac Signs Who Like to Take Charge

You're probably familiar with the term “alpha male” or “alpha female,” but more so in relation to the animal kingdom.

Recently, people have begun to use this term more frequently to refer to a particular category of individuals who share a number of common traits.

Alpha males and females are those individuals who, as a result of some of their characteristics, garner more attention, experience greater levels of success, and find it simpler to attract mates.

This is primarily due to the fact that, very much like in the animal kingdom, they are instantly perceived as being more attractive and somehow dominant.

Even though this is another theory that a lot of people won't agree with, the fact of the matter is that a lot of people have to admit that different people are seen in different ways by the world.

This is primarily a result of particular traits that either set them apart from other things or make them more suitable for today's modern society. Attractiveness, intelligence, and confidence are the ones that come up most frequently.

When examined more closely, people have a tendency to view an attractive person as more desirable than others. This is because people have a tendency to associate beauty with desirable traits.

Even if this is neither true nor has been demonstrated in any way, our gut feelings and educated guesses have led us to believe that it is the case.

People who are smarter and more successful are perceived as more attractive, not because they have a lot to offer, but rather because they are more likely to survive.

This is the primary reason why other people feel such a strong attachment to them, they make them feel safe. A person's confidence is another important factor in determining whether or not they have an alpha personality.

Therefore, a person can be both attractive and intelligent but still fall more toward the beta end of the spectrum due to a lack of confidence. Being a beta male or female means you have more of a tendency to be submissive and shy than others.

On the other hand, studies have shown that alpha females, in comparison to beta females, are way more attractive.

Men value them more, but this is only on a psychological level, because they never seek approval, don't cling to men, and are generally harder to impress.

However, there are some zodiac signs that always exude alpha energy and that always manage to pull others into their orbit. The stars happened to be favorable for them so they could take command.




Capricorn 2

Capricorns are the most self-respecting people because they are wise, determined, mature, and have reached their full potential.

As a result of this, they do not find it difficult to cut ties with people who do not show them an adequate amount of respect or to close a door forever and keep things that way.

After all, they are aware of their value and make it abundantly clear to those around them that they are not to be messed with.

Their drive and pride have put them in the spotlight, and because of this, it is natural for other people to regard them with admiration and respect.

They are not the kind of people who are likely to get stuck in a negative or depressive cycle for an excessive amount of time.

After all, they have a clear idea of what they want and who they want to be, and they aren't willing to make any concessions or give any excuses.




Aries 2

Those born under the sign of Aries have something childlike about them; however, you should never make light of them because they can quickly get angry.

They're volatile, especially to those who don't respect them enough and who take their kindness for weakness.

Aries is one of the signs of the zodiac that is most likely to put other people in their place, especially after they have done something wrong.

They also have a tremendous amount of drive, and they are completely intent on achieving the goals they have set for themselves despite the dangers and difficulties involved.

Because they are never intimidated by a challenge that lies ahead and nothing can stop them from achieving their goals.




Leo 2

One of the zodiac's most powerful alpha personalities, Leo is graceful and competitive, and optimistic. Because of this, they find it easy to captivate and entertain others.

They have a very funny sense of humor and great confidence. In addition to this, they are the kind of individuals who never whine about challenges and convey the intensity of their emotions.

They aren't afraid of showing their true colors, which is a sign of true strength. Because most of the people around them are concerned with trying to win the approval of others in order to hide their own shortcomings, this is something a Leo would never do.




Scorpio 2

As a result of their bold personality and high level of intensity, Scorpios are inevitably destined to have dominant personalities.

You are very professional, speak your mind, and most importantly, you are resilient enough to withstand negative comments and personal attacks.

The strength of will displayed by Scorpios demonstrates how unapologetic they are and that this will never change. Therefore, when they are judged, it makes them even more determined to demonstrate that others are wrong.

They have an extraordinary and at the same time one-of-a-kind demeanor toward other people, and this endearing combination makes them impossible to resist.




Virgo 2

Virgos understand that knowledge is power, which provides them with confidence and fortitude. This power elevates them to the status of true alphas, removing the necessity for them to travel in groups.

In fact, they are more like lone wolves in that they do not need the approval of others in order to feel appreciated. They are confident in their convictions and do not break down when others try to bring them down.

In addition, they are so intent on achieving their objectives and acquiring the things they desire that they are incapable of coming up with a single justification for why they should give up.

Because of this, you frequently see these people accomplishing incredible things despite the fact that they are working in relative obscurity with little or no support.




Aquarius 2

Even when other people don't really understand it, Aquarians always live their lives the way they want. Their path is guaranteed to be risk-free, and they do not fret even if they lose some of their followers along the way.

They have a strong sense of confidence despite the fact that they live in complete seclusion. You will never lack a reason to crack a smile and contribute something original and wonderful to the betterment of this world.

One of the most amazing things about them is that they do not have a tendency to become dependent on the actions of others. This is one of the reasons why many people are intimidated by their aura.

After all, it takes a true alpha to be able to resist being swayed by anything and to get by successfully on your own.


The 6 Alpha Zodiac Signs Who Like to Take Charge Pin




Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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