The 6 Most Deceptive Signs Of The Zodiac

We all tell lies. Everyone has lied at some point, whether to evade trouble, to make themselves appear much greater than they actually are, or simply because it's an addiction we can't get enough of.

However, while everyone lies, there are some people who lie more often than others. And astrology can tell you a lot about them. Which zodiac signs are most likely to deceive others?

You might be surprised by how deceptive and manipulative some signs actually are. I will now show you the six zodiac signs that are known to be the most convincing liars.

Whether you are on this list or not, remember that sometimes people are not what they seem.





 Scorpios are the most likely of all zodiac signs to tell lies. Should anyone be surprised? I have no doubt that Scorpios themselves are not the least bit surprised.

It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that when it comes to lying, Scorpio excels in a way that no other zodiac sign is capable of matching. This sign is known for being the most manipulative and deceitful of all the zodiac signs.

However, the problem with them is that they are so good at deceiving others that even they have a hard time telling fact from fiction after a while.





Gemini is the type of person who can tell a convincing lie while keeping a straight face. They can completely turn things around as if a switch is flipped within them.

They can act as if nothing happened even in the most serious circumstances. Gemini will toy with your feelings just for fun, and you won't even realize what's happening.

One of the scariest things about them is that you never see their true colors. Although Geminis will never be as sneaky as Scorpios, they are very good at lying and manipulating others and have a natural talent for doing so.

On the other hand, similar to Scorpio, it is common knowledge that Gemini is a liar. However, because they are so outgoing and creative, this trait is generally recognized as a part of their personality.





Although Cancer is an outright liar, in contrast to the lies told by the other signs on this list, Cancer's lies are not intended to cause harm or get what they want.

Cancer's lies are more about exaggeration and his inability to see the true version of events. Even though they are among the worst liars in the zodiac, at least their lies are not likely to cause any harm… most of the time.

Most Cancers tend to sugarcoat matters that do not need sugarcoating. They lie in order to make other people feel better and to protect other people's feelings when it is not necessary. Sometimes it is necessary to be tough on others.





Leo's typical behavior is to try to trick others without them noticing it. Without deception, this sign is nothing. Leo works to build itself up, but in reality, there is nothing that distinguishes it from the others.

Their ego leads them to believe that they are far more amazing than they actually are, even though they are awesome and have some wonderful qualities.





They are able to leave their emotions out of it, and their lying is something they don't have to think twice about. Libras tend not to form close relationships with many people.

People born under this sign only let you get close enough to get you where they want you, and once they have you there, they will use you until they can't anymore.

Libras are excellent liars because of their ability to charm while also manipulating others. They tell lies in order to keep themselves out of trouble, to make themselves look better than they really are, and to get what they want.

Basically, they always lie. However, it is hard for them to keep track of their lies and own up to them.





Sagittarius is the most deceptive out of all the zodiac signs. This sign will go out of its way to build others up and make them feel as though they are truly connected, only to dump them once they're close to the top.

When things get serious, Sagittarius tends to abandon the ship entirely. They consistently surprise you so you don't know what to expect from them.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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