The 6 Most Depressed Zodiac Signs

A constant feeling of sadness and a loss of interest in everyday activities that used to bring pleasure are part of what characterizes depressed people.

Because if sadness is the lot of all human beings, it lasts longer in some of us and this is where the suffering points.

If you are one of those who believe in astrology, know that your sign could well influence a good part of your personality traits, and the predisposition to depression is not left out. 

Indeed, if you had ever found yourself in a situation where no matter what you try, everything leads you to despair, that despite hard work, you get sadness and helplessness, your sign could well have something to do with it.





Cancer is a sensitive and emotional water sign that is deeply connected to their feelings. They tend to absorb other people's emotions and can easily become overwhelmed.

Cancer's tendency to ruminate on past hurts and their difficulty in letting go of negative experiences can lead to depression.

When they are somehow dissatisfied with their life or their appearance in particular, Cancerians look particularly sullen. 

And if they are also unhappy, it is because they tend to suffer from depression more than the other signs until they become very emotional. It can also result in disturbing silence.

This idea of ​​appearance obsesses them despite the superficial nature of the problem.

If in their eyes, they do not meet a degree of aesthetic standards, depression is not far away. And that's an understatement.

To avoid falling into a negative mindset, Cancer needs to practice self-care and set healthy boundaries.





Libra is an air sign that values harmony and balance in their relationships. They can become easily overwhelmed by conflict or criticism, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Libra's tendency to put others' needs before their own can also contribute to their depression.

The natives of Libra become very sad if they do not manage to have control over everything that composes their daily life. T

his mania for control can quickly lead to many episodes of depression. Phases that are intimately linked to their ego and self-esteem.

Added to this, they can quickly become confused due to their indecisive nature. This tendency to indecision stems from a perfectionism that they lack and which prevents them from making arrangements.

Unless the latter seem irreproachable to them, they remain paralyzed and thus prefer to do nothing. 

Consequently, their emotions become greatly affected,  guilt eats away at them,  and therefore can have great moments of depression.

To alleviate these feelings, Libra should focus on developing self-confidence and assertiveness.





If there's one thing that puts Pisces in a lingering state of sadness, it's family life going awry

Because Pisces are very attached to order and tradition, they are the first to sink into a constant state of melancholy if their family is one of those who do not get along.

So, when it comes to people in their family,  they are very sensitive and very irritable.

In such a state, they are no longer able to appreciate all the things that give meaning to their lives, especially creative activities.

Pisces needs to establish healthy boundaries and practice self-care to avoid falling into a negative mindset.




When the natives of Taurus have the feeling of being still in life, they get carried away instantly. Stagnation annoys them because if there is one feeling they fear, it is that of uselessness.

This often ends up making them depressed and if it's so frequent,  it's because they paradoxically tend to take pleasure in comfort. They quickly end up regretting it.

While they know that their habit of arranging to find the most comfortable situations is a mistake, they still end up perpetuating it.

When their sense of security is threatened, they can become anxious and depressed. Taurus' tendency to hold onto negative experiences and their reluctance to change can also contribute to their depression.

To combat these feelings, Taurus needs to focus on being more adaptable and open-minded.





Virgos become very dissatisfied when they become spectators of their own lives. 

They constantly ruminate on what they consider to be a life with weak dynamics and thus cannot prevent themselves from comparing it to that of others. This leads to emotional exhaustion which inevitably leads to depression.

While anxiety is the lot of everyone, it is particularly present in Virgos. Indeed, they often create scenarios in their minds that always end in disaster.  

If they reflect often, their ideas take the form of ruminations rather than structured and reasonable thoughts.

These dark thoughts end up spoiling their present moment.

To alleviate these feelings, Virgo should focus on self-compassion and practicing mindfulness.





If Scorpios are among the signs that can easily sink into depression, it's because they live with a certain fear that can affect their quality of life. 

When it is exacerbated, it directly affects their daily activities. They can no longer appreciate the simplest things.

If they love life very much and want to make the most of the pleasures it can offer, they can't help but dread what might happen after moments of happiness and fulfillment.

In absolute terms, death and the end of a beautiful story haunts and depresses them. But like Virgos, they should make sure to focus on the present moment.

They can become deeply attached to people and situations, which can lead to feelings of betrayal and depression when those attachments are broken.

Scorpio needs to practice detachment and focus on developing healthy coping mechanisms to avoid falling into a negative mindset.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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