The Age When You’ll Finally Meet Your Soulmate Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Finding your true love is a remarkable and life-changing experience. At first, you won't always realize that you've gotten to know them.

However, as you get to know them better and the bond grows stronger, you just suddenly realize that they are more than just a lover. When two people find out they're soulmates, their relationship reaches a whole new level.

You can expect more than just love and affection from the person you are destined to spend the rest of your life with; this person will bring you joy, friendship, open communication, and trust.

When will you finally find your true love?

Some people meet their soulmate when they are very young and recognize almost immediately that this individual is special and unique.

Others don't get to know them until they are much older, or after all these years, they might realize that their best friend or a lost love was their soulmate all along, something they didn't know at the time.

According to your zodiac sign, the following is the age at which you are most likely to find your life-long partner.




Aries 5

Aries often meets his true love around the age of 25, at a time in his life when he is still developing and attempting to understand who he is. This is also a crucial time for his soulmate to see him exactly as he is.

Aries never attempt to mislead anyone about who they really are; however, spending time with them in areas where they thrive (such as celebrating, pursuing goals, and having fun) increases the likelihood that others will develop a deeper understanding of them.

This phase of his life will be about him having fun. The next one will be about him and his soulmate settling into a routine that is comfortable for them both.




Taurus 5

Taurus, you will probably find your life partner when you are still young, perhaps around the age of 18. Obviously, you are still too young to differentiate between love and curiosity at this point.

However, this is also the time of life when you are at the height of your innocence and purity. Even though you may have a number of romantic encounters throughout your life, this is the time when you are most likely to find the person who will become your lifelong partner.




Gemini 5

Gemini, you'll probably meet your soulmate when you're around 19 years old, but it's likely that you won't realize it until much later in life.

Because of the inquisitive nature of your personality, you and this person won't be together for a very long time, but you'll definitely get back together when you're both a lot older and more experienced in life.




Cancer 5

Cancer, you are a very romantic person. It seems like ever since you were little, you've dreamed about finding your soulmate.

You will meet your partner when you are only 21 years old. At this point in your life, you are likely to have many experiences that will stick with you forever and make many memories.




Leo 5

Leo, since you don't really believe in the idea of true love, it could be a while before you find the person who will become your soulmate.

Even though they are looking right at you, you ignore them because you haven't made up your mind yet. At the age of 27, you will most likely find that one person who completes your life, and at the same time, you will have a more mature outlook on life.




Virgo 5

When you consider the possibility of discovering your true love, it's likely that you, Virgo, have a difficult time organizing your thoughts.

You take pleasure in listening to your friends talk about how they met their soulmate, but you have no desire to find your own. You feel more comfortable around your friends and family and look for your soulmate in them.




Libra 5

At the age of 20, when you are still thinking about the meaning of life and uncertain about where it will take you, Libra, you will meet your soulmate.

Your soulmate will help you make important decisions in life. It will be someone you're very comfortable with.




Scorpio 5

Scorpion, you are likely to encounter your lifelong partner at an early age. You probably won't realize that this person is your soulmate until much later in life.

Your soulmate will be someone you feel comfortable sharing everything with, someone you can spend as much time as you want with, and someone who can love you in return.




Sagittarius 5

Because you are an independent spirit, Sagittarius, it is likely that you will find yourself in a relationship that will make you feel restricted and will impose restrictions on you that your religion is unable to accept.

Because you are someone who is always looking for new experiences, you are the type of person who gives things a lot of thought before committing to them.

The late twenties are when you are feeling like you are ready to commit to a relationship, is the most likely time for you to meet your soulmate.




Capricorn 5

Capricorn, you are a pragmatist. One does not merely “fall in love” with another person or automatically acknowledge another as their soulmate. You don't rush into anything and carefully consider all details of a relationship.

Because you are probably looking for a partner who is mature and responsible, you will most likely meet your soulmate when you are in your late twenties.




Aquarius 5

Even if you are unsure about the possibility of falling in love, Aquarius, you will meet the person who will become your soulmate as early as the age of 22.

You will probably settle for someone you can trust and bond with. You want to be with someone who can accept you for who you are and who can also understand your needs concerning privacy and independence.




Pisces 5

Pisces, you never stop looking for love. It seems that love and caring are very important things to you.

If you are truly looking for someone who can both be your best friend and your partner, by the time you are 19 years old, you will have met them. It's someone who loves in abundance.


The Age When You’ll Finally Meet Your Soulmate Based on Your Zodiac Sign Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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