The Blood Lunar Eclipse Will Rock The World Of These 4 Zodiac Signs

Even though Halloween has passed, astrologically speaking, the upheaval season continues at least until the Full Moon in November 2022.

This month's brightest lunation is a lunar eclipse, which has the potential to bring startling revelations, incredibly quick resolutions, and cosmic twists of fate. It is the last eclipse before 2023 and is also referred to as the Beaver Full Moon.

Stability-loving Taurus is where the November Full Moon will rise, and its upheavals may help us better connect with our values or let go of things that are no longer helpful.

Surprises are common during eclipses, but this one is particularly amplified because the Moon will be in exact alignment with erratic Uranus in Taurus.

The Sun will be directly opposite Mercury and Venus in value-driven Scorpio, where they are both mental planets. With this alignment, it's possible that shocking secrets will finally be told and hidden information will be made public, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.

These five planets will also form a tense T-square to Saturn, heightening the tension surrounding the eclipse.



Gemini 2

Your 12th house of spirituality will undergo a revolution on November 8 due to a Blood Moon eclipse in Taurus. During this period, you might awaken latent psychic abilities and find the solution to some mental mysteries.

However, you must be prepared to mute what no longer matters if you want to understand the language of your inner voice. You will learn to be brave and let go of self-doubt.

Gemini, you are incredibly adaptable and prepared for eclipse upheaval. But this time, the cosmic chaos might be able to drain all of your energy.

This lunation is a crucial time to unwind, revitalize, and respect your needs for self-care. It will be crucial to prioritize quiet time and downtime to recharge, and you might find that your schedule requires it of you. Give yourself a little more time to rest by pressing the off button.

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Cancer 2

Your 11th house of community, hopes, and visions will start a new chapter on November 8 when a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in Taurus. It's not always simple to learn to cooperate and to open your heart to others, but by exposing yourself, you can clarify things and sometimes even your dreams.

Although you are a creature who enjoys security, this eclipse may require you to go beyond your typical social circle. Unexpected changes in your social circle may make you reevaluate the dynamics of your friendships or show you where you can find a sense of community and belonging.

Even though it's nice to remain loyal to your loved ones, it might be time to look into new relationships and team-ups that are more in line with who you are growing into.




Libra 2

If you can't find an experience that makes you feel alive, you might crave it and feel compelled to seek it out. Are you prepared to put forth the effort necessary to pursue your goals? Because this story has just begun, please be patient and open-minded.

In fact, on November 8, a Blood Moon-lunar eclipse in Taurus will amp things up. You might experience an unexpected loss or transformation as the flame of change ignites in your eighth house of transformation.

It can be difficult to adjust to new limits, but you might find that doing so and reevaluating your investments can actually be much more beneficial.

Given that this lunation touches on one of your chart's most vulnerable areas, you might feel very personally affected by the profound revelations and secrets that will surface under this eclipse.

You can gain more clarity by using your lunar x-ray vision to see beneath the surface of other people's intentions and even to see into your own desires. Don't flee the truth or hide from your inner self.




Capricorn 2

You may experience a growing sense of exhaustion as the planet of conflict and passion retrogrades into your sixth house of work and health, particularly if you haven't allotted enough time for rest and self-care.

But on November 8, a lunar eclipse Blood Moon in Taurus will rumble your fifth house of fun and pleasure, making it easier for you to accept what you really want to say.

Start concentrating on the projects you're passionate about and can't live without. Success means nothing if you're not engaged in work you love and are valued for. Do not ignore what makes your heart race because you might even fall in love with it.

Don't put off following your passions. Because this eclipse will clear out the “weeds” and make room in your own garden, it will make the soil in your life fresh, fertile, and ready to grow all kinds of new inspiration.

Whether you're planning a seductive romantic adventure or brewing up some exciting new ideas, have faith that this eclipse will push you toward more sincere ways of enjoying yourself.

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Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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