The Card You Choose Will Tell You What Changes Will Happen in Your Life

The card that piques your interest the most will not only provide insight into the workings of your unconscious mind, but will also depict an idealized version of the way you are currently living your life.

Find a place in your house that's calm and serene before you start this test.

Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and then carefully examine each card before selecting the one that most catches your attention.

The Card You Choose Will Tell You What Changes Will Happen in Your Life

If you chose …



Card no.1

You exude a quiet and gentle spirit, and your demeanor matches this quality. When you are surrounded by the things that you enjoy the most, you will likely experience the pleasure of beauty and feel better overall.

You place a high value not only on modern customs but also on those of the past.

Your life is about to undergo some significant changes, and you will feel extremely positive emotions in response to these developments.

They will soon blossom just like flowers do in the spring.

You are keeping a very low profile, but you are going to make an effort to let more of your voice be heard. It's time to let everyone know how you really feel…

This card is an indication that you are entering a period of great peace, joy, and tranquility.

Taking time to appreciate small moments of beauty and pleasure will fill your heart with gratitude and make you stronger.

You should also take advantage of the season of growth and abundance to upgrade what you already have.

You may also find yourself more clued into spiritual matters and developing a deeper understanding of yourself.

Take time to meditate and observe your environment, as this can help enhance your inner wisdom and trust your intuition.



Card no.2

You are having brand new experiences, which include brand new adventures, brand new sensations, and brand new impressions. You are a brave and courageous person.

You have a powerful personality that does not allow you to become distracted by meaningless language.

You are trustworthy and loyal, and you will never in your life intentionally mislead a person you care about.

Your selection of this card reveals that you typically take pleasure in the difficulties that have befallen you and that you do not care that life is challenging.

You have always had the impression that an amazing experience is waiting for you at the conclusion, and you were right.

You won't be let down if you keep climbing higher and higher. You are getting closer with each new attempt.

Your bravery provides inspiration and motivation to those around you, but you must also demonstrate your other characteristics to them. It is necessary for everyone.

Your confidence in yourself and your decisions are what allow you to make meaningful progress.

You understand that taking risks is important for growth and can make a difference in the long run.

It is precisely these qualities that set you apart from the rest. You are constantly aware of the unique gifts and talents within you and strive to use them to better the lives of those around you.

By empowering yourself, you empower those around you too.



Card no. 3

You are a very unflappable person. Because you are so honest and humble, breaking free of these confines won't be an easy task for you.

When you're in discomfort, you quickly forgive and forget wrongdoings, and you can even find it in yourself to smile.

You are in perfect harmony with yourself as you sing your favorite songs, whereas others are preoccupied with trivial matters and fill their heads with them.

If you choose this card, it means that you have reached a critical juncture. And very soon, you will be required to make some minor adjustments that will ultimately lead to improvements.

You are a level-headed individual who is capable of handling anything that may occur along your path, despite the fact that there are curves and turns in your path.

Those around you can benefit from your level of composure, energy, and warmth. Instruct them not to overcomplicate matters that do not require a heightened level of focus.

It is important that you take the time to nourish yourself with your own interests, even if they may appear ‘trivial’ to others. This will help you stay energized and creative.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself and reward yourself with simple pleasures. Take time to reconnect with those you care about, and enjoy the moments spent with them.

You must also keep learning and growing, by taking new approaches and viewing things from different perspectives. It’s OK to make mistakes and learn from them.

You don’t need to persist in making the same mistakes or overlooking the same flaws in your life. So, take the time to reflect, adjust and move in the necessary direction.

Finally, this card brings an indication of change, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful and protected path that will eventually lead to success.

So, open your heart to these changes and trust in their potential to take you to where you need to be.



Card no. 4

You are a person who maintains your composure and can be reflective, and you have profound feelings.

You enjoy being by yourself, but you won't turn down a good company outing. In addition to this, you are sensitive and compassionate, and you always put sincerity first in everything you do.

Because you have chosen this card, you are requesting protection, despite the fact that you are accustomed to going through life by yourself.

Don't let your fear stop you from moving on. Your eyes will eventually adjust to the difference, and you will come to appreciate the beauty that is rightfully yours.

On the other hand, the world that you create for yourself is lovely, and as a result, you can occasionally entertain your dearest friends at your place. Now is the time to begin to shine…

This card speaks of finding inner peace and allowing yourself to be content with your current situation and surroundings.

You should be firmly protected by the power of your own emotions, beliefs and positivity.

You may also find yourself in a period of healing, where you must practice patience and accept challenges as part of the process.

Give yourself time to plan out the steps that will allow you to move forward rather than dwelling in the past.

On the contrary, you should take advantage of the new opportunities that come your way. Take the time to explore and experiment, and be creative and open-minded.

Create something special – start your own project, set intentions for your future or make changes that will bring new energy into your life.

There is beauty in every step of your journey, so don’t forget to enjoy it and appreciate the small wins. Allow yourself to bask in the success and eventually share some of it with those close to you.

As long as you stay focused on your goals and strive to reach them, the world around you will become brighter.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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