The Creepiest Thing About You According To Your Zodiac Sign

If you're an astrology lover, you probably embrace the positive and fun characteristics that are associated with your zodiac sign.

But whether you are willing to admit it or not, each zodiac sign has some undesirable traits. Maybe the creepiest thing about you isn't something you consciously identify with.

However, being aware of these traits can help you keep your composure even when things get dark and twisted. Next time your thoughts become strange, wild, or spooky, remember that you are not alone.

You might already be aware of the creepiest thing about your zodiac sign, or perhaps you have a scary quality that you are unaware is connected to your sign.

There are many people who share my enthusiasm for astrology due to the fact that it allows them to understand and make sense of events and occurrences that, without it, might have seemed random and meaningless

Now, let's talk about your creepiest trait, as this could make for a fun and enjoyable conversation.



Aries – You are terribly violent

Aries 1

There is no way around it, Aries: you absolutely have to make efforts to better manage your anger.

Your fellow fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, are just as stubborn as you are, but in contrast to them, your boundless energy and enthusiasm can escalate into violent outbursts in the blink of an eye.

You are a walking bomb full of anger, and the more you try to hide it, the more it goes into unpredictable, erratic mood swings.

Before you do something that you'll really come to regret, you should do yourself a favor and buy a stress ball or sign up for a gym membership.



Taurus – Your obsession is really unpleasant

Taurus 1

Everyone who is around you can see that you have a strong desire to do things your way and that this insistence often seems like an obsession.

Your stubbornness, materialism, and sentimentality keep you from giving things up. The more you care about them, the more tenaciously you defend your right to possess them forever.

Taurus, there are some things, like memories and loved ones, that you just can't own. Trying to claim these things will only make you seem unstable and threatening to others.



Gemini – You are a two-faced liar

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Gemini, your friends know that you probably talk about them behind their backs. It's not that you're a bad person; it's just that you can't stop yourself from letting others know what you really think about some crazy things your loved ones have told you.

Unfortunately, because you never stop talking, everyone now knows that if they confide in you, you will probably reveal their secrets. You just can't help it.

You simply cannot coerce yourself to be as loyal or honest as you would like to be, no matter how hard you try to do so.

At least you have enough charisma to continue making new friends and replacing the ones who were too hurt or betrayed to trust you again in the future.



Cancer – You don't like being wronged

Cancer 1

Cancer, you put in a lot of effort to help the people you care about, and although you don't like to admit it, you think you deserve more than they give you in return.

Not only do you believe that you fell short, you know that you did, and this awareness only serves to reinforce your perception of yourself as the courageous, enduring caregiver who continues to fight despite being mistreated and abused.

The truth is, Cancer, you are extremely overinvested in knowing that people depend on you, and the satisfaction of being needed only exacerbates your self-perpetuating victim complex.



Leo – You are very narcissistic

Leo 1

Leo, you can't escape the spotlight, no matter where you go, but you never complain about it. You can't imagine your friends caring, after all, you are so generous.

This is what you like to think about yourself, right? Since you are kind, enthusiastic, and entertaining to be around, having a habit of stealing the spotlight isn't really an issue for you.

Stirring up the drama because you have a thirst for a dramatic life isn't so bad right? Is it such a terrible thing that you're the focus of everyone's attention?

In the grand scheme of things, does it really make a difference how other people feel about it? You think no, obviously.

You have a reputation for being a kind and giving friend; surely you wouldn't deliberately harm another person just to draw attention to yourself, would you?

Every once in a while, you find yourself visualizing your own funeral and hearing all of your loved ones reminisce about how wonderful, attractive, charming, and generous you were throughout your life.



Virgo – You are a control freak

Virgo 1

Taking care of people and things doesn't work the way you think, Virgo. You are so concerned with the state of affairs in the world around you that, rather than showing you care, you plan and control without seeking anyone else's opinion.

You exhibit the same level of commitment and attention to detail that one would show to a bonsai tree, which includes care, control, planning, and forethought.

You call it “devotion,” but it's not really that at all; rather, it takes so much personal control that you've mistaken it for a real connection.



Libra – You fully sympathize with terrible people

Libra 1

Libra, everyone knows how sensitive and how fair you are. You put in a lot of effort to make sure it stays that way, showing that you won't make a decision unless you give equal consideration to all aspects.

Because of this, you have a reputation for being a little bit unreliable, but you are also known for being sympathetic, friendly, and fair.

You place a high value on this reputation not only because you strive to lead a life that is harmonious and just, but also because you are extremely proud of the fact that the choices you make are the best ones, not only for yourself but also for those around you.

However, fairness is not a one-way street; it must be reciprocated. Before making a choice, you must give each viewpoint the same amount of consideration, and this means you should put yourself in the position of someone whose morals deeply frighten you.

All this kindness, justice, and peace are built on the ability to empathize with the worst of the worst. You act like you're scared of hate and violence, but that won't stop you from knowing exactly what it would take for them to consume you.



Scorpio – You get too excited about the bad thing

There's something wrong with your internal compass, Scorpio, and it's not letting you follow the path that leads to the things that most interest and motivate you.

Your passions are not like the passions of other people because the more you stir up something, the more you are attracted to it and equally repelled by it.

You will be fascinated by crime, tragedy, and taboo topics above all others, and you will continue to be so long after others have lost interest.

Even though you are unsure of what that means to you, you know better than to talk about it because you are afraid that someone will confirm what you already believe to be true, which is that no one stares into the abyss for as long as you do without a little abyss in them.



Sagittarius – You are the perfect cult leader

Sagittarius 1

Sagittarius, you are a friend and a leader who inspires others. You know this well. You are an optimist, an adventurer, and an imaginative person.

Your love of travel and thirst for new ideas have helped you create a large network of friends and acquaintances who would follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked them to.

You have a hard time convincing yourself that you do not need to give up your mundane and restrictive routines.

Your one and only goal is to explore the world in search of an unshakeable truth so that you can reach out to those close to you and share it with them.

The good news is that you already have the personality power, motivation, and curiosity necessary to actually make it happen. The bad news is that there is a name for this life that you would like, and it is “Start a cult.”

Getting away from the mundane world? Inspiring a group of people? To persuade said followers to give up living a life of responsibility and reason? Sagittarius, this is a cult.

Take a break from the idealistic idea of your great flight to a brave new world, where you are a visionary loner who deserves everyone's unwavering trust and focus on figuring out how to deal with the issues that arise in your day-to-day life.



Capricorn – You are too ambitious and unemotional

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Capricorn, is there anything you wouldn't do to advance your career? You are admired for your drive and ambition and you simply cannot imagine a world where these qualities could be a burden to you.

It's not that you're wrong, but while your wild focus can take you far, the same can't be said for those who don't get out of your way fast enough.

Why should that matter to you? After all, they are responsible for themselves and so are you; you are simply making the most of your life, just like everyone else.



Aquarius – Your idea of making the world a better place is clearly sociopathic

You are the perfect sign for someone who needs healing. You know how to make the world a better place, and you do not need bothersome qualities such as empathy to determine what kinds of changes you should make.

It is not your responsibility to think about others or how they might be feeling; you have work to do.

You are aware that the world is in need of you and your innovative talents, and you do not have the time to be concerned with the irrational feelings or prejudices of others.

Aquarians simply cannot coddle someone who might be harmed in the course of making society better. Because you are so busy, you are unable to take the time to explain how everything will work out for the best in the end.



Pisces – You are an emotionally volatile nightmare

Pisces, your heart is your guide, and sometimes what your heart tells you is not as dreamy or romantic as it may sound.

You are capable of truly visionary feats in the name of compassion and love. Your feelings often inspire you to heal and create.

However, feelings are not always gentle and sweet. You know very well that your feelings can also lead you into very dark places.

This is especially true if you believe the person or thing that has provoked your anger has shown unjustified cruelty toward you or something that you hold dear.

Even though you know your emotions aren't always logical, it doesn't stop you from making exaggerated assertions about who to blame.


The Creepiest Thing About You According To Your Zodiac Sign Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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