The End Of 2022 Is Likely To Be Complicated For These 4 Zodiac Signs

We're in a new retrograde, which adds to the mood swings brought on by the shorter days and colder weather. The most common effects of retrograde Mars on us are increased delays, frustration, miscommunication, and even technological mistakes.

However, all planets experience the retrograde effect. When a planet appears to be moving backward in its orbit when seen from Earth, astronomers refer to this as a retrograde.

Mars, the planet that rules Aries, is the god of war. From 2022 to 2023, it is certain to have a stronger effect on four zodiac signs in particular because it is the planet of energy, action, and desire:


Mars Retrograde

On October 30, 2022, Mars began its retrograde motion at 25 degrees Gemini. The unfortunate news is that it will keep retrograding until January 12, 2023.

Although the busiest time of the year is already over, the ominous and darker hues of Autumn will undoubtedly stick with us through the holidays and into the new year.

As a result, we will need to exert a lot more effort to take care of ourselves and make sure that we are successfully battling and managing any negative emotions that may arise.

Mars will regrettably stay in Gemini until March 25, 2023, when it will move into Cancer. There will probably be a lot of heated arguments, general frustration, and anger on the way there.

You may have trouble staying focused, grow more impatient, and stop enjoying what life has to offer. Be extra cautious if you are any of the four zodiac signs listed below.

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The Gemini Full Moon of December

Even though retrograde energy is strong on its own, it will become even more potent when combined with the upcoming Gemini Full Moon on December 7 and 8 during the Sagittarius season.

The nights of a Full Moon are brimming with energy that can be used to manifest and have healing effects. However, because Mars will also be retrograde, you might need to look further to understand what you actually need to heal and realize your true goals.

Put your frustration and anger aside during this time so they can't rule you or change your true desires.




Sagittarius 5

Sagittarius, November 23 marks the start of your season, which will last until December 21. This indicates that during Mars' retrograde phase, your energy is already in control.

The focus of the Sagittarius season is on maintaining mental fortitude and making the most of each day. But in order to get there, you must first deal with retrograde energy and the resentment you harbor toward specific relationships in your life.

It won't be a coincidence if you find it difficult to concur with someone. During this time, all the typical issues in your relationships that you typically resolve will get worse, forcing you to deal with them. This is your chance to resolve disputes constructively.




Scorpio 5

As one of only a few signs that are ruled by two planets, Scorpio, you have always been a complicated sign of the zodiac. On the one hand, Pluto rules you and urges you to undergo change and advance.

However, Mars, who is both your blessing and your curse, is also your ruler. Being ruled by Mars also makes you irresistible because it gives you energy and drive. This season, however, Mars is retrograde, so expect you to feel out of balance.

During this time, you might have such a strong desire for comfort and seclusion that you end up giving more than you receive. If you don't want to face your fear, you might be willing to engage in casual relationships to fill the intimacy void you experience.

You will be encouraged to reconsider your emotional boundaries and let the right people into your life rather than using the energy of your desire.

Recommended: These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Money Problems In November: It Can Break Their Plans.




Gemini 5

Gemini, be aware of the challenges you'll face this season. You are playful and full of life, but sometimes this can lead you to take unwarranted risks and get caught up in the heat of the moment.

Mars will remain in Gemini for a while, forcing you to carefully observe your behavior and evaluate which aspects of your ego satisfy your inner child and make you happy and which aspects make you act too immaturely rather than being mature.

Because it's never simple to face your dark self, especially as a sign that strives to make life as enjoyable as possible, you'll feel more enraged and irritable.

Make use of your anger as fuel to work harder. You have the opportunity to let everything out during this retrograde in order to make space for more happiness and for what you really want.




Aries 5

You will struggle because Mars, which is also your ruling planet, will be in retrograde for the next two and a half months. You might feel overburdened, which will cloud your judgment and make it difficult for you to express yourself and do it correctly.

You might occasionally feel as though you're losing interest in everything, but you won't know why. You'll simply lose some of your inspiration.

Consider this a reminder to talk things over. Until you are certain of what you want and how to say it, some of your conversations may escalate into tense conflicts.

However, as you speak more, your words will become clearer, which will improve your understanding of communication in general and help you heal broken relationships.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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