The First Week of July 2024 Will Be Very Lucky for These 5 Zodiac Signs

Those who take action will always win—that's the energy and theme of this week, July 1-7, 2024. Are you ready to embrace your destiny and make the most of your time on Earth?

Five zodiac signs will particularly benefit from this cosmic influence. Other signs are also encouraged to be more proactive!

This week, several important astrological transits are to watch. On July 2, Neptune's retrograde in Pisces begins, bringing the number of retrograde planets to three (Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune).

Additionally, Ceres and Pallas are also retrograde, adding to the retrograde energy we need to navigate. However, the theme of this week is proactivity.

It's a call to action while the rest of the world feels more lethargic due to the retrogrades.

On July 2, Mercury will enter Leo, providing a solid boost in creative abilities. Let your inner genius rise and shine!

Finally, the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th brings another positive cosmic influence. If you have a wish or desire you want to manifest, this is the day you don't want to miss. Prepare your intentions now and let the Moon work its magic.




  • Best Zodiac Sign to Work With: Another Taurus
  • Best Area to Focus on: Self-Care Activities and Well-Being

Taurus, this week's energy encourages you to take charge of your life and face challenges head-on.

In the first half of the week, you'll shine like a diamond, embodying all the qualities of a true person of action. With faith in your ability to turn things around, you'll be unstoppable.

However, the second half of the week calls for relaxation and slowing down. This will help you recharge your batteries. By prioritizing self-care and self-love, you'll gain the confidence and power needed for the future.




  • Best Zodiac Sign to Work With: Leo
  • Best Area to Focus on: Personal Revolution and Wardrobe Changes to Reflect Your New Self

Capricorn, “nothing lost, nothing gained” is your mantra this week. It's about determining exactly what you need to sacrifice to achieve your goals and realize your dreams. Identify your real priorities and focus on them.

The second half of the week will bring you to a crossroads with important decisions to make. Avoid impulsive choices.

Some paths are perfectly suited to you but will require sacrificing sleep and personal commitments, especially if you work in a research field or plan to join a large project.




  • Best Zodiac Sign to Work With: Virgo
  • Best Area to Focus on: Letting Go of Painful Emotions and Practicing Somatic Exercises

Aries, this week is all about authenticity and recognizing your inner strength. Don't let anyone stereotype you as weak or incapable. They don't know your true potential. The cosmic forces are here to fully support you if you choose to honor and trust yourself.

Be thoughtful about the path forward. Consider whether you should stay or go, especially if toxic presences in your personal life are trying to hold you back.




  • Best Zodiac Sign to Work With: Capricorn
  • Best Area to Focus on: Learning to Cook with Quality Ingredients and Restocking Your Pantry with Nutritious Foods

“The night is still young” resonates perfectly with you this week, Leo. The next few days are going to be filled with incredible moments, especially during the weekend!

The first half of the week encourages you to show confidence. Let your personal style shine. Now is not the time to back down or go unnoticed.

The second half of the week will be full of fun, games, and maybe even new adventures. If you are looking for love, it may well present itself during discussions with your loved ones or friends. Be more sociable!

It is also a good time for engagements or marriages, and this prospect could well concern you.




  • Best Zodiac Sign to Work With: Aries
  • Best Area to Focus on: Organizing Your Social Media Check-Ins and Writing Down Recipes You Want to Try Next

New opportunities are opening up for you this week, Virgo. Are you ready to seize them and transform your destiny?

The first part of the week encourages you to clarify your desires. Avoid getting distracted by the divergent paths of others. Not everything that seems fun and appealing may necessarily suit your needs.

In the second half of the week, you'll have more options and time to take care of yourself. Focus on your well-being holistically.

If you have children, now is the time to enlist the help of your family. After all, raising a healthy child requires the support of an entire community.




Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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