The Full Moon of April 2023 Will Help These Zodiac Signs Reach New Heights

The Full Libra Moon of April 2023 will be characterized by beautiful energy, so prepare yourself for love in all of its forms. Its astrology is undeniable proof that everyone will have a more positive outlook.

It is true that we have been at the mercy of some major planetary upheavals in the skies, and this has most certainly resulted in setbacks both personally and politically.

On this very pleasant and powerful date of the lunar calendar, the stars will emphasize the word luck. This will relieve us.

The Full Moon in Libra will form an opposition with the Sun in Aries, which will increase the Moon's brightness and strength.

Full Moons, in contrast to New Moons, are always times of great revelations, during which what was once hidden comes to light.


The Full Pink Moon April 2023

The Full Pink Moon, the fourth Moon of 2023, will appear on Thursday, April 6 at 12:35 am Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The Amerindians gave the Full Moon of April the nickname “Full Pink Moon” as a way to pay homage to the pink petals that bloom during this time of year.

A poetic name with a metaphorical meaning: just like flowers, one's emotions are meant to blossom more at the same time.

If your relationships have recently been strained, the Full Moon in April 2023 will make things better.

The Sun will form a connection with the wounded healer Chiron and Jupiter. Jupiter helps us in making breakthroughs in areas such as personal healing, self-acceptance, relationship repair and financial gain.

Read on to find out how the Full Pink Moon will influence the lives of these 4 zodiac signs:




Aries 4

As the most important planet during the Full Pink Moon, Venus, the goddess of love, will emphasize your romantic relationships. This is because Venus will transit through your seventh house of love.

Even though the intensity of a Full Moon can certainly bring tensions to the surface, there is a blessing in any conflict that arises during this time.

This is because you and your loved one have the desire to find a solution to your problems. As a result, the only way to finally triumph over your difficulties is to address them head-on and openly and honestly.

Aries, everything will turn out for the best.




Gemini 4

Gemini, the time has come for you to unleash your inner love goddess.  It is time to evaluate what you bring to the table in terms of your romantic relationships with the Full Moon in your fifth house.

Because of your attractiveness, charisma, wit, sense of humor, and intelligence, it is abundantly clear that you are a lucky person. You deserve to be with someone who recognizes these traits.

This Full Moon will serve as a gentle reminder that it wasn't about being perfect or finding a partner, you are perfect just the way you are.

For those who are single, it's about finding someone who truly appreciates you, understands your wounds and insecurities, and helps you work through them without making you feel worse or pretending they don't exist.




Libra 4

The stars will encourage you to take charge of your life during this Full Pink Moon, which takes place in your first house of self.

You deserve to have your needs acknowledged and satisfied. You may be giving too much without getting anything in return in some of your relationships.

Pleasing other people may give you a sense of control or validation in the short term, but it doesn't have to come at the expense of your long-term peace.

Libra, your ruling planet Venus will be in full control, and this will encourage you to be more open to receiving.




Scorpio 4

Scorpio, you've had to go through some challenging experiences to learn the value of compromise. Perhaps you've faced the dark side of a partner or even your own.

This Full Moon in your twelfth house of the subconscious will mean that while you are unable to ignore what is difficult or unpleasant about yourself or others, denying or ignoring it will not serve you either.

Where did my avoidance lead me? Does anxious thinking help or hurt? Who is the one who suffers when I question my own skills and strengths? These are some questions you'll ask yourself.

This Full Moon will serve as an encouragement for you to be more honest and sure of yourself. You have no reason to feel embarrassed about your shadow.

You must recognize it in order to move forward.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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